30693 f/ APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPF.RTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL P12RMI'r NO. (/ BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUM BING-MECDANICAL 30693 BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARYNO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE OWN:R'S NAhI' P ONE: O RA lR'S NAME LIC O� r7 /E �•/r/ (�r(pU NIC coNl'Rol•a RCIIITE / GINI?ER: LIC NO'. _'1 as_FW I M{- s� O sIc ❑ CON'IACr: PHONE: z BUILDING PERMIT INFO ( U 1xii ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDG ?LET PL MECH ai LICENSED CONTT RAC'rOR'S DECLARATION QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE 1 hereby affirm that I am Beensed onde,provisions.f Chapter 9(eammeneing JOB DESCRIPTION {{Dyyv'Z with Sectior,700 af4RCDITECTS ' Business wd'mfessions Code,and my licence is RESIDENTIAL: F�r in full force and effect. �/ -D PERMIT ISSUANCE U C�U] License Class Lic.N • O [Is W I. ❑KITCHEN REMODEL 4 a Date Camracmr APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL DDITION ❑PLUMBING RE-PIPE DECLARATION PANELS ❑MULD-UNIT ❑ CT STRUURAL Z w lunde wad rypluns shall be used as FuMic rontrds MODIFICATION OZ�� UPT02MAMPS ❑INTERIOR Pt❑ HIMNEYREPAIR 1-4�u1 Licensed Professional 2014000AMPS - IMPROVEMENT {V'�� QY .•...•.4111 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION OVER IIxp AMPS ❑BATH REMODE PAIR DEI AION fCp�(�aC Wu I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the W 3 L U following reason.(Sceu.0]031 5,Business and Professions Code:Any city or county SIGNS E.ECfRICM. ❑OTHER Pit 4]`B, which requirex a permit to construct,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure(: prinnoim ismance,ulxo«ynine.the applicam for suchperma In tile.signed statement SPECIAL CIRCUITIMISC. 1;!lad that he islicensedinowantto the provisions ofthe Conlmetors License law(Chapmr9 Yfl- ^QO (commencing with Sutton7001po(Uivisian3ultheBusinessandProfessionvCoJe7.r TEMPMETERORP ST. COMMERCIAL: ULk(./� Gy n eG that he is exempt thercfmm and the hasix for the alleged exemption.Any violation o! ❑NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑OEUtjRJN X..y Sation]OJ LS by any applicam fora permit subjects Ne applicam toacivil Penahy of POWER DEVICES ❑TENANT ❑FOOD SERVICE LLFW7Zy not more than five hundred ddlars($50(d. IMPROVEMENT QC]T.as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, SWIMMING POOL ELECFRLC will do the work,said the omcmre is not intended oroffered for sale(Sec.7U44,Business []OTHER an and Professions Cale:The Conlmclnts License Low does not apply to an owner of OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES L pmprty,who hmids or improves thereon,end who does such work himself or through his own employees,provided that such intprovemcntx arc not intended or offered for NEW RLSIDENFIAL ELECfR SQ FT. rale.If,however,the building or improvement is said within one your of completion.the SQ.11C FLUOR ARI?A USQ.P­n owner-builder will have the burden ofproving that he did not build or improve for pur- poss m sale.). 1,as owner of the propny,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors Lu construct the project(Sec.7044.Business and Professions Code:)The Comracmis Li- cams,Law Jces not apply to an owner a]property who builds or improves thereon,and QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE who contracts for such prijems with a cammclobs)licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law. PERMIT ISSUANCE C] m I uexemplunder Sec.. ,B&P C fonhis reasun Owner ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) VALUATION Dem WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION BACK FLOW PROTECC DEVICE I halt affum under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I havemtd will maintain aCeniOcamofConsent mself-dra a for W.rka.Compem DRAINS-FLOOR,RODE AREA,COND. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION cation,as provided for by Section 7700 of the Labor Cale,for the performance of the work far which this Formal is issued. FIXTURES-PER TRAP ❑ 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,es repaired!by Section 3700(ahhe Labor Cade,for eprlnflhe work for which this permit is issued. GAS-EA.SYSTEM-I INC.4 OUTLETS (ICC.GROUP APSE My War r in tsera 'Mncurtierandlblioy —C ' Cartier. P.hcy No.: f62 GAS-L'A.SYSTIiMOVCR4(CA) ER'fIFIC THOVOMPE SATIO I NPROM WOR RS' GREASHIINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR COMPENSATION INSURANCE. BUILDING DIVISION Fl?ES (This sectionneed nm he cumplemd ifthe permit is hours,hundred chiller,($I00) GREASETRAP or less) PLANCHECK FEE I unit,drat in theperfournmeofthe work far which this permit is iuued.10.11 SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.2W FT oat employ any person in.ny munncr so aWorker as to be, subject,.the 'Compete ENERGY FEF. � � Z ration Laws of California.Dat. WATER HEATER WNENT/ELECfR Applicant GRADING FEE yNOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,atter making this Cenificate of Exemption,you should WATER SYSTEM/BEATING become subjecttothe Worker's Compensation provisions fthe labor Cade.you most SOILS pE•E (Sa forthwith comply with such provision,.,this prmitshall he deemed revoked. WATER SERVICE Q CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGF.NCY NEW RESIDIiM'IAI.PCMB, SQ.PF. PAID L)Q Iherthy affirm that there isac.nswaion lrnding agency for the prfonnanu of Uam Receipts the work for which this Permit is issued(Sec,3097.Civ.CJ 0 V lendcds Nametil TOTAL: lenders Address ,.a C 1 unify that I have read this application and state that the above information is BUILDING PEE '` asits Ud correct.l agree to comply withal]city and county ordinances and state laws relating to QTY. MECHANICALPrRMIT FEE V Z building construction,and hereby authorize representatives ofthis city In enter upon the SEISMIC TEE above-mentioned propny,for inspection purposes. PERMIT ISSUANCE (We)agree textile,indemnify send keep harmless the City of Cupertino against ELECTRIC FEE iahilities,judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against said City ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. in consequence ofthe granting of this permit PLUMBING FEE APPLIC TUNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000CFM) S0 � '..' DNS .�� i eLs MECHANICHONAL T _� 15 /�LfL Lam_ AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER Io,(XxI CTM) CONSTRUCf10N TAX Sgammo ppplliccant/Contmctor Uam EXHAUST HOOD CNMUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HA7ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE. Will the applicam or far..building exapant.l.m.,handle hazardous material HHAI'ING UNIT U 0]BURF0 BTU) as definal by the Cupertino Municipal Calc,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safny Cale,Sectio.255320)'1 1 HEATING UNIT(OVER I(M.000 BTU) ❑Yes ❑No VENTILA]'ION PAN(SINGLE RESIDE PAID 2 Date Rcceiplp Will the applicant m futuioN a building ed by'heeB use equipment of devices which BOILER-COMP(3HP OR 100,000 BTU) mtit huzurduuv air um minnnts as deEneA by the Puy Arcu Air Quality Managemcm TOTAL: District? BOILER-COMP(OVER 1ODdMx)BTU) ❑Yes F07 No I have real the Nvart,Se materials 1.25533 a under Chapter h95 of the ifthe AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE DATE (.tilde Health&Safety Cade,Sections. 255J1 and 8534.1 understand that if the NEW RESIDENTIAL.MECH. SQ.Er. building doe ICo mnanl. lis my rtxpnaihiliry to notify the acupum //���////// oft reyui onzach mw tel Fri r isnunnce nfa C�i�nlpn�O�pancy. Own memh ed agat�•OC /�i� ISSUED BY OFFICE