21129 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY �pl Building Project Identification 1PITT NO. Building ddreac1 0 ( PLFRu R[cV-13v, 21129 n erre. one: p �"�(-}Q��,..9j G-QO(�� CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION o . c°�Ir�ary�r°N. LLJkC" 'Q APPLICATION I PERMIT �fAns- DIIbaV4Slu 17h7�J BU LDINGELECTR CALPLUMBINGMFfHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL M QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address: PERMITISSUANCE h I t7/ ^l 1 irmthaSF.DCONTR under eDECLARATION Ihth Se a.flrmthalanthem3.fth derprovialonso(Chapter de,.adm APPLIANCESRESIDENITAL JOB DESCRIPHON Ingwith Section 7000)of Dlvielon3otlhe Bualnessand Pm(esslansCnde,and my licenselsln ful o and d(M9 pis S FD w L Licen C LIC.II Date Contractor ow 6-1 LIPT0200AMPS ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 201-1000 AMPS �pp�vv NO Zp I understand my plana shall be used as public records. OVERIODOAMP9 SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. Licensed Professional 9CNSELECTRICAL "1 2�C / Ff y<w<< OWNEReBUILD ne DECLARATION SI+ECJpLG7RCUIT/MIEC C�, L� lL Thereby afOrmthatlameaempt ERDEeLARATor's License law lor the 'T qqqqqq following reason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Profesaons Code:Any city or countywhkh requireaa permit tomrotract,alter,Improve,demolish,orrepair TFMP.MEfER OR POLE INSf. r 4 asa any°tmm.p i.,toitsissuance,al o.q.t.theappUmnt(wr chperMtto POWER DEVICES 6 O U file a signed statement that he at licensed pursuant to the provixiona of the µ Contactors License Law(Cho pter9(commencing with Section 70W)ofDivi. �,�OS don 3ofthe Buslnessand Peafmmes Codc)orthal he at exempt therefromand SWIMMINGPOOLE.ECTRIC VALUATIOI�O the bast,for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 70315 by any I .j S ^ CJ appH.at fora permit subjectstheapplIcanttoa civil penalty ofnd morthan OUMETSSWITCHESFI%TURES five hundred dollars($500). NEW !RESIDENTIAL ELECTR t �n ❑1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sok SQFC. SCOW FS TYPE CONSTRUCTION compensatlon,wRld°the wor"rulthestmature is not intended or offered forO O .1.(Sec 70K Business ad Professio.Code:The Contadols License Law , ' $ does not a pply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,and OCC.CROUP RES.UNITS who does such work Mmlf seorthrough his own employees,provided that such Q Improvements arc not Intended orofferedfrreale.If,however,thebuilding or ' TOTAL: improvemdMisadd within oneyearofcompidiorythaowner-buaderMll have t"eden of proving that hedld not build or Improve for purpose of sale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE pLOOD70NE APN LJ L as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed roPERMITI$SUANCE I^1�. contractors to md truthe project(See.7014 Business and Professions Code: A The Contador's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) Wilds or Improves thereon,and who contracts for such ptujeds with a cgR(Caetor(s)Iksneed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law. FEE SUMMARY LJ I am exempt under Sec. B k P C for that mason BACKFLOW PROTECT.DEVICE DRAINS.FLOOR ROOF,AREA,CONT). SANRARY Y N • Owner Dae RECEIPT M WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FIXTURES.PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y N ❑I hereby affirm that 1 have a cert1(Iate of consent to copy thereof ora RECEIPT Y 3800,Lte ab Worken'Compmsatlonlnuunnce oracertified ropythemeo(ISa. GAS PA.SYSTEM-1 INCA OITLM PARKFFE Y N 3800,Isla C.) Policy p GAS FA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(RA) RECEB'T'X Com any - BUILDING DIVISION FEES FCerd ied copy is hereby th the cid. CREASE/INDUSI'RL WASTE INTERCEPTOR P HECK FEE ❑CertVled copy V(Ikd with the city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP PAI COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER SANITARY (Ihlsamthm.eednutbecompleted lftheperretatforaaehundeaddollan STORM EA.200P1'. Dat Recei t#f^Sa'QJ (f1I ormlass. VENT Icert yth) In the performance of the work forwhkhthls permit ie blWATER HEATER W/ /E.ECTR ENERGY FEE Y_ N_ I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to became subject to the WATE(SYMI M/TRFATING Workers'Compensation Laws of Califonels.Date PAID - Z Z Applicant Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT;If,after nuking this CertRlate of H.em)nlon,you [v`Lv`'RESIDENTIAL I'LMB.__SQFf. Date Revel HI Hshould become subject to the Workeri Compersatlon pmvbiomoflhe Labor TOTAL: MN Code,you at forthwith comply with such previxi.s or this permit shall be 0 LU > deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE O CIL c CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hereby affirm that there Is a construction lending agency for the pedarm- TOTAL: Q Z ance of the work for which this permit at iwM&c.3097,Civ,C.) t Q ELECTRIC FEE 0O Leaders Name PLUMBING FE' p 0 LL F Lenders Address QTY. MECH CAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL O W Icedlfythatl have read thatapplicatlonandstatethatihrvbo a aformation aanapsa a 1 atmrreci.]agree to comply with all cityand county ondinancesand state laws PEtM ANCE n n.L/ PEES FAIL): N relating to building coedeactlon,and hereby authorize representatives ofthls I" Z Illy to enter upon the above-mentmsedprops orlvpMlonpurposea. OR ADD TDME'LH. Date ReCei [N T agree to ea demnl and a ess the Clty of Cupedlna against llabillt meat°, sae aw horsy In any ways c AIR HANDLING UNIT 10,000 ) SUBTOTAL: against moon o x ti his permit. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000 CN) CONSTRUCTI TA 3/ nature of rat/Contractor to IXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSU WBIt applicant or future building occupant stamor handle h edous HEATING UNIT(TD 100,0008 material as dented by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.1 andthe Date Reeei tH Health and SafetyCade Section25532W7 HEA'UNG (OVERI 7'U) TOTAL: ❑Yes �]No Will the haeardntarfuture contaminants amnpandbyequip mea devices V AN 'G RESID) I ODATE/L-"�' whichemit havmloua air rontaminanta act de0ned by thea Area Alr . Quality Management Dietrict9 ROIL MPO 0 ,000 BTU) ���� Yes I�I No f�PR have readthehazar�ous rtutedalsmqubemenhund rChapterkl)So( -COM 100,000BN) the California Health k Safety Code,Sections 25505,2553 and 25534. 1 uaderstandthatlfthcbulldingdoean°Immentlyhavcat eanLthatitlamy, RESTDENTI LMECH. SQ.Fr �a[Pmr... s rnpomlbllity to nollty the occupant of the mqulrementew ch mus[be met rlr/ prior to issuance of a Cenificateof Occupancy. Q 7 11 Owner or authorlud agent Date O ISSUED BY: s^— TOTAL: E COPY