08070040 BUILDING DrVISION PERMIT CO1�iTRAGTQR INFfYRMATION`z-' BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 1.9894 WHEATON DR FALCON ROOFING 08070040 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE JOSEPH HARUTUYNOV 13088 POTTS DR 07/07/2008 NE: (408) 225-1705 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHnELT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 O p LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION U 1 hescby affirm that 1 am licensed under Provlsiov of Chiper 9(commencing Job Description wish Section 7011),of Division 3 of the Bushrom and Professiuns Code,and my license is RE-RF 1/2 PLYWD & 40 YR COMP CLS A 25SQ d in full forte and cIT L J L_ License Class C Da¢�_Can DELL 7W CNI'IEC o DECLARATION U 1 understand my plana shell Ie used an Public recmrm �v ♦f o Licensed Professional 5 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION a� 5i 1 bunchy alErm that i am exempt fmm me Cont.mors License Law for the p O following mason.(Sawa.7031.5,Bus avis and Pmfrssimu Code:Any city al county $tri which require a Fermi,on c0nvrac4 tl¢m improw,&.NLsk Or.*,any structure -zi inform is,isswmtr.stns requims theapplieam forsuch ncrmittofilessigned summent EiC that he is lieenacd Purmam to dm provisions of the Conimclur's lxsve Law(Charles 9 Sq.Ft.Floor Area Valuation at- (commeuing with Section 70DO)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Cods)or $7720 y 9 that he in exempt therefro..nd Ne barks for the alleged esmptioo.Any violation of Seth..7071.5 by coy,applicant for a permit subjem the applicant In a civil penally of oat more dun five hundred dollars ISM 31621082 .W Number Occupancy Type 1,u awns of the property,or any ORPlaycct wish wage as then sole cmnperrvdun. will da the work.and dosimeters,n MI intended or.Bued lmmic(See.7014.Busrcss and Professions Code:The Contractors Lions Law dues nut apply m an Owner of Required Inspections properly who builds a improws dvaran,and w ho does such arolt himelf car through his mveempmyees,provided Nat such imprawmerns art nutinicaded merfered formle.If. however,tho building or improwment is sold within one year of cmople ica.the owner- builder will haw the burdrn of proving that he did out build or improve far purpom of sale.). ❑1.as owner a she Poison,am eadusively contracting with licensed...towns.to construct the project(Sec.7044,Business and Professions Code:)The Contractors U. .eve Law dos nos apply in an waver of pmpeny who build,m improv thereon.and who contracts for such projects wish a conaacto0)licensed Pursuant to the Conuacio's L'eense law. I-]I am exemnt under Sec ,B&PC for this hsmn Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hemby arBm under penally of perjury one mine following dcetanrmv: I haw,and will maintain a Certificate of Covent m elf-insure for Wodttr's Campen. sadon,u provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Cade,far the peAormarxx of she work for which this permit 1.issued. haw and will maintain Workeh Compensation Insurance,u required by Sccdon 1700 of due labor Code.for me pertormarr.e alone wort for which this Norsit Is jawed My Workers Cmnpevatiun Insurance artier W Policy,number art: Cartier: SrA/.-Fz1.,a policyNo.: Zr1L-zC07 CERTIFICATE OF EKEMP ION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thissealu.reed rot be completed if ft permi isfome hummed doDan(SI W) or lme.) I matify that in the performance of the wort for which this permit is Wood.I shall am employ any personi........as to become subject to tic Werke.'Compematian ' Laws of California. NOTICE TO APPLI :If.after matint this CQr5 s Exf� empaon,you bould become subject to Chs,Worters Compcvetion provisions of the labor Code.you erten .J Z foMwith comply with seen provisions in his permit shall be desmon revoked. ,zt _O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [-t 1 hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance or ' rG > the wort for which this permit Is issued(See 3097,Civ.C.) ' Q Condors Name 0. .7. z Leader,Address U Q 1 certify that 1 have read this application and tam that da,am.moo aidun I. pP,^ canes L agree m comply with all city and coldly Ordinances and stem IBM relating in Wilding c.vmedan.and hemby authoian reprs,mmem.alma city in cnerupnn the r 4 aMve-mentioned Property for inspection purposes . (We)agree to eve,indemnify and tap harmless the Cly of Cupertino against rFv h Iiabilide;JWgmenm,cosis and expos-,which may in tory my ass¢agaivs mid City U Z in covequcram of the granting of this permit. ^ APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REOULAMONS, s� --ua�n d r-(J ���T�� Re-roofs / pp HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOS/M Type of Roof Will the applicant Or fu am building oeapantsturt or handle havNous m.mrial U defrnN by the Cupertino Municipal Com,Chepmr 9.12,and the Halth and Safety Code.senian 25532(.)? [:1 Y. @` All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the. licent or future Wilding occupant as, If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove nn e v equipment g P g DruncaT Noua air cuntaminanu u JcOrmd by she Bay Arta Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. ❑yes 196t, I haw mal be,hvardous materials nui.rumcntsunser Cha turti.95uftheCalifor- runRcnlm&Safety Cede.Suction 5R)5.25533 and 25534.1 understand theifihe Wilding dim- Out currently haw a enen4 than it u my rtammobilily to notify the Occupant of the requount which must to metpriurwissu mifcem of Oct SI tare of Applicant ate ' ownmara dnad. cnt Dam' All roof coverings to be Class'W'or better CITY OF CUPERTINO • 3 ITEMS OF 3 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # 1 Sec : Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN . . . . . . . . : 31621082 . 00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 07/07/2008 RECEIPT # . . . . . . . . . : BS000005348 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 08070040 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 19894 WHEATON DR SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . . OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . : JOSEPH HARUTUYNOV ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 19894 WHEATON DR CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO CA, 95014-2338 RECEIVED FROM . . . . : MARIANO F RENTERIA CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : MARIO RENTERIA LIC # 22568 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : FALCON ROOFING ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 13088 POTTS DR CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : SAN JOSE, CA 95111 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408) 225-1705 • FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO=DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- -- --- ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------- ---------- 1BSEISMICR VALUATION 7, 720 . 00 - .0'. 80 0 . 00 0 . 80 0 . 00 IBUSLIC FLAT RATE 1 . 00 110 . 00 0 . 00 110 . 00 0 . 00 1REROOFRES SQ FEET 25 . 00 325 . 00 0 . 00 325 . 00 0 . 00 --- ---------- ---------- ---- TOTAL PERMIT 435 . 80 0 . 00 435 . 80 0 . 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNTREFERENCE NUMBER --------------- ----------- --- CREDIT CARD 435 . 80 VISA --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT 435 . 80 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- 601 ROOF TEAR OFF 602 ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL 604 ROOF IN-PROGRESS 605 FINAL REROOF v�o7 O cl �40 1, CITY OF CUPERTINO REROOF CITY•CUPEI�TINO PERMIT APPLICATION APN # �d'i� Date: Building Address: Owner's Name: Phone #: #a yZ 5d . Contractor: � Phone T"off /CU O G Fax Cupertino Business License #: 2 ZS6 Contractor License #: 70 37 Type of Roof Covering: Existing: Proposed: ❑ Built-Up Roof ❑ Built-Up roof ❑ Asphalt Shingles jk Asphalt Shingles 'w Wood Shakes ❑ Wood Shakes ❑ Wood Shingles ❑ Wood Shingles ❑ Other (Specify) ❑ Other (Specify) Number of existing coverings ❑ Provide I.C.B.O. Report# o To be Removed o Provide Mfgr. Installation Specs. Job Description: J/2 P1")009 QA"I � yrs Residential Commercial ❑ Green Building: Please complete relevant portion of the Confirmed with Planning Dept. if Green Building Checklist & attach it to the application or if there are any restrictions: ❑ applicable, include in plan set & the sheet index. Valuation: o J 7zo I Have Read, Understand and Will Comply with Cupertino's Tear-Off Policy: fir 4C Signature -� CITY OF CUPERTINO (n REROOFCITY OF r CUPERTINO FEE SCHEDULE Number of Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Squares Group 1RER00FC0M Re-roof Commercial B 1COMMLROOF 1BSEISMICO Seismic Commercial B 2-571REROOFRES Re-roof Residential B 1SFDWLR00F 1BSEISMICRE Seismic.Residential B 1RER00FMRES Re-roof Multi-Family B 1MFDWLROOF 1BSEISMICRE Seismic Residential B i1BUSLIC Business License B Revised 6/16/08 Community Development Department Building Division City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue • Telephone: (408)777-3228 Fax: (408)777-3333 Building Department Subject: Re-roofing policy for the City of Cupertino 1. Prior to permit issuance,you must agree to comply with 1997 UBC Standards and manufacturers specifications on re-roofing. 2. New roof coverings shall not be applied without first obtaining all inspection and written approval from the building inspector. A final inspection and approval shall be obtained from the building inspector when the re-roofing is completed. 3. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing installation. 4. To receive a final sign off from the City, the following steps are required: 1) Pre-inspection and/or tear off approval. 2) In-progress inspection approval. 3) Final inspection approval. a) Spark arrester installation. 5. If plywood is installed, a plywood nail inspection is required. • 6. Any roofing which is applied without first obtaining an inspection, will require the removal of all new material down to the sheathing, so a proper City inspection can be performed. 7. NOTE: If you call for a plywood nail inspection and the job is not ready, you will be charged a re-inspection fee of$176.18. The re-inspection fee must be paid before another inspection can be scheduled IMPORTANT: 1: Flat roofs must have a minimum of 1/4" per foot slope and demonstrate that there is no ponding. 2. An I.C.B.O. report is required to be on the job site at the time on inspection. I understand and will comply with the above stated policy on re-roofing. Homeowner's Name: Job Site Address: Roofing Company Name: Ii'�J K?Lzrei Applicant's Signature: ��� Date: • Greg Casteel Building Official Revised 11/2/04 Green Building Plan Check Index of Green Building Points/Categories A. Category Example of an Index or Table of Green Plan Sheet or Page Points Building Points Categories that must be shown and referenced on the Project Plans See below B. Site 9. Install H.E. Irrigation, (details/spec)' L-1 72points 11. Permeable Paving, Note L-1 C. Foundation 1. Use 15 % Flyash Concrete, (note) S-1 D. Structural 3. Uses Wood I-Joist, (See Spec.) S-2 5. Use Truss with heels, (detail) S-2 6. B. OSB Sheathing, detail S-2 E. Ext. Finish 1. Composite Decking, (Note/Spec:) A-3 2 points 4. B. Fiber Cement Siding, (Note/Spec. A-4 2 points F. Plumbing 1. Insulate all H.W. pipes, (Note/Spec.) P-1 2 points 5. Tankless W.H., (Note/Spec.) A-2 2 points 11. A 2500 Gal. Tank, (Note/Spec L-1 10 points G. Electrical 4. E. Ceiling Fans, (Note/Spec.) A-3 4 points H. Appliances 1. Energy Star Dishwasher, (Note/Spec.) A-3 1 point 3. Energy Star Refrigerator, (Note/Spec. A-3 1 oint P. Other 1. List Green Features on Plans A-1 1 point TOTAL POINTS 40 points • • Plan Review Process Work Book Page-12-Revised 3/25/08 Green Points Rating System for Remodeling Projects ' Due to the diversity of remodeling project types,assigning a"total points'value to a project to be considered environmentally friendly is not feasible. However,25 measures have been highlighted to signify that every effort should be made to incorporate them into your • projects. These items have been chosen based upon their impact on the environment and the health of the home in coordination with ease of implementation and relative low cost. These measures can be used as a starting point for'greening'your project. INPUT Resources Energy IAQ/HeaA A.Site 1.Recycle Job Site Construction,&Demolition Waste 65%=1 point;75%= 2 points;80%=4 points up to 4 Resource pts 0 2.Salvage Reusable Building Materials 4 Resource pts y=yes 0 3.Remodel for Mixed Use,Adaptive Reuse,and Historic Preservation 4 Resource pts y=yes 0 4.Protect Native Soil 2 Resource pts y=yes D 5.Minimize Disruption of Existing Plants&Trees 1 Resource pt y=yes 0 6.Implement Construction Site Slormwater Practices 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 7.Protect Water Quality with Landscape Design 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 8.Design Resource-Efficient Landscapes and Gardens 4 Resource pts y=yes 0 9.Reuse Materials/Use Recycled Content Materials for Landscape Areas 2 Resource pts y=yes , 0 10.Install High-Efficiency Irrigation Systems 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 11.Provide for On-Site Water Catchment/Retention 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 1 am B.Foundation 1.Incorporate Recycled Flyash in Concrete 25%Recycled Flyash=2 points;Add 1 point for every 10% • increase of flyash,up to 5 points up to 5 Resource pts 0 2.Use Recycled Content