02050169 OF cl BUILDING DIVIIRoNN� PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: - BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 7535 WATERFORD DR SCHAUMANN AIR CONDITIONING, 02050169 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE JOHN LUCAS HEATING & PLUMBING INC 05/28/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 428-0640 a O O ARCHITECIVENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO w_ BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH a� 1' ---I 1_"-U CJ L::_] Z FJv=Ni 3 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing 2 withSection7")ofDivision3oftheBusinessandProfessionsC e,ammylicense REPLACE FURNACE (70K BTU) Y EJ is in full fart[ao� z rc 6 Li[cnsy °'O duContactor 3 w ARCH111i 5 DECLA TI t a ON g 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records w p O Lic<trud Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION w o 1 hereby affirm that 1 a Business from the Contactors License Law for the 5 z 0 whichfollowing t[aron.(Section 7ons`oualner.and improve, demolish, Cade:Any city oructom $5150 E o which requirts a permit m construct,alter.improve,demolish,of repair any stmaurt ad up prior..iwi...mice,also xquixs the applicant fresuch psnr%u,file a signed stamment - can hgislicensed pursuhm,n,theproskinhoof,hvContractor'sLicense Law(Chapter 9 pt ppoli-AA��ea a', ,%'. Valuation (commencing with Sscgon,701M))of Division S of the Business and erarewdonscode) f,O:n,136:7.0 5'.: or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged eiempdoh.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for n permit wbjecu the applicant to a civil penalty �NT ht,���� ofnotmmx,banevehundred doliata(55oo). 301APNR8,6U'H PLUMBIN I"I. Occupancy Type ❑1,as owner of the properly,ar my empluyees with wages as their sole compen.rmioa, will do the work.and me structure isnot intended or offered for sale(See.761,1, - Buaindaa and PrefeWors Code The contactors License Law does not apply to an 304 - ROUGH EI.9-R9 d%QFCIIOn$ owner of property Who builds or improve%thereon,and who does such work himself or through his own employees.provided that such improvements am not intended or .._... -_ 5 0 5. T FINAL .ELECTRI CAL. offered for Ulu IL howevel:the building or improvement is sold"within one year of . 507 - FINAL PLUMBING completion,the owner-builder will have the burden ofproving that he did not build or improve(orpaip^`aofola')' 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL -- construct ter.of Properly.am Business a contracting with licensed contactors to ❑n%rho a e posed(Sec.7044,N sines and eny whona Cml[:)The Conth nor'e �® , ❑I am excw does not a I man owner th ropcny who builds or seimproves therron, �H omans.forsuch rottta comrxmr(s).licentsed puruam to.fe 1 F1v' _.._. .. ... .. _.. ... _ _._._ . ..... _. .. ..._ ._.. _.. construct t ' _ pp y e projects wtM1 Contractors w ' License Law. O mptunse Loss ..B&P C for his reason 7. Owner Data _ WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty ofperjury one offe following desti anions: '11Lp1NG' ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Cenific to of Comm to Ulf-insure for Worker's Compensation, o provided for by Section 37M of tint, labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ❑1 hos and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insumace.as tequ'u d by Section 31W of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for'which this permit is issued.MyW ke'Com��i%1a�m/oPInsuame carrier and Policy numhcr arc' CaI�u ..,Policy No.: � _ t• t Ir J+, 7 q+aYa t .1 ,ts.,-. .. I. CCR'1'IFICATIONOFF,XFMPTIONI,ROI WORKERS'l '• - H...1 ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE'.' ' I - ' rhis seninn need nrn be nnnpincd II the permit is for one hnndred dollars ($I(d)or less.) "'I'c[nify thw in the performance of tint work for which this permit is issued,1 'shall not employ any Person in any manor so as to become subject toih[Worker' ' Compensation Laws of California.Date APPlicant - .. ._ _ _._... . .. ._. _ ... ... _.. -. ... ._ .._ ... _ NOTICE 70 APPLICANT:IC after making this C'enifmote m Exemption,you should nttme m osubject the Workers Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,you must Q Q forthwith comply with such provisions or this Permit shall be deemed mist - CONSTRUCTIONLENDINGAGENCY ' 1 hereby Hrm that fere swctiod lending agency for the padoimancc - �.Gal the k for which his p t a_sad(Sve.JIN7 Cis.C.) Lender's _ Noe S. IL, Lothe .Adtl s% C.7 Q I ce ree to t I cola h all city an a stain that antes aabove'naws i nig C) E. correct.1 gree to comply with b city and coo Ire ordinances f J state laver elming f Q.O to building conamcnon:and hereby authorim rcprcxnmtiva of fns city to emerugm the abnvememioncd property for Inspcn'mn corpuses. F y (We)agrato savanidnnmry an a keep harmless the City of Cupenino against Vi liabilitier,juEgmenr.costs and eapense%which may in any way acerae against sail a _102 V Z City in conmyuence of tint gram ing of thin pennir . - � APPLICANTUNDERSTANDSAIDWILLCOMPLYWITHALLNOV-POINT Issued by: rat Date SOURCE REGULATIONS.- ' Signature of Applicimuc aostor Uam Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIdIS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant snort or handle harardous material Type of Roof _. .._ -- - - - -• ' '- -usd frurd by the Cupenm^Nfim.i/ci,al Code Chepmr912 codth Health and Safety Coot, Section 2553'2(.)'. \. . + I : l„ V ? 'i _ i, ,.y F l., t i r _ ❑rt,: ^ ' `'' - 'All roofs shall be.inspected prior to any..roofing.material being-installed. Will the appreamorromrebuildingoeupantuaetcquiomentard.vi«av,hich- If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection;I'agree to remove emit hanrdous air contamiom rdefined by the Bay Arca Air Quality hlana,mum, Disuic, all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with_ O Yes No all non-point source regulations. I have end he huraNmifs nowink re,mmWents under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health&Safety Code,Sections25505.25533 and 25534.1 understand thatif the building does not currently have a tenant,that it is my responsibility to notify the entrant of the regi en nts wh'wh must be met prior to issuane of s C nificam of ° a/A/y/ Signature of Applicant Date . wn r m a m.,sea a em ` ate All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better OFFICE -