01060032 CITY OF CUPERTINO 'BUILDING utvtstONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT N0. 20254/20256 VISTA CT COSMOS ROOFING 01060032 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE LEW CLEMENT G AND REBECCA Y 450 SAN ANTONIO RD 06/06/2 001 6 06 2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO, CONTROL NO. t 415 493-6373 q-zo ARCHITEC(ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO kL"0 BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH u jai — u FF�i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Descri tl n QZ ld G 1 hereby aRrm that[am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9leommencing p �mF�ml-w wish Section Division 3af,he Birsinexsmtd Professions Code,and license is in Tull force anile m. y rere< L` n u=.a f REROOF. JUN ] 8 ZOO KDaO Dae m ic u.y Gantramnr II ARCHITECT'S DECLARATIO T/O SHAKES—RESHEET 7/16 OSB I understand lshall rtd blid anmy pans sae useas puc records sya0 dADD 30 YRS ELK COMP sxlNcASULDING a'S se 0 Licensed professional R4_ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION u�" 1 hereby a(Srn tnut 1 on5,B sin from tits Contrucmr'a Limnse Law for the !' following reumn.(Section"10315,Boniness unJ I-rofc—ra,Crile:Any ci,y or caunly Ex o which requires a permit to consumer.alter,improve,demolish,or repair any anti ore so e, poormits issuance,also acquires the appikortf h permit to file xvgnedstaemem -- — ----- ------- is c neap rsuantto[heprovso nth Contractors;LicenseLawlchapter9 Sq. Ft. Floor'Area.-- }^ Valuation rammer ng isth Semon 7")m Dv J (the Business and prrm"i ns CWe) ` s'•t : ;•a:'.♦. 1•. : .` sJ ,- ti n i 1.',I�1; ' loan sic ( 's exempt therefrom and the basis for the alligcd exemption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for o permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty' of not mom than five humped dollars(S500). AM Number $12Wgfpncy Type 01,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, still'do"the work and the structure I,not immnded or offered for sale(Sc,.7(144;' Required Inspections, 'Business and Profession,Code The Contractor s License law does not apply to an 31625029 . 00 9 p owner of property Who builds or improves thercon,and who does such work himself or ithrough his awn employees.provided the such improvements arc ern intended or fffced �dcd for stJc.Jf,however, he huilding or ni,prnvcmein is sold within ime ymr'af - -�----- - -`" -'- "--' "--'—._.. . .. .......... . ._ .. f - iompletion,the owner-Wilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or 305 - FRAME 1 mprove for purpose mf.ale.). . ...._..—" — — _3.07_ '--INSULATION.— 01,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to instruct the project(sec.9044,Business and Professions Code:)The Contractor's 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF License law docs not apply to an owner of a structu who honkie or seimproves thereon. _and.whoeomraets for.such. widtacommcmrtsl licensedpursuant da the, ___. ......_..6.02 -...ROOF-.PLYWOOD. NAIL Contractor's License Law. _ ❑Iam=xe,nptnnnerSea! B'&eChar this mown 603 — ROOF BATTENS:: .ti;�:' r'� bw,ar Date 604 — ROOF IN—PROGRESS WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION_ 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury Linc of the following declarations: 0 1 have and will mainuir a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Wartrr's ` - Compensation. as,pmvlaed far by Section 3700 of the Lather Code. far 'he perforans of the work for which this .it is issued. �xrp 1 have and will ma main Warkcr',Ciar,....ioo Insurance,as required by Section of rhe Labor Cole,for the performance or. f the work for which this permit is ' is J.My Work is Coinpemanon Imsr a er and Polay sooner am: artier w ' PmTyN57/—O� '�%Z� f-•��\.;.rl _. ; .. . . CERTIFI. TION OF E%EMPf10N { •• 5 t l COMPENSATION INSURANCE ___ _ __.__-._._._..__—_—__...—. _ ... 't`flTie senior need not be ampleted if the permit is for one hundred dollars "' - ""'-` •` ($100)or less.) _ amp) that in the performancenn the work for which this,petit c orker I -_ ., _ s I,, shall not employ any person a any manner so m to become subject m the Workers Comicant- maws of Culi(orn'us Date' NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.a making .: - .... ._ ..-.. .. .. . .. .... . . .. ... -. __.. .- foci making this C visions at of Exemption,you should - becomcsubjectto yohe such Compensation provisions at the Labor Cade.you must 0 0 forthwith comply witM1 men prm'iaimts or permit shall the dnmeJ revoked. ` F7 ' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY E: > 1 he rcby-affirm thath construction,' lending agency f the performance � .., of the ark larviorin tM1 pe t issued IS 709] Civ.C 1 (sneers Naar . . _. .. o'z I,ari Address A. V . 1 certify thus 1 have mad this application and some that the above information is ri.F correct.1 agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state law's relating C V w hrildingconstmalion,and hereby authorize mpresenmtiv6 of this city menmrupan �•s 64 the aMrvomenunned property for inspection pnrpnsos. _ �+.46 IWclegme,nvve.'mdenmify and keep lmborrvi he City of Cupertino..Trost Vi liabilities,pid,nome.costs and expanses which may or any way acme.,am,,said _ . U"L City mcmnsegmen«arthegmmingm�m emtit. s� A PPIACANT UNDEBSTAND \�' It .COMPL' VITHALL NONP1187 Issued by: _JO� / /ll�J� L Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. `/e /u Y' 'signature of ApphcaMCoaracm, ;, Dae Re-roofs ' tL\ZARDOUS tATERIALS DISCLOSURE wII he applicant or(rand halrfng accupaot sore or handle hazardous material Type of-Roof as definedby the Chpertmo Municipal CWe,Chapter 9.12and the Health and Safety Code.Section 25532(a,^ ,,, s s',,,r , _...AlLroofsshall be inspected prior.to_any.roofing.material.being-installed. .._. 'Wil the pi,plictim or more mildngmccupant use equpm t ordwmca,wnich' If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I'agree to remove emit hazardous air canm airans as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management District': all new materials for inspection..Appjicantunderstands.and.will comply with 1 . .oyes " yrr - • -' all non-poo[ source regulations., 1 have read he M1 m s trabrials hCqts1tmdrrCh pt -6.95 of the CI( naH 'Itb&SIly CW 5 i .re5503 5533' d25534 J .and,but � //�/ if she'buildingdax note tiM1 t ttittr y .pan tittyr asify,he / /�t.. aer Paul of rhe ems which must b,met prior m issuance f C n fn¢of l—A ( , 0scop'"` _ _ pp_ _ - _ Signa pp cant Date ., ._. L O�K ._-. .. .. -__ . .. .._ r ., . .. . e . s ._ .. _ JJJJJJJJ cure of li owns ora„thori a �Date � All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE