S 3367APPI R:ANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY OFFICE CI TV OF CUPERTINO BUILDING -ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMITPLUMBING—MECHANICAL BDB,DING PROJF,CY IDES I'IF'ICAI'[ON 1'li rT No. 3367 1{GILDING ADDRESS: 2• ,(- 0 (/d� i� v-� SANI I'ARY N(1. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL OAT 2 )WNER PII(lNl:: CON TRACIOR'S NAME. LIC NO: NIC ❑ ,1111'I1C'I II3NGINI!1!R'. LIC NO: ADDRFSN CON'T'ACT. PHONE: BUILDING PERMI•IINFO 11 ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLD ELECT PLUMS El 1:1O/ MECCH El LICENSE;[) CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION E 1 hereby affirm Thal T am (meowed order pmvmfors of Chapter 9 mommu h Seing witection]IXXpof Divnin 13nfthe Buinex. and Profession. C:de,anJmy licence is full liarce and dldn. Licunsr Class Lie.# Date C,1rrnnor QTY. ELECTRIC PF:RMI'E FEE JOB DESCRI('TION RESIDENTIAL, ❑SFDWI, ❑KITCHEN RIiMODIiI. ❑ADD]IION ❑ I'LUMBING RIi1'11'13 ❑MULI'1-UNIT ❑STRUC'T'URAL MODIFICATION C1 INTERIOR [I CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT 0SWIMMING PoolS d'7. 00 it -J Z, n<a, - 0 y an Z Gam❑ ?f-4: PERMIT ISSUANCEin APPLIANCES - RESIDPN'I Al, ARCI 11'1' 1!C r'S DECLARATION l understood mY plans sell be uncJ :rs public records I'AN B.S UP 11) 200 AMPS Llcerned Profesimal 201-1000AMPS j�� Y C Q C a. U LLO y :y� y�y„ X00(art y o al ESp F. al 3 m OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby .Rrm that 1 am exempt from The Contractor Licenm taw for the following reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve. demolish or repair any structure prior at I '1minimsthe l such lT file .etment nhmh I p.sumonOI, In,faro,ki oalth Conaraun,I I' (CI pmr9 Icn{,WthSul'an17N)dOv's'In3 of the Bom...;JI Isv'n.. Cdc)sr than hn is cac ata tbrief 'mm and the basin for the rllcgcd nuailau a. Any vi ominn of Scation 70315 hyany apPlicum 1,111, Partin sable's Ilmapplic.nuoa civil Pcoalpof sol more than five hundred dollao (551X). n Laxowncrefthe pmpcny. or my coaloyecs Ovid, wages ax theicsalc compersfino, will do the work. and Thesuumure is not intended or offered for .ale(See 7044, Business and Po4rosions Cade: The Coutracuns License Law does an apply m an owner of property who builds or improves thenen, and who doessuch work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for note. If, however. the building or improvement is sold within one year ofeumpletion. the ❑ BATO REMODELIREPAIR [3 DEMOLITION ❑ (YFtIER T/ oVl!H I(XM)AMYS SIGNS 1!1,ECfRICAL M'LCIAI. CIHCUI I'/M1SG. 'I'I:MI ME I ITR( OR POLE INS'R COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDGIAUDI'I'ION ❑ DI!MOIA NON OffFOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT` ❑OTR sk 1'0WI!R DEVICES SWIMM"'Il .T., ELECTRIC OUTLEI:S-SWITCIIES-FIXTURES NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQ 17. SQ. I7. FLOOR AREA $/SQ FT. ediJ not build 1,r prove for pur- owner -builder will have the burden of proving that him 'p0'pAI.: Isc of ode.). ❑ I, en owner of Ibc property,.1,T excluxivcly umtoucan, .In (seemed cenlradon to rnamm the project (Sen. 7(44. Business and Pndcssions Core:) I'he CUnannor's LI- seLaw mws not apply lost owner of prolwny who builds or improves Neremt.and QTY. PLUMBING PERMI'E PEE who comrucu for such projmtx with a coul..cmrl Iiccnoul..mean m the Conwanr's PERMIT ISSUANCE Lierna Taw. am exempt under Sec. . It & 1' C for This reason ALTER - DRAIN & VENT - WATER WA) VALUATION [)air WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION BACK FLOW PROTECT. (DEVICE I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declamtiooe ❑IhuvenMwlll mainminaC'cnlBw¢ot'Consent in self -loon liarWorker'oCaIo,r- DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF, AREA. COND.D STRUCIRd vid.d or by Sadinn 3](X1 to the Labor Code, lino The perGmnance of the ,a iun, ars pmf work lar wla,l Nin permit Ix is,nal. FIX'TURI!S-PER IRA(' L] I have and will maintain Worker's C(anta ns1,Tlon Inamnce, as nrltumd by Section 3700ot l he Labor Cale Onthelxrform:mec,1fthe work for which his pernthix issued, GAS -EA. SYSTEM -1 INC. 40U11'LE'I'S R( JI' AI'N GAS -13A. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EA) My W'orker.s Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy numMr Ire: Comm. Policy NU.: GREASEVINDUSTRI. WASTE IN1 ERCEPTOR CERTIPICApE OP EXEMITION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Y BUILDING DIVISION FEES GREASE 'rRAI' PLANCHF.CK FEE (This section need not be completed ifthe permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or lend I unify that into, performaner of the work for which this permit is i....sit Is hall sol entpluy any person in any manner..1,n to become xuhnel Tube Worked Cnanpeo- SI!WER- SANITARY - STORM EA. 20()17. ENERGY TLE WAIT 17R BEAT ER WIVES 1'l1?1.ECI'R WATT ER SYS'I EM?REA'rING .-r (TRADING PEE Z Z� y {Ll L� UO I. ULender's WLender's Oki aF-T fn V Z an I La" of C.hFarnin. Dale Appllcall NOT IC13'10 APPLICANT: 11; alicr mnking this Cramfien e of Exemption, you 0 old are se subject In the Worker's Compensation pmvieions of he labor Code, you mull forthwith comply with. Inch pnomorsor his perTnilobaM revoked. ll devoted CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the pedormarce of the work for w blah this pcmtit is i .... d(Site 3097. Civ. C.) Name SOILS FEE WA'IIER SERVICE 5 O PAID Receipt Dote Hcui NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. sQ. IT. IOTAL 'IOTA.. O Address u If I11LDINC FY.E ove itanumun Nat I have mud thin npphcatin I and ante Ilan the ablu unreel. I agrcc tocnoply wllh:Jlehyand un:myuMmanees and sane lawn at builAing.nnatrucninn, wul hereby unnhoriecrcpmsamailclul lhixnitymconalmon the FEEcertify QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT PBE SEISMIC ItiE PERMIT ISSUANCE, Ii1,E CIRICFEE ab,1vomcon cal property lin inslnetimI pur3asus. (We) agrcc m sane, Indmnnify and keep harm(cs The City of Cupertino against liabilitirviudgmcnts, costs and expcnws which may in anyway accrue against said City ALTER OR ADD' FO MECE. 1'LDSIBING FEE 3 in consequence of the granting of this Permit. APPI,ICp UNDERST,\NDS AND WILL COMPLY WITII ALL NON -POINT AIR HANDLING UNITOTO 10.001 CFM) MECf{pNICALF :E SOUR )TIONS. AIR HANDLINGUNIT(OVE:R I0.000CI'M) CONSTRUCTION TAX ogm of Applicant/Cnnlr cn)r Dam 1IP.ZARUOIIS MA'1'17RIALg DISC ASI1REi Will l ha 1,ppBeama, Boum dui)ding occupmt fn cur handle hamnlrux nt,cdal EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION 1'1713 III!AI'ING AIT' (TO 1000)011"IU) "Aetna' bym, Capenlno Mm"`I our. Chapter 9.12, and the I ImNh and Safety Calc, Section 25532(.)'? BEINC, IINI'I' (OVER I00AX0 BI U) VENT LAI ION kA . N(SINGLRESID) Q Yen PAID Umc Hcccipt X Will the applies, or future building rccupare um raf ipmenl or devices which emit ha mous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management BOILER -COMP (3HP OR 1110.001 BTU) "TIAL. BOILER -COMP(OVER 101000 ITITT) District? ❑Ycn L'.No AIR CON[) I(INER ISSUANCE DATE Ik mail the b J t t ode Chapter (J5 fNe Cali- fun 11 ITh & 41 ry C 1 T' _550 255.. J 25534 I understand 1 that if the NEW REIs ?lt TIAL. MEG11. SQ. 17. hood) k t 1' 1.11a T ts, ih l ly t I 1 �(p � d'dlarluernnlxwn 0111,11111d TAfIj 'aC Tl lad n]0 (I T� TarnL. ISSUI!D ISY: Owner or au(hnnud nn Dane OFFICE