00080147 CITY OF CUPERTINO RUILDINC DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUN'ILDING ADDRESS: PERh11T NO. 230?-2 VOM AV 1+701+70UJIL�I:FW U, 000801.47 ONL'R'S NAME: STA'ThVVJ hU1VAH Cr'i NEIR 4ALI+fiTO WAY, UNI;: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. G K 2 ARC'HI'I'CCUGNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO WU RLI GLI hC1�6UM�.MCC1� Fz LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description O G 41 hereby mGrn Ihw 1 am licensed under provisions of Charm,9 ematoca,ng wrw x'ith Section 70gllofDlvision 5ofthe 13 u.ines and PwfeWar,Cod,ardam license C. is in hdl bolero 1� AnnII•rLlhl r0 Fxaarzhl(] (iE,alnh74f..Ey KTCHFJ4, s a I.i«n c�t ���t�e a_ = nhll) CII FICE ,fir 3 LL y Dare Qom_ Cnmwnor_ _ _ 111 l'ECT'S DGCLARA' ION (=1=O 1 undresumd my plans shall hcred a,public acuNs (/ fWj u a4 p p LimnvcJ Paul c.,sinmll OWNER-HUH-DER DECLARATION 427 w I naso affirm Ihw 1 1. ncmm from the Contmcmr's License city he the clay t= !cabling reason ,i rlifnt ]R71 5,It,direr, and ave,dem demolish. Gree:Any city structure,aonnre `2 O wnieh requires a e,also re c ams th 1,uher,improve,h periet i or repair any stmemrc w 3 to th or I I y th rprcu r t n rectors I is g eJ.wmntcm sewn dr Itchen i Thecontractors mIr 'Ic,Codo S Ft. Floor Area a]nation 0.mmnhe i escath Section ..I 11 U" r n l this R .' d l f:: n.Gxlcl q' ) or thin he is exempt Iary appli and or Iae,i.hn the alleged tildesexcurtion.Any l petaon of Scnlnn 1031.5 tiv any dr d doll fnr a Scnnil objects'M1c vpplieam to v civil jcnuhy of not sense than eve hundred dollars titan. APN Number C;Q,[:cu ❑I,a,owner of the pn+puny.or my employees with wages a.Iheir sale sam,s talion. will do the week,and the frachum is our intended or offered I.,mlc(sec.]a61, 4G.J r r Ensures in wW Prafe,, to Cade:The ContLison Law LisoLaw does nos apply to a II ' nspections orvr of property Who halko or ial r.,Ilmre I,and who dues such work himself through his own cloriny Cle.provided that such impmaemcnrs am net lnmaded or offered rot sale.H,hnwe<f,the building of anrmvemeat is%old x'ebi sere year of 101 — FOUNDATION t„nnpled...the owaenhuilder will have the thmdcn al'P oving than nerd tint bund or rrnnc for pumose or sule.I. 102 _.. PIERS) 01,as owner oftncrrnierty,time,elaaivetyemnmona,x'idt)accused coot.,,: m 1.03 — LIFE, snawct the project ISee.7M4.Rutins.and Plafe'lums CndeO'rnc Cnmmetnrs cene Law does not amply Io ntr owner of Propery who Haimv or improve thereon. 1.04 -" R4�inR and who Borne Cl.far.such prancel,with a cenrrialle s)licensed V.,uvnl Io the Coal In Liceew 1:rx. 101.1 '- (-)NC:L'IOR EGA'S ❑l arm e. 'totes,s e. r1&P C lathe,reason 1.@G S(_1JI:*R & WM ER P ��//VV����[[••��r''tt1IIII caner, WORKI?R'sCOMPENS Nil�Cf.ARAI'I� 2W- — 1.11,W-FiIFLOOR 1.C.LA'I-Uhri I hereby affirm under penally at perjury one of the tallow ung declaration,: 2Q:; 1-11,DI:3&LOCA', l•EQ-IA gV-,AL. ihave and will araimadn a Ccr'itlme A Consell to self-insare for Worker'. 204 — I.AgDF.F%f1-00R FW-TE Colnpeasant I, as providnl for by section 3700 of he Lathan code. Tor be 2ki '- LINDF.