NO PERMIT NUMBER V530 Waterford 9 Tract No. Lot No. CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT let'f � `�. Date — /3 , 146 Perf i+ No. Application is hereby made for a permit to aua 2 "'l a__story, Type ._ Building Use Zone at 7 Sia /i /v Occupancy to be occupied only as Oarking Space L Fire Sprinkler in accordance with Plans, Specifications a d Plot-plan filed hherrewithi Estimated Value of Improvements, $ QDOo Exemption from requirement for State of California for Contractor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner ❑ statement filed Cl Undersigned attests that his State of California Contractor's License # is in full force and effect and properly tauutthorizes this application. San Jose City Business License # T S^yf�— ' I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to yiolate the workmen's compensation laws of California. _. Owne Address By {� Address4 12 7530 Waterford H. G. Wolf E 99/5—W01—108Z w�oj 9B9! S r WV .D ' b 7�2 Y s'uy 771-17 P 000n{S away i0l uo7!+°Pjnod -7 -2 LZ L/ N01103dSN1 d0 MOM