02030144 OF CIBUILDING DIaVIISSIIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDIIaG ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10286 VIRGINIA SWAN PL TOM' S PLUMBING 02030144 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE MUTTART HARRY C ET AL 12246 SARATOGA SUNNYVAL RD03/26/2002 j PHONE: (408) 867-6010 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. 0W 0MIT 0 ARCHITECDENGINEGR: BUILDING PERMIT INFO be u—F BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH g S y Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description i z—o I M1ereby afnrm the 1 um licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commrncing p _C, wid,Section7")ofDivision3oftheBusinessandProfessionsCedeandmylicense REPLACE WATER HEATER. m s< h in full fora and effect. (GAS) oro i 6 Licertm Class Lim.a Dam Contramor 7 3 A.� ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION ile O,g 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records r I d O O Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby.form that I ons exempt from the Contractor's Co License Low for the t x g following renson.(Section 703 1.5.Business end Professions Cade:Any city or county Y x p which rtquircs a Permit to constmct,alte,imprme,demolish,or repair any strvaurt in poor to it c also requires the applicant for such Permit to fle a signed statement A. tlulh IcmNDrsuiniomepro .ontofJteContractorsLinnuWw(Chegcr9 (con ecngl_)h Section 70I0fDvzi°n S9Ft. Floor,AreaTT soioer7U a 4. kf �l5ail{'55//��� Valuation or that he is exempt dmrefrbm and the basis for the Alleged'ex'emptlbn.Any iolAtim -of Section 703h5 by any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil Washy of not more than five hundred dopers PISooy A umber OccupancyType 0 h i s Oxeerof me properly,ser my employees with ,,a.,Meir sol,eompenmiion, willdo'the work,and the'snawat a is AM hoarded or offered for sale(See 7 W: - '13asimesx and Professions Code:The Contractor:License Law does not apply to An 506 - GAS TE SRequired Inspections''- - owner of property who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself or through his own employees.provided mat such improvements erc tat intended or 507 - FINAL PLUMBING - 'oRcrcd Boni IL however,the huildin � n Fnvcmem issold one-�A .f gar it p yeld. oprove for throw of uilJerwill have the buNcnof proving that hrdid not build or complaint., mprove for purpose of sale.). .._.._- ..._... . -..__ ._... .. .. ._._... t._. - " --- _ I, P pe Y,am exdusivdY gwim licensed contracmnm - '-" "" -"-""" "� '""_. .. .._.... _.._... ..:. ..... ....... .. .. . whermfine (S n co Ponficn - ocense the does project(Sec,7060,Business and Professions Cade:)The Contractor's t License co does not apply man ownerof properly won)lice se improves thereon. Co who contracts for such.prol.-with a.contmnorts).licensed Pursuant to the _. __.____.__. __.. - ..., _—._._.. _ _...__.. .__ ._.... Contractor,License Low. ._ .. Owe funder ec "I a ,4,-200Is C r this mason /F- ¢ARAE ,1ooa-.', FINALE® .;_WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION p q 's Ihereby eRnnI.the under APR O 0 2 ❑ 1 have eM'will maintain o Cei 8 2ifcae Of Collum I.mW-m ore for Worker's Compensation, us provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code, for the - - ishirmnaea.fthe work forwhiehlhis Permit isismed,. 01 brave and wiRmaiamin Workers ColnpensmmorInsarance.as iequire l by SmOon BUILDING 37W of the'Labri Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is inucd.My Workers Compensation Inst mncc tamer and Policy number art: Corrur s t •(1 1 111(Policy No. ' ro a : !' P {.x"9"r `i - "'1CERTIFICADON'OPEN MPI'IONFROMWQRKERS' ' �.4 I. I i.',! " ti. ''"COMPENSATION INSURANCE'S?i'- 'd .r.q .._.._ ... _ .r -n_.... .. __. ... .- r` (Thisseciioh need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars (5100)or less.) Com1 empl that in the Performance n the work for which Bis ct to a irked I i t•�'.li , not employ any'Person in any manner so az to become subject m the Workers' " COmpensatian Wwi of California:Dam Applicant' - NOTICE TO APPLICANT.the Worker's IL after making this Ccnin s of the Exemption.you should Auto - become suomply ffie Wicker's Crimps or this provisionsll the Labor Code,you must Q Q forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed rtvokM. u!) "' '`" CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY' ." a'5! ' •' I hereby AM.that there is A morm,fran lending agency fai performance of me work far which this permit is issued(Sec:309],Civ,C.) "; Lender's Nemc.:.:, _.4 r.._ : . .. . ._. ...:..: :...... . . .. .... . . ... fk''l7 Lenders Address U'0 I certify that 1 have mad this application and nate that the above information is [Lel.., coircn.I agree to an with all city and county ordinances and stem laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize r,prxmatatives of this city toenter upon >„ W' the above-mentioned propeny for inspection purposes. . _ tq ' (We)aSree to I.A.indemnify and keep harmlessthe Cityof Cupertino against W liabilities.judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against said U Z. City in consequence of the granting of this Pemor ' • .. "' n APPLICANT UNDERSTgND DD WIL OMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT'S 1 '- D � sou fGy2prydys, yro�,;; .r I ?,Y ,2 Issued by: Date Si ofnppncant rnamcom'; '''. e,' Ate''' ' Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE m defined by the Cu n no Municipal Cod Ch te 9 11 and the H hh dSafetyal 'Type of Roof Will the PPl cam orf t r bis ltli ig ac p tst rh dl h-ziN MP Cod Sectio 255321x7 a� I t - - , _ '! g El 1, x61 No .1, a is. - , ,. .,All 'to' shall inspected prwr to any roofing.matenal_being installed. "Will thepplic6l far.,- b le gOccapamuseequipment de iceswhich If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspec[ion;-I agree to remove Am haldfll0 s air coram ran¢as defined by me Bay Area A Quality'himmicmem Dia mi all new materials for inspection _Applicant understands and will comply with l(, °Y . "° ' -.i. _ all lion-point source regulations. - 4 ' 1 have scall the hazardous immrials rtgwrcments under Chapter 6.95 or the Califomia Henle&Safety Cade,Hellions 25505,25533 and 25534.1 undersund that -ifthe building does nm curtcntly haveaunnn1.that it is my rcspgnsibility to notify the - may acpupent of the requircmrmf which must b<met priof w issuance of a Certificate'of Own Signature of Applicant ... _ _ Date Owns aadmri:m aprmr' - "T Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better . . OFFICE .. .