22487 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES— USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification PFRMITNO. tlullding Addms: /Di/ 7D l�H S'T AC,re- S 22487 nese came: - nna: APPLICA11ONSURME1 IAL D= el We—I I eev— CITY OF CUPERTINOQBUILDING DIVISION q cnntradnr .me: Lie No: APPLICATION / PERMIT BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PLUMBINC-MECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTR L M Architect/Engineer. Lk. o: Z�9� C+ QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMITINFO y•tr Address; 4-Ia'r� �, fl+p(WN PERMIT ISSUANCE Fill ❑ ElLICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECW RATION I hereby ef(Ism that lam llcmeed under provisions et Chapter9(commmn MPLIANCESRES[DENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION Ingwith Se on7OODof DlAslon3ofthe Bu.inesan'd/Professions Code,and my It .ae m m fo m ana dred. y/N 7 PANELS f i9T 0pp C�GWQQ$V 2t LlcenseC ® LIeN �O`Oa X �p /�sr Date Contractor UP TO 200 ANTS ARCHITECP9 10 201-1000 AMPS p CO 1 understand my plata shall be used as public records. OVER IOW AMPS ./\ 1 . 77D � SQ.Fr.FLOOR AREA r� � f/SQ.Fr. Llceneed Profeslowl - SIGNS ELECTRICAL +. ' \ ;I r D I N � a OWNEReBUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIl2CUIT/MLSC ® -} ^ ., h �Y ZF, Iherebyaffirm TOWNER-BUILDER the Contractor's License law fm the , I'11.i�'� Y following reason.(Section 7031 S,Business and Professions Code:My d or /U T ORP F' countywhkbrequimape tww.tr M.1ter,impmve,de.lkh,orrepalr TFMP'METCf20ft POLE INST. 'y anystm=mpr rtoiwuance,alwrcqunmtheappficenl(msuchpemdtto 0 4 5 fits a signed statement that he h licensed pursuant to the provides,of the POWER DEV CES DATE �O u Contractors License law(Chapterl?(commendng with Section 7000)of DIH- O�p sion3ofthe BuelneneandPd..m uCode)orthat hehexemptthercfromand SWIMMINGPOOLELECIRIC VALUATION <E the basis for the allegedexemption. Any violation ofSection70315 more the. OUTLET&SWITCHESFIXTTIRFS applicant for aperMted exemption.applicant Anyvioation of Wtyo7031Sfrict by any O five hundred delta.(S500). '4..' I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their wk NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR_SQ.FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION compensation,wOldolhe work and lhestructum is not Wended or offered for O sale(Sc.7041,Busnnese and Professions Code:The Contractors License law �$ does not apply toan owner of pmperty who Wilda or improves theme,and e. who doessuchwork hlnselforthrough Neownemployeas,provided that such OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS improvements arc not Intended orofferetl forsale.It,however,thebullaingor TOTAL: improvementhwldwithinoneyearo(complml Ntheowner-builderwill have t11RJZurden of proving that he did nor build or improve for purpose o(sakJ. QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD LONE APN u I,ae owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed PERMIT ISSUANCE contradoes to construct the project(Sec.7040 Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License law does not apply to an owner of property,who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) Wilds or improve thereon,and who contracts for such pt-ojecm with a ry1Rr+ctor(see)licensed Pursuant to the Contractors License Law. BACK FLOW I'It0?FLT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJ I am exempt under SB&P C for this reawnOUTSIDEFEES DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y N Owner Data RECEIPT'M WORK MAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FIXTURES PER THAI' SCHOOL TAX Y N ❑I hereby orfirmken that I have• Insurance of consent to opythwrc,ora RFOEIPTN certificate ofWorkers'Compersatlonlnsunncemacertified copy[herwf(Sec. 38W,lab C.) GAS,EA SYSFEMI INCA OUTLETS PARK FEE Y N Policy M GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) RECEIPT M Cr3cny BUILDING DIVISION FEES Certified copy is heed with to city GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANC{{{,,,{{{���ppp3L[��TEE Certified copyhflled with the city inspection division. r'7�y ` O,OQ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' CREASE TRAP PAI