21976 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification PERMATNO. Building Address:Z0,23I '.(•V`ESZ " DRQ VE CUPERDA10 CACI 21976 OwnersNares: - one: Mg �&y'mm pgASpp CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Contractor',N.; y �j/� '{s--y Lie.N.: APPLICATION I PERMIT M APC 4 a 199/ CALIFLYE/IIIA A41/o ni r�LQ�5f 5��� BUR.DING-ELECTMCAI PLUMBING-MECHANICAL CATEGORY I En nCONjq r e� J Architect/ eer: Lie.No: SC `6 a BUILDING PERMIT INFO yr QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT PEE Aaarea:aja9C2 CL /7E,C D. w PERMITISSUANCE �CY� LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under provisions ofChapter9(communc, APPLIANCESRESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRE'CION Ingwlth Seft! 7000)of Division 3 ofthe Business and PrefeulonsCods,and my It..Is m fall fo deffea. PANELS P4T'10 SC2EB�Na LimnwCiaa_,�a° Lk.N YAYy!_ ro CL.(JSl.�ICIf. Date Contractor ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION /JRI'S 207-IOODAMPS ^all ZO erste d Iy pl I.I.0 be used a public record. OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT FLOOR AREA g/SQ.FT. 1&d� Limned/Professional II SIGNS ELECTRICAL /SD 6 OWNER-B LDER DECLARATION SPPLIALCBfCI➢T/MISE t., Ihereby mascoaffirm that lamezempHroossa ContractorsLkenm law fmthe ZO..@ f ntyn reason.(Sedlon7ml$Buslnea and Profeulon Cmlbh, tl or OZI..µ9 g y city TEMP.METER ORIOLE INST. F,� � muntywhich requires.perMltomntruct,alter,bnpmve,demolbh,or repair �a .a any stmentre prior to its Wuance,&be requires the appUmot for such permit to POWER DEVICESIs file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provision of the C.Mrseurb License 1.w(Chapter9(mmmendngwith Section 7gD)ofDivi. N�O slon3of the Buelneuand PmfeabnCode)orthat hebexemptthere(mmend S'WRsfM1NC POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION Q a the basis for the alleged exemption. Any Violation of Section 700IS by any OUTLEISSWITCHESPIX TURES �a" O apphc iforaperiNtaobis theappllcanuoadWlpevityanam mthan /8O (7 five hundred dollars($SM. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCTIQN work, NEW RRSIDENTIAL ELECTI( Pa7I0 SUdFEN Z ❑Las owner of the property,or my employee with wages r offered sok Ocont n,70Kflon,Bairdwill do ,andhe and im structure The C rtnud ed or off Law sale(Sec apply to anowandPMealan Code:The Contractors Wcenn law - EyeL C$ddC! r3$ don notsucht apply weanowner ofp roughoperty who bulmporimprwvidedes that OCC.GROUP RES.UMTS who dceeauchwork himself or through Nwwnemploye.pnrvldod that sorb Improvements are not intended oroffered for sale.](however,whebullding or TOTAL: L LP improvement issold withinoneyearofcompletlogtheuwner-buRderwill have (ItiLkorelenofproving that he did notbuOdorimproveforperpouofsak3. QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE -FLOODZONE APN {an owner tr the property,am exclusively Business ess anding with Is maddCode: PERMIT ISSUANCE roe Contratoronlmtlthewdo (Sec apply BusNenand of pro on Cade: The Contractor's Lase Law don cad apply e t f owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) builds or Improve thereon, and who contracts for se L p(ojecv with. FEE SUMMARY m,Iltra am a empt pursuant to the ContnROYs License Law. BACK FLOWPROTECT.DEVICE LII am exempt under Sec. B&P C for this.mawn DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,CONTI. SANITARY Y N Owner - Date RECEIPT p � WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FIXTURES PER 71tAIa SCI{00),TAX Y N laI'hereby.(firm that I have a adlBcale of coneem to self -Imre,ora RECEIPT M ce,,I_eofWorken'Compensatlonlnurinca er._.if,.d copylhereof(Sec. GAS FA.SYSTEM-I INCAOUILEIS PARK FIE Y_ N 3811 Lab C.)�" �rOQ'��s'ey RFfIR'TN Pollrya s�.a a��J J l'f CAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4 IRA) Gm nv_ f['!a/�ie � CQys((_( d>/O BUILDING PTDIVISION FEES Com copy t.9 hereby fumiahed. GRRASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE rKertlfled copy is filed with the city lrspedion division. VV 11 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' CRFASETRAP PAID - COMPENSATION INSURANCED SEWER-SANITARY-STORM IiA.71NIH"f. a 111 Lte Re V I (TFlasedio°cased na be compl&ed if the permdt U foron hundmd dollars 0100)°`less') WATER IEEATLJR W/VENT/ELECTR ENE R E Y N I oertifythat In the performance of the work forwhlch this permit Is Issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner n a t b 71,Ubfsct to the 1 Workere'Compensat�gn Lawsofj'ilifo� Date° L WATER SYSTPAI/TRPA77NC PAID T) Z Applicant G/�Y��.. NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB._SQ.FT. 00 ReCei N Z o NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,after mlIlffng this G cafe of Exemption,you Hshould become subject to the Workern''Compensation provisions of the Labor TOTAL: fD Code,you moat forthwith comply with such provision orthb perrNbhall be Wj deemed revoked. LD NG 'E s CL G CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hereby afflrenthat there Is a construction lending agency for the perform- ELECTRIC FEE D O anre of the work for which this permit l9 issued(Sm.3097,Civ.Q TOTAL: ,L) I,ender'.Name PLUMBING FEE If F Lendels Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE O W Icortlfythatl have read thlsapplicallon and statethat the above Information MECHANICAL FEE Incmect.I dgme to complywilh all city and county ordinances and state laws PERMIT ISSUANCE EF PAID: } 0. relating to building construction,and hereby aothorlae representatives oflhts F N city to enter upon the above-mentkad property for Inspection purposes. ALTERORADDTOMECH. ? (We)agree to save,indemnify an d keep harmless the City of Coped Ino .ADateRece l O against liabilities,jtdgments,cortsand expense which may in anywayacems AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) ' against said City In consequemm.ft gr ting of this Permit. AIR FONDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000 CFM) !CONSTRUCTIONSigamre of�Puranuc°ntractr Date M(HAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) ID: HAZARDOUS MATE89 SDISCLOSURE Will the applicant orfutu re building occupant store or hand In haeardcux HEATING UMT(TO 100,000 IT= material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.1 7,and the Ilealt Yzannd Safety Code e Setlio on n2S537(a)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 700,000 BTU) TOT L: I SS Ca ill the applicant of(uWm building occupant use equipment or devices VFNIILATION PAN(SINGLE RFSID) ISPr/I�TTA which emit hanrdous air cenaminnb a.defined by the Bay Arca Air a�r� Quality Management D�btr +.7 BOILER-COMPDFR'OR100,0001ITU) 4 Ye pgNa ASR 1991 have read the havr5. rtutedala requlremcnts underChapter6.95of BOILER-COMP(OVFR 100,(100 BTU) the Callfomla Health&Safdy Code,Section 25505,75533 and 75536. 1 understand that lithe building doe not currently have a tenant,that It is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFT. reapoaibRitywrosifytheoccupanlofther quircmems which must be end at CUW" PH.,to issuance of Cedlfrete ofOcc°p ry. Owner or authodud agent Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY: OFFICE COPY