22949 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES— USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification PERMIT NO. Building Address: 22949 3o3aiS � e ante: NsS� aTD �s o -\.t CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDINGDIVISION • tl¢'sName: Ix.No: APPLICATION I PERMIT BUR.DING-dRC7RICAL-PLUMMNGMECEIANICAL CATEGORY CONTROG It A ketl/Fagivem Lie Na C-5310(0 CITY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address PF7thRT ISSUANCE ❑ El LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Iherebyagbmtbatlamkwreedundes prwWwa(Chapter9( AIRfIANCES•RF9DENML ]pB N Ingwlih5etlbn7o 0)I DIvWm3o(1heBuWumudi'ro(uslmsCade,sad Ikeme ts In fullfur¢and dktl. PANELS ` LImmeCha Llr_a Dale Camrttlor ARCHITECTS 13ECLARATION2014 2 f understand my plausmBbe used an mEQ. publlenmda OV1WDAMPS FE.RMRARFA S/SQ.FT. Lkenae Pr aLwal SR:NSEBCTRXA_ B_ «<� OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC D C IN ' Ih atticmlbatlame¢mpt(mneheConlaRo/�LI¢me faw!¢the pp muawmg,scar,.(5etl1m 7811 Buslnese arW PmfnsbnsCade:Any tlry or C R Z e PP SO 3 wnly whW requiwaa pemtltmmmWgalleylmpmvgdemoWh,or rtpalr TEMP MEFERORPOLELNST. ER a ■ y anyMmWmprlorwi%bwr a&wrequb¢Meappbmntf¢urhpemtltm POWER DOCS DA E % 5 file a rgma btsmmt thM h b Ilaenscd pursuant m the prevldme of the CanlntloALkesse Lw g:hapler9(mrrnrendng with Satlkm 7000)of Dlvl- SWIMMINGPOOLEL.RCIWC Gam• �I§5 smn3ofthe Bushn mdProfmi aCode)¢the habemmI theMmmand VALUApON X the basis for the alleged uempebn. Any violation of 3eebn 7031.5 by any OUILE75SNM17CFLFSFDOl7RF5 -I' applicant fora permit ubjecb th applicantm e Mall penalty nine,mme llun ndrd dawn H500). S2 I,uownernilhapmpedy,on my emplaye¢with wages as lheb sole NEW RESWI]NTIALELFICTR SQlsl'. SIOIB6 TYPECOP'SfRIX:DON S2cmpenukon,will dothe work and thearmade a lease intended or agreed(as ink LSea 70K Busmen and PMesebu Code:The Comnctors LI¢ue Law $8 does not apply to an owner of property who builds orimproan debar,end who doeaurhwarkhimseg¢ m Ihugh wwWd ownemployeekprthatsuch OCC.GItOUP RIB.IIN175 Improvements Me net intended oