489 3 NO. LOT NO. � A R BUILDING PERMIT / ' ^'® CUPERTINO / Date r' a Q Permit No. Application is hereby made for a permit tom a42E;7�_ a sttpyjalIt /Tf-� Building to be occupied only as I�J 1 in accordance with Plans, ifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. v Estimated Value of Improvements, Fee$`7'O vIt is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of "0 Cupertino will be compli awith. o Lr, - lJJ rY S 9/ (tip rn Owner Address B9 Address CO ACTOR, AGENT Phone 0 ApprovedBUILDINGiC1N4SiPE CO�R C C KC C C K Q o 0 0 0 0 0 0 u u OC O. d .Q Z O d *a H Z 0 c ` � cl�.1 Wad z N 0PZ V4 P4 W A W N F z z E : EL on /GGa . \ \ ƒ.2 | '71 22 0 _� Zq ii is \ r