Aggregate 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 3.Insulate Foundation/Slab before backfill 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 1 1 1 F__:: C.Structural Frame 1.Substitute Solid Sawn Lumber with Engineered Lumber 3 Resource pts y=yes 0 2.Use FSC Certified Wood for framing (For every 10%of FSC lumber used=2 points,up to 10) up to 10 Resource pts. 0 3.Use Wood kJoists for Floors and Ceilings 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 4.Use Web Floor Trusses 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 5.Design Energy Heels on Trusses 6'or more 2 Energy pts y=yes 0 6.Use Finger-Jointed Studs for Vertical Applications 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 7.Use Engineered Studs for Vertical Applications 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 B.Use Recycled Content Steel Studs for Interior Framing 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 9.Use Structural Insulated Panels(SIPS) a.Floors 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 b.Wall 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 C.Root 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 10.Apply Advanced Framing Techniques 4 Resource pts y=yes 0 11.Use Reclaimed Lumber for Non Structural Applications 3 Resource pts y=yes 0 12.Use OSB a.Subfloors 1 Resource pt y=yes 0 b.Sheathing 1 Resource pt y=yes 0 • INPUT Resources Energy AQ/Heafth • - .Windows 1.Install Energy-Efficient Windows • a.Double-Paned 1 Energy pt y yes 0 b.Low-Emiss v ty(Low-E) 2 Energy pts y=yes 0 c.Low.Conductivity Frames 2 Energy pts y=yes 0 2.Install Low Heal Transmission Glazing 1 Energy pt y yes D 1 1 1 J.Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning 1.Use Duct Mastic on All Duct Joints 2 Energy pts y=yes 0 2.Install Ductwork within Conditioned Space 3 Energy pts Y_-Yes 0 3.Vent Range Hood to the Outside 1 IAQ/Health pt y=yes 0 4.Clean all Ducts Before Occupancy 2 IAQ/Heallh pts y=yes 0 5.Instal Solar Attic Fan 2 Energy pts Y--yes 0 6.Install Attic Ventilation Systems 1 Energy pt y=yes 0 7.Install Whole House Fan 4 Energy pts y=yes 0 8.Install Sealed Combustion Units a.Furnaces 3 IAQ/Health pts y=yes 0 b.Water Heaters 3 IAQ/Health pts y=yes 0 9.Replace Wall-Mounted Electric and Gas Heaters with Through-the-Wall Heat Pumps 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 10.Install 13 SEER/11 EER or higher AC with a TXV 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 11.Install AC with Non-HCFC Refrigerants 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 12.Install 90%Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency(AFUE)Furnace 2 Energy pts y=yes 0 13.Retrofit Wood Burning Fireplaces • a.Install EPA certified wood stovesrinserts 1 IAQ/Health pt y=yes 0 b. Install/Replace Dampers 1 Energy pt y=yes 0 c.Install Airtight Doors 1 Energy pt y=yes 0 14.Install Zoned,Hydronic Radiant Heating 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 15.Install High Efficiency Filler 41AQ/Health pts y=yes 0 16.Install Heat Recovery Ventilation Unit(HRV) 5 IAQ/Health pts y=yes 0 17.Install Separate Garage Exhaust Fan 3 IAQ/Health pts y=yes 0 1 1 1 K.Renewable Energy and Roofing 1.Pre-Plumb for Solar Water Heating 4 Energy pts y=yes 0 2.Install Solar Water Heating System 10 Energy pts y--yes 0 3.Pre-Wire for Future Photovoltaic(PV)Installation 4 Energy pts y=yes 0 4.Install Photovoltaic(PV)System (1.2 kw=6 points,2.4 kw=12 points,3.6 kw=18 points) Up to 18 Energy pts 0 6.Select Safe and Durable Roofing Materials 1 Resource pt y=yes0 7.Install Radiant Barrier 3 Energy pts y=yes p 1 1 I L.Natural Heating and Cooling 1.Incorporate Passive Solar Heating 5 Energy pts y=yes 0 2.Install Overhangs or Awnings over South Facing Windows 3 Energy pts . y=yes 0 3.Plant Deciduous Trees on the West and South Sides 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 1 1 • ,�, Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue t F'/ Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(408) 777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408)777-3333 �UPEI�TINO Building Department JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT # O R'S N a PHONE # Z2 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FAX # /. 3 I am not using any subcontractors: 7 7 Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum/ Wood • Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering ' Plumbing Roofing y�y 2 2 5-6$' Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature ate