-il-L00F: I1,ISLA...n'T1U%l peni+munee of the worA for which Ihi.Perris i.issued. ❑1 laws,and x'ill mainlain W..kcr,C tTeradnti msw,noc.a,te9aimd by section 301. - R11UGH P11".TNG 37h)of the Latour Code.f the perfarnnmce of the work tin which this peruse is 302 -" TLIEt R (R SI'•ICIWI'r7� issue, Wo�er G lions norm carrier/n�n�J l�'Jnl,'my nundxm se��:��,,,,��,, Carrier:'211t.41_V.— oli"No,:V`TV-VI OLbt7?71� 303 — R%JGH MEF 1NIC:f-U._ Cr:HTUtCATION01:EXE P1]ONFROMWORKERS' 304 — P[JUC]1`I EJ_.ECTRE'.:til... COMPENSATION INSURANCE Thi, reinn need not be completed if the permil is Future hundrad dolmrs 5 — FRAITIE S 1001 or m..) 306 I`IOI...IM UM3 I rerify thw Ia the Ivedirtnanoe of the work rill which his permit is i...ed,1 307 — I149JLATION sM1:dl nm valid uny person in tiny manner w+a.Ir becone wbject to the Walkers' Cam pcnmtus Law,.1 CAHomia.Date 308 SHE:I_I'ROfay. Applicanl NUncr:'10 APPLICANT If.after making IS.,Certificate ofEsetordnm you should 307 -` EXTEIUOR I...ATH M1cca Ic sofflet m nlnrcn the Workers Cvtion provisions of the I,alnn Code. ".mus, QO baffe,itheamplyw'ith.uchprot,inn,or'hispermilshallhedeanedrevoked, 31.f� - IhF�iI fIOh 1_A TI-I z V1 CONSTRUCTION LENDING ACGNCY .31,1. SCX,A TC:H COAT aI thereby affirm Inas as them i,a cohQuon lending agency In,tIctlim he ...nce nI the work fnr wlaeh tris.....I i.I...ed(sce.309z Civ.C.) ROOF Id617a_. Q Lender'.Nanue _• 5 z Lender,Addres :.]<.. — F.T.NAL ELEf.;TR:CCS._ U111-1- 6yv Q 1 cendy that I nave In:pd tri,apphair eaton a „ale shin the above of mrafor is v@12 Ihl6)I_. PL_LIMEt. R3 ENEC EN arae...1 n ,cum I th u11 city d sown dinznce,and.tate laws relalin t..i ,,p I,y it y un y n s I •- F. NAL. VECJ-IANICPd- 01111 i'OY Q (, the idsoin-nne.hwainnandhemhy authurimrcrroenortite al thi.city mercer upon -V�l ,/k p,7J q.. the uboWe)agree to prorcnY for ily and on puHwsc.,. v—e w r r S v .... F„ a Iwo)agnems:tie.n,alptotdyamlkhihanme,mn wayacmeriaintsaid .:)C14 ._. F J(-V... CiLIJa...nlal(.i liillEly'C�Y e� to liubilies,judgmm�11.111111 and e,pena•,which Inny in any cavy acewe against.mit I_ z Cityln seyuenleonheswnlr olthis rmiL - ;(�`i — NAL LJ LC'TFiICnL APP 'A."T UNDIiRs'rANU. A UWILL �OMPhY WITH�AI�L NON-I )IM' Issued b _.S Date son's'I y .. Y siyr:rmren Arrucanl/a+rinwmr seals Re-roofs I. r AV In�.�I•f'/t� HAZNdDOUs h1der,oIALSDISCI.OS ands 508 - 11NPL. IT:_U'lF'hlA4d"IL•• WIII Ine epplicom m limn handing icCmlapt ante or n:dliv hhealtha malarial �I C a,JefneJ by the Curcnino hlunicirydC Chapter 9.12,and the llcullh and Safety •Jp '.- „ Code,Sectionu532hrf? �` 09 ' F-TNf1L_ OT,AL& oyes ��F All roofs shall be inspectMiRior th 3 �holLodin in ,let. Will the applicant or future building occupant use ey'dpicm or device.which 11'a roof is installed withoi3q.Rrst-ohtljilift 5A Id'et 'ree re rl lwrardous air vacant an(,u,ricfne the stay Area Air Vuallly Management �.uie[' all new materials for inspection. Applicant u stage dnd ill core I th Dye., all non-point source regulations. PP JNIV 3 1 20017 1 have read the harnnluu.npatniuls retulr9nen11 under Chapter 6.9.5 of the Call... is[Icahn R S.db,,Coale.Sections 25505.25W and 25534.1 understand that if the building docs not currcndy have a mearat.dut it i.n y re,rymsibility'a nosily We Geu r of the r iwminy-Iohich tonal tie sect Prior In o-n le at a C file of Pa Y. IT/e{/-st ' Signature of Applicant owwvvn ed.,cut 1 ase All roof coverings to be Class `B" or better OFFICE