Xys'r ) Z� COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER-SANITARYSTORM EA IWFr D� Ote(D" Rece 61 L7 (Thhsedion need not be completed if the permit Is(mous hundred dollars (E]W)or Tess) WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N 1 certify that o the pedourn in s(the wank in,as towhich co permit subj a Weed, — 1 shall not employmaking manner at u m become subject to the Workers Com f Dania. Data WATER SYSTEM/TREATING PAID O Z Applicant Z O NOTICE 7 A f, en thh Ctionpreo(Exemption,Labor NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFFr. DRIC RC 1 t# Code,shoulyou ma subjecttothe ply wit'CompemaHonprovhioes s par lhs Labbe TOT L: W N Codgyoumuat(orlhwlth comply with each provisions or this pemNbhall be BU a > deemed revoked. W G CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE t 1 Ihembyaffirmthat there h a comtmction lendlegagenry for the perform a Zanxoftheworkforwhkhlhhpermilhhaaed(Sec.3097,CIv.C.) TOTAL. ELECTRIC FEE (, O Landers Name PLUMBING FEE IL H Lender'.Add ass QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W I cedan lrythatl have d thhappgotionand stetethatlheabovelnformation Iscormd.l agmetocomplywnthalldtyand countyordinancesand state laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: } M mIdIng to building construction,and hembyauthorize representatives ofthis [— W citytoenlerupoo thc.Wve-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTERORADDTOMFCH. Z (We)agree to save,IndemNly an d keep hamilm the City of Cupertino Date Reeel f# I..I against liabWties,Jidgyments,costa and expenses which maynn anywayacwe AIR HANDLING UNIT CFO 10,0DO CFM) $UBTO AL• agairstsaid Ci In. serye sof the gramin of thle pemdt. �/ AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Sl naNrco(Appilesnt/ ontracto ox Dae EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX AID: HAZARDOU 1ATERIALS DISCLOSURE IR the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTU) Date Rete t# material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.17,and the I and Safety Code Section 75537(a)9 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,00D BTU) TOT M Yea No Will the appllcam r tum Wilding occupant use equipment ordevim VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE which snit haranlom air comarmna tse.defined bythe Bay Arca At, Quality Management District? BOILER-COMP OHP OR 100,00t)BTU) 4 Yes g Na pin have read the haza Dasa matedah rcqulrcrrcnb under Chapter 6.95 of BOILER-COMP(OVERIW,OW RTU) 4� understand talleslth&SafetyCode, on currently have tand75hatI1 - understandthatifthebuieoccucesnotarrcntlyhavealenanLthatlthmy NEW RESIDENTIAL MFCi. SQ.IT imp� responsibility to nolnfy the occupant of the requirement.which mat be met !T pdort sac of Cent teof0¢upanry. Owner or authorized agent TOTAL: ISSUED BY. W FWRNd�isse C�+YL'1[�1I OFFICE COPY JOB FAN•.j i 21.t rt 5,n Aft . A'-1 SeR�r.s 3Pa HYMll ENGINEERING SHEET NO. OF 3400 Kauai Court Suite #108 RENO, NEVADA 89509 CALCULATED BY DATE Phone (702) 826.3019 Fax (702) 826.3076 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE ... Lo 7ml ! (l., r aN ----! .. i. _I_ L. ( I 1 IrnsT .. r YE •� 4i iy a_.—i...... 1 ! 2 _ i -- I 1' u , r . ................................. ! Li . .. 11---..-1. �i_ � r ..-.. . _ ......._ .....--. . . ... ................_i ............. ... . ........L......!..........! - -_ — L' I - . ....! t r _-i-._.._-.., - -i ----- --- ( -�---- __ h ............ ... .... i �.... . ...-;. !- .I .....L. ..,,_ ...- - -.. 'rfi s41.1 j . j , .. lI UziI {II .....- t , i I 1 I I-..-- ` %eat —_ - i i I I i t I l l l ............................_..i......._........._ ..'.............�.-................. [.C�.�C-l.�J o'r�j . Co .NrTt b ,....._ . . ............ . ,,,,, .....i............:..........,........-. .....�.:..._ ................ .:........._......-......:..........T-....--......................_. -� ..._ _. _ ........ : 0 ^�) —._. _-.._.. _._... _... 40 _.......... 1 /2 71:.4 r 1 _ r�fy ! i ..._....... . 1. !................................................_ ............. .. . i ---�- I .. end. I SPCTIAN DEPART ........... ; f 101 Tly w0asrm:iiso-mwN.mmsr irbaa! Ma..W CM.um 01471.roam11MPfi10ura[F1 MMM