99120057APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONIPERMIT Inn PLUMBING - MECIIANICAI nNC beat 4YT uIFs 1'IFIC ,;,, AXV/rn V6 CONT'ACL ' ^"^'- 1 hereby a1Bmt that I am licensed under Provisions of Chapter 9(commcnciny WOZ with Section 901X) of Division 3 ofthc Business d Professions Codrid mylittnx is �,2 in fun forte and effect 6 111306 U I.iccn ar Clea L Lie. g NzW Du¢ Cotnrac LL ARCIII'I EC'S DECLARATION f -H Z 1 onJersend my plan, shall M uncd to Public carried, 9z°^o W LiccmoJ l'nncssional OWNER -BUILDER the tW�] 1 hereby o(Sect that I am exempt main athe Cnntfae Co ❑erns, Law for the xGx 6. f- followingmasona Permit t 9onstr Business and improve, de oli Coda Any city or county W 3 c sIf which requires a permit m construct, cher, improve, demolish, or repair anY ,wooer �a Prune it, issuance. also tequires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursoanuothe provisions of the Contractors Liceaselaw(Chzpsnr9 Iccambetaing with Section 700()arIivnion 3ofthe Business and Professions Cedelsa IL Xc y that he is exempt therefrom and the hasis fill the alleged exemption. Any violation of W N lection 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penally of at more than five hundred dollars (85(gB. SD 0I,as tracer Of the proeedY, or my employees with wages as their sale compensation. F• will Jomework. and theswemm n not intended or oBcleJ for sale (Sec.9044. Bm'ires ce mW Prom„ a Codc: Hato Contractor's Lacus, Law docs not apply to a w: of oat property who build, or improves thereon, ,r who docs such work d d (or or IM1rongh his nam o ver c he provided that milt meat k l,ld av arc ton intended (or nRcruJ the sale. r-uilder ithebuildingtor rint Of isathwithinoneyearofcompletion, 0c crbuilJcr will have the burden n( Proving that he did not build or improve for par qac of sale.). 0 1, as carrier Of the property, am exclusively convening with licensed contractor, us unstrvet the project (Sec. 7144, Business and Professions Code:) The Conuacrors Li- canse Law Jres not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and QTY who con mm s for such prejecu with a contractuds) licensed pursuant m the Commences License I., 0 1 am exempt under Sec. . B & P C for this mason Owner Date WORKER'S CUM PENS A'1'ION DECLARATION 1 herchy of hent under penult, of perjury one of tire fellow to, dechrtmium, ave and will maintain a Ccnilicam of Coosennn,d Fiame, for WOrkcr's Con ien- :aliou, as provided for by Section 391X) (if the Labor Coca. for I perf<annmce of the w rk for which this permit i, issued. 1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance, as mquircJ by Section 37X0 of the Labor Code, for the performance Of the work for which this permit is issued. Ca W,Acrs mgcnsation lmur rimer toil Policy numb, Carver: ��y�levnie.aAe[1,rmrrva:n/fn4ti5-SS/I CERTIFlCCAmOTEhOPFFGlINTIONINSURANCE NSURANCE (Thsaction nmdnM1ecompleted ORKERS' if the pemtit is for onehundred J011an 181(X0 I,, less) I certify that in the perfnnnance of the work lar which This permit is issued I shall not employ any persan in any mammrsu as tohecumc cab I to the Worms Colnpcm OzxuHnn Luwx of Culi( ja. L _ O nppl P NCI ICE 1O API' TCANT: II', u11cr making his Certificate of Exemption, you should F•' bee vme,object m the Worker's Co, Formadl n prnvixines of the Labor Code. you must a'7 fnnoi0h comply with. each praskionsnrlhis pence, shall be deemedrevoked. aQ ,UZ CONS0NLENDING AGENCY U Thereby affirm that em is aros nmetiun lending agency for are performance of —the work far which this .it is issued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.) er 17 Lend's Name U Ixnder's Address - O. 1 candy that I have read this application and same that the dole infowatina is (A correct. I agree to comply with all city and county nNlnunees and state laws relining to CI%. building ,retroaction, and heroby ameniee reprexmrtives of this city m emcrupun the :moor-mcntloned property far insleainn purpnsu,. (We);,Tato m save, indetnnil'y and keen females, the City of Cupenlno against liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way same figures sold City in nsequcare of the graming of this permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMI-LY WITH ALL NON -POINT' SOURCE REGULATIONS. I n - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle Immoralists material as defined by the Cupenina Municipal Crile. Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Coda, Section 25532m)9 [3 Yr, Nx<o Witt the applicant or funs, hui loins occupant use equipment or devices which mit hnxurdnus air courcenems its deinwl by the any Arca Air Quality Manoganenl Ui.arict90 Yet,nu I hme it the hadous mamrials ra i iremcer, under Chapter 6.95 Of the Cali forma health & Safety Cure. Sections 2550. 25533 coral 25534.1 mrdemmld that if the building does nor currently have a mnank that it i, my re,ponsllahly to notify the vacation ,of mmiremenu I hichanust he mer ethic 10 issuance of a Cenifcam of Occupancy. /��/O /Y/TVX. �. .7Y�v Consultant res Paid by Applicant (initial) ELECTRIC PERMIT FFE PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES - RESIDENT'IM. PANELS UP TD 200 AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES SWIMMING P001. ELECTRIC OUTLETS - S W TrCHUs - FIX I ORES SQ ET PLUMBING PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER - DRAIN & VENT- WAT ER (EA) HACK RAW PRO] ECT DEVICE DRAINS -FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COED. ITS FURES - PER TRAP GAS - EA. SYSTEM-] INC.4 OUfLI7S GAS - EA. SYSTIiMAVER 4 (EA) GREASUINDUSTRL. WASTE INTERCEPTOR GREASETRAP SEWER - SANI'T'ARY - STORM EA. 200 FT WATER HEATER WIVENTIELECFR WATER SYSTEMT[ REAPING WATER SERV ICC NEW RESIDENTIAL I'Lhfll. SQ. IT. TOTAL QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER OR ADD TO MF:ClL AIR HANDLING UNIT IN Arad CFM) AIR HANDLING UNI F (OVER 10.00 CFM) EXHAUST HOOD OVIDUCT) HEATING UNIT (TO 170.000 8'1'U0 HEATING UNIT (OVER 110.100 BTU) VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE REST U) BOILER -COMP (311 [1 OR I0JS0 II'1'U) BUTLER - COME' (OVER 100,000 13 1 U) AIR CONDITIONER NEW RESIDENTIAL MECIL SQ. pT OFFICE I DING PERMITINFO LIICT I'LIlh1It MEC ❑ ❑ ❑ JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: O SFDWL O KITCHEN REMODEL []ADDITION [I PLUMBING RE -PIPE O MULTI -UNIT El STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION D IN'I'PRIOR OCHIMNEY REPAIR IMPliOVEMF.N'I' E] SWIMMING POOLS 0 RATH REMODEUREPAIR 0 DEMULI'IION 00111 ER 9M OMPR IA : V� 'L O NEW BLDG/ADDITION ODI!MOLIT N ❑TENANT 01'OOD SERVICE. IMPROVEMENT O OTHER SQ. FE FLOOR;RHA I SISQ. FT /3,�`a ] STORIES 'I'YPI!CUNS'pillC'I'10 BUILDING DIVISION FEES PLANCHECK FEE ENERGY FEE GRADING FEE SOILS FEE PAID Date Ralsoll# TOTAL: BERIC FEE S E PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL I7HE CONSTRUCTION TAX HOUSING MITIGATION FF.E FAR) Data Rcccipl p ISSUANCE DATE 12--g-99