02040082CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS:. PERMIT NO. -22590 VOSS AV JUST WATER HEATERS INC 02040082 OWNER'S NAME: APPLI A I NSU T .PLEASANT VIEW CONVALESCENT HOS 1764 NATIONAL AVE O j�67RTb2, HONE: (510)293-9901 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. . ARCHITECT/GNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO ELECT PLUMB MECH IJ CJ L' J U LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby alBmi thin 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing lob Dec I ❑ ' REPLACE HOT WATER S�'1r� WGE TANK with Section 7ofu)ofDivision 3nnheBusiness and Promotions Code.and myuanse a:iefall & HOT WATER BOILER. seCloxanaerza'. License Cama Lie. a Data Cnmracmr ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1 and ... .it my plain shall no used as public recordist 1 Licemed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following mason. (Section 70313. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, alter, Imv. prodemolish, or repair any structurePraono its isaaled theupPlicant for flea -"_- 4000.._....—_ _ waa impacts such permiuo sm signed emem Nat he is licensed poTsvani to Hr provismns of the Cont.cme, Licanss Law (Chapter 9 S,q. Ftr. Floo{Area'. , Valuation (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) I ; i ;-• ,. I •44 - or that he is exempt tneiefrom and she basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation" _ _( of Section 70313 by any applaevns for a permit subjects she applicant m a civil penalty' •orot mom thin aehundred dml.(5500). APN Number :.. .i .•, Occupancy Type ❑I,asownerofaeproperty. „rmyatnplaypepgathwngesealsole compenmtion. 502 - FINAL PLUMBI G ENERGY will ne m ezhrk. and He out The ax nut clost a orLaw doe ami apes 7fw4: d sat and Profusions Cade The Conwcmr's d juju offered Law docs ria apply m nor , 506 - GAS TE SIZe aired Inspections-.""" b o nT. owner of propeny Who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself 507 - FINAL PLUMBING err throwsh his awn employers. provided that such improvements art not intended or uffcFcd'fOi sala:lr; nowevcc fiat tivalein- within one g or improvement sold within one year or n completion. the owner -Wilder will have the burden of proving that he did nm Will or improve for purpose of agile.). ._ _ r.... ........_. ..... ....._... _._...... _. _.....____ ❑1:aowner arshe propeny. vin exclusively ynd contracting ..... ._......__. .. _.. ." _ .v l',1 e:)The ontmccsto onswa the pro)ca (5cc 70x4. Business and Profentom Colic) The Conwaor's Law does not apply to an owner of wbo W lids -and-whoa cooly .nod who commcm fLat. ryojertx with a.commaor( se licensed pursuam.to �He ...... ........_..._.......... - , _ ... _. ora Licerre law. r ❑lam exempt code, 01 tom P C for His rcvson �.. Owner D"m' FINALE® WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARAT& ION •" 1 hereby affirm under penalty of pc jury it of the following declarations: - /t APR F7if{ 2 y 2002 ❑�I'huve and will maintain a'Cenaficam of Consent to selLansurc for Worker's Compensation, os provided for by Session 3700 of the 9sbw Cad,: for He performance of the work for which His permit is issued. + BUILDING ❑ 1 have and wall not' n Worizr's Cumpemsaiion Insurance, as requiml by Section V�g''9qpp� G 3700 of the Libor Code, for the performonce of the work foe which His permit is Workers Compensation lnsumnde curierand Polity, numbcrate: Cartier •,: .�('.,' �Pobcy No r 1. •, L, CERTIFICATIONOFEXEMPTIONPROM.WORKERS';' - "- 'COMPENSATIONINSURANCE'�:;,}: '" _ "-' (This section need not hc'rnmyleicd if the pemin is fm one hunemd eollars 15100) or less.) issued,( ,i.1cmploHatin He peinad,cea.t.mso as , aI, 1Porwhichudoeermite shell not employ any person an any manner so as m become subject m He Workeri Cmurpearailion !a a,ofp I f .Dam Certificate INOTICE TO APPLICANTrkarx Cudlt you '•`tt..` . v .. .0 Gmrmvkangibis ,ni Labor you most becomesubjectcoin the Workepr Colons this provisionsll the Labor Code; yodmust or forthwith comply wiH'iukh provisions or this permit shall be dermcd revoked. comply -'it `CONSTRUCTIO\LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirrin that there 6dlllxwLi6a lending agency for.He rjcjfdimanxeL.. 'n •t ors kr nests perm us:-tta(Ser3097 Cm. c.I " V \ 1 �s . Lenders Nnme „ . .• •.. •. `. •. ._ ..... .. __- . __ _ . _ ._ . __. _ Lenders Address .,. . . 1 canary that 1 have read His application and nate that she above information is cortccc I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and nam laws at to building connruciion, and hereby authorize rapbal nwives of Has city to enter upon the above-mentioned, propeny for inspection purposes; ,,. IW,j agree so save; indemnify and keep harmless He Catty of Cupertino gig _car liabilities, judgn¢nu, costs add expenses which may in any way aeeme against suit City in consequence of the gmminpof his permit.'.;" r APPLICA.S7 UNDERSTA?DS ASD, WILL CO?fPLY. w rH A i:.N6X:poiNT ' It . " ' Issued by: Date SDORCE'REOULATIONS. •,.' Signature of Aprrc.VComraa.-,' -- ^ * .:.'; ,-' " ".Dam 1.1 ' i Re -roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE i;' W511 He applicant or fumrt WddHg occupy t itom or hackle harardws ads' Type of Roof ... -- - - - — • J p as defined by the Cupen ao M rsc pal•cod Chapter9 12, and theHealth e d Safuy ., r,, Code 'Section 255321aI r .. ❑Yea, .,,\ '. 1 :.'.`• .All.roofs shall be, inspected prior to any.roofing material being installed...,,_._... m�•;W0I the ap or furore building oaupant use cquipmem ordevaces which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an-inspectiohijragiee to:remove c1cont ithuartha air comaminantsasderinWbytlm Bay Area Air Quality Mumgement Da:art , all new materials for Inspection. Applicant understands and will comply_with °"o - - ai jals inner, X6.95 all non -point source regulations. IIhave mail He huallou spina mquiment. Chapter of.He (Ni4omia Heihh & Sillily Code; Sections 25505. 25533 and 25534. 1 understand that ties, holdingohregnmcutowuhiaveucnvnt,lin it is mylesIrl sibs tonotary she - " Occupvm of «quircmenm,wfiich man be inn prior, tv islumtt or Cenificne of : -» " • ' - ' •'' �'- �, Signature.of Applicant Date. .. - „ _ roof coverings to be Class "B" or better' - Owner or autbori:eg,npem �,":' - ".'-'" ,, ., DataAll