01120001 CITY BUILDING ON UPERTNO PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: B1181G�ff"Wi LLOWBROOK WY PERMrrgNO y 01120001 °°f" WjNtbNOFRIO Al 03j2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INTO N5mF�j BLDG L- A PLUMB MECH L I 1—U LU7 J g N KK_ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description DZ Ihereby affirmthat Iamlicensed under provisiomofChapmr9(commencing REPIPE TO COPPER IN LINE. aYi� with Sation]O�t10k),of Division lof the Business an Professions Code.and my license _ is in full lor<eG t. / //Ykn a E rc z< I.I[rnX CIasF LICA li kY!_/L1111 /fes O i U Da¢ Conuoctor aret A HITECT'S DECLAR I AUGz a 1 understand my plans shall be tared as public rtcn M i-O O Licensed Professional S 2pp2 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby aRnn tat 1 ore exempt from the Commnor'a License Law f the '9 V`/'1eD,jV t? m1mving remon(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Cade:Any city or county 2 8 Q Q 4 F O which rtquites a parmit m conswet,tier,improve,demolish,or repair any stmewrc -prion-its instance.also requirem s the applicant for such patit In rile a signed statement Nobe I�nsedpbis Itotheproisionsofthe CommmorsLicense Law(Chapter 9 36SA312a�Kfta r Valuation (c mttane g will!Sauo ]1100)of Divisionlof the eutness end Professions Code) i 1 y 1, sit 1� a Net hats 31.5 b wyaWli=t the hays fnr the alleged okernpuon.'Any viM.Ity 7 of net mo 7011.5 b e hundred doll frs a permit subjau the applirnm m a civil penalty- .nfnot more than fisc nnnNee dollars(g500). 202Ap'N 42FLOOR PLVMBING Occupancy Type °1,as owner of the pmpeny,or my employees with wages as Their sole compensation., 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING -will dd'the ad Pro ssionsand e strurude T e C.a, intended or offered for sale(see.Tau, 502 — FINAL PIgj4a'jBIrAspBA7r0�Y ' Business end Professions Code:The Com or law does not apply men I ' -wren of propmy Who wady er imprnve,thereon,and who Jona wen wank him.alf 507 — FINAL PLUMBING or through his own employees,provided Nat such improvements art not mended or offered for sale.If,however the building or Impressment is sold within one year af' _.. .._ .. ._.. ..... .. .._.. ..... __ _. . .. . .._ 1 completion.The owner-wilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or, improve for pmyose of sale.). ... owner of .e ....tract_ with licensed _ . .._. ...,_............ .... _. _. .. _.._. __ - __ - O.I:m ownerMi a pnec.'l am Businv,ultivess and Professions Ccdc:)The Contractor onti ors to License the does no(Sec Ro a Business and Rly who Cade:)The improves bamor's License Law does nm apply. an owner of incipiently who wilds or impmva thto The j ' Cumeaco.conoa. for such.Pmjau with e.commnor(s).licenud pursuanLm the. ,.._.acct„.._._ .___._ _. ._. _._ ..___..__. ._.._. ____..._ acct.._tract.._ _ Co1 an I.rr Liccnde law. - °lam exempt under Sar. .B&PCfar this reason Owner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby apron under peclry of perjury one of the following dalantions: ° 1 hove end will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 17W of The Iawr Code, for The Performance of the work for which this permit is issued. °1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 1700 of the Labor Code,for the perf-sera of Ik work for which this permit is 'issued My mri Compenmuon lmmrancecamereboPl' ba ve. .. ._. . . -a... .. .. .-. a _. P�t 'Pal cy No.: Ue ...... .. tamer t ('1 fICERTIFlCATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORK RS' E COMPNSATION INSURANCE �. _ ''tl (Thai uctidn need not he completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($1 M)or less.) . 1 ccmf Nat m the rfmmu Ia of the work for which(Ars mo is Cm issued 1 ' -- Y - - T- _ - a aonot employ any person m any mann X m manner as become sub)at to the Compensation Laws of California. ia.Da Applicant If, you ,NOTICE TOAPo the Workrs Compensati thisCertificateof Exemption ,yumuld. •I •' ' .�' the Worker's Compensation previsions of The Labor Code;you must comply.` with such provisions or Nis permit Nall w deemed revoked. t ' � Mbefome sub'ea iota Q z lonhwrth (•' � _ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 h ny Iran that th rc s issued(Sen nd ng agency f r the perfurmance 1. Wof the work for halt his perms is issued(Sec 1097 Crv:C) y.A .UdersName .acct .." - c. . ... � . ....t ..: .. ..... .. .. .. . _ u. Z Lendn't Address, V I cenify that I have read This upplication and state that be above information is Q [r To t.l agree to comply with ell city land county ordinances and mute laws relating t„) to wilding constr6cion:and hereby amhoinanijrcsentatives of this city,.emerupon the above-mc a property for,inspection purposes. �Lr Q,1 (We) me save,Indemnify and keep harad as tie City of Cupertino against W liabilities,j dgmrn ,costa and expenses may in any way,aarve against said V City in co equen of the gramin rmic” ' APPLIC TO ERSTANTI. LL COMPLY WITH ALL NON Issued by: Date on, SOURCI [ CATIONS. " ' 1 OI y 'Sen uWilf thea I L[or HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RIALS DISC Date Re-roofs SCLOSURE ' "� gactapar or ha, lantard�rnwaial Type of Roof... as defined by.the Curbstone Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12.and Ne Health and Safety Cm Sen n735721 )n ., t r °Y`a All roofs,shall.be Inspected prior to any roofing.material being installed.. ._ Will the applicant or future-bum g occupant use cqu pment or device.which If a roof is insfalled without first obtainingan ins ecnon;1'a ree to.remove em t h raid- a m r co tame B defined by the Bay Area A iManagement p g DI tnetn all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Y" T1113 No all non-point source regulations..' Dgad.cs a hliadoue;pimerad,requi¢mentsdLatin,Chapter6.95 of Ne Califa fay Code;Sctdons 505,8511 and 25534.1 understand tial I t afcurten0yhe nt that it is my mponaibiliD tp notify Theuccummams xhi vin be ren prior m issuer¢o!a Certificate of Occua . . . ... x dr �w Signature of Applicant Date_ '•�. own ramboriaedag-a' .Date All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better .' q_ .,I•..,, ., C..... . :: r .. .:. ...._.. OFFICE . ...