01050043CITY bDIVONO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ISSINPERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 10114 VISTA DR BLDG 1 PERMIT NO. 01050043 Oml�xE'CLARA CO LICq y AC 03%2001 FIRE DISTRICT PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, Z ARCHITEC'UENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO O BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH E L7 f—I I—t LJ i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob Descriptio 4 Ihereby affirm that: am licensed under provisions'( Chapter 9:commencing 3ofthe Business.rdPral'esvi'ns Code. license ' 6 UNITS/ UNIT A (4 EACH) 557 SQ. FT. EACH t9i with Section7(R)mDivision andnsy n In full far. and effe 2C UNIT B/ (2 EACH) WITH 609 SQ.FT. EACH ULicense Class Lic. a Date FI N A LE R HITECT'S DECLtARATICM g 1 undersmnd my plain mall W used as public rtcnNs . MAR 2 4 2003 Licensed Professional OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION w 1 hereby affirm that 1 um exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following =son. (Section 70315. Business and Professions Cade: Any city or county 0 which requires a Permit o construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure p ori°itsissuaugalsortgttimsto,appreant for such permitt0pan signal stmamem- - that he is.li¢nsed pursb.hl rosin pavilions olthe Contmno(s accrue taw (enapter9 700n) Division Jofthe Business Professions Code) BUILEH Sq::F[.F1oor,Area1 ss i. {; �.'!I,F Valuation (commencing with Section of and or thin lie is exempt th'crtfrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation ,\ t• 4 s!)' f.-.":1 r•.l.Cr. of Section 7031.5 by any applimat for u permit stibjeas the npplic.nt m a civil penalty 'of not am Five hundred dollars SW). re m APN Number Occupancy Type ❑l, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, 101 - FOUNDATION _ 102 - PIERS Re uired Inspections ' q p 'will dothework. and the structure is nor intended or offered for sale (see. 7844. ' Business and Professions Cale: The Contranor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property Who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself 103 - UFER imp ere not intended or through his own ey provided that such mm . ;bm Bered for wle If, nompl 11 building or improvcmcm s mid within one year of . _.. -- ..._.-..l.O 4.- - _.REBAR _.. __._.. _. -------- completion, theowner.Wilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or 105 ANCHOR BOLTS impmvefarpurposeofsale.). - __,.... -- _e. -. -o .._...... O 1, u owner of the pmpeny, em axe ly commning with licensed commnors m .._...1-06 .._..'SEWER --&-WATER" construct the I mjael (sec. 7044. Business and Professions Cmc:) The Contractors 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING • . -i :.. r' , License Law does nm apply io an owner of propcny who Wilds m improve thereon. and. who conaccts,for.soch pmjccia with, contmetorfs) licensed pursuraus the .. _._..203 - UNDERFLOOR- --MECHANICAL--'-----=--------------'—' Contractors License Law; - Clamexemptunhmsms' `' '.B&PCforamoceaon 204 - UNDERFLOOR'' FRAME.., owner Piano 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION ' WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING I herebyaffinn under penalty of perjury me of the following declarations: 302 - TUB '& OR SHOWER ❑ 1 have and will maintain . Certificate of Consent t° self-inmre far Worker'. 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL Compensation, � as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code; for the 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL performance ohne work far whim this permit is iasaed. 305 - FRAME C I have cad will malinmin Workers Compensation Imumnce, as lexamal by section 3700 bf the Labor Cme. for the pe'rfomtence of the work for which this Permit is 306 - HOLDOWNS issued. My Wait C .,colli. Insurance came, and Policy number ase comer ,( _ _ - _ 307 ..INSULATION ices ArINOPetemeno�RF�?9'��';, =sap` (?30'811 3'SHEETROCKtf",'t, _cDMpENsnnoNwsuanNce' --- ---30'9, .:EXTERIOR --LATH - ----'"— ` IThissitidunncadsainecampletearrmepe,miiisfaranebundrtddmlars 310' -INTERIOR LATH aiomanexa,3. .,: .. ... _..-: .. _....311.,.-..SCRATCH•COAT.._ .._.- _._.._._�,.....-.. ........�-••°-..,.. 1 cenif that in the perfugnanh of the walk for which this permit is is...d. r a c nit nanyate' mbec m Subject 1M1e WOE°r� 313 - ROOF NAIL'' a Laws of Calf ' ..: 501_ - ELECTRI CAL....ENERGY . -'Applicant .NO"fICETO APPLICANT: If, eller making this Cedificmeof Exemption, you should. I- .. _. ,FINAL.. .. .... _. ... __. ._..-. 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY Z become svbjen to the Workers Compcns.tion prnJisinns of the lsWrCmq yoo mast fordiwithcomply withsuchp,nvixuarx,mthis permit shall bedecmedrevoked. 503 FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY_ .. "''CONSTRUCTIONLENDINGAGENCY. 504 FINAL BUILDING ENERGY _ "• - ' I hereby mEmr that there is e'conxouNot lending agency for the performance - 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL y'" of the work f r which this pert' t s issued (Sec 3097. Civ. C) ,-., .. .. .__ __._. .. ... _..... .- -... . _:. . 'TEST. 0 " Lend rs Nam -- ,. 1,.. -.. .., 506 - GAS LandersAdd rPo. -. 507 - FINAL PLUMB I NG ' I certify that I have rem this application and slate manhe above information is cour t, I agree to comply with all city end county ommonces and nam Iowa relating 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL no Wilding contraction, and hereby'auborize represcmati4ee by this anym akar upon 509 - FINAL GRADE �] the above-meniioncd progeny far inspection purposes., y(We)ilioaove. indemnify and keep harmlessthe City ofCupeninoagainst 510 - FINAL PL ING A liabilities, judgments, costs coil expenses which may in any way accrue against said 7J- City in consequence of gmntiag or s petm;t.. ,:. - •' ... 514 N WORKS APPLICANT STA, AN 11:1. COMPLY WITH' ALL NONPOiNT'' Issued �p Date SOURC. UI 3 �I _ SignatG o Ip card on5ror Data f Re-rooA0 - ROOF BATTENS I ,"', HAZARDOUS MATE RIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building c palm soon 'r handl h does material TyP �..(ld ROOF IN -PROGRESS _ e O O f - - -- - m defnpd by tit Cupcn no Municipal Code Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Cine Sect a 532 )1 t 3p " 1 ,b �t y Ir dtl [l St•tf i,51 s Al] roofs shall be inspected prior to. any. roofing_matenal.being installed Will the applicant or In re building occupant use cgmpmcm or dente watch If a roof is installed -without first obtaining an inspection;J agree -to remove emit nazaNaeus to, a6mandrionarits radefined' Y Y Area Air Quality Managermn ' D stoat all.new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will coin y with -.n- qeR. CY ° „• all non=point source regulations , i t p6,95the the hazed c utenals c mrements u der Cha ter b 95 of - Cel forma Hnith & Safety Cine. Sections 35505 25533 and 25574. 1 undersmnd met I Pie bold not cu,rtmlyhmsatenant that n is my. responiblity to fiottfy the 'n . . - -' - - -- - ��/J �� r62 gid occupant of the rcquircrvems x h mu t be t poor to ....rice of i Celiificate of -. bay tipksPP. Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better o er au non d, t seam g OFFICE _.. - _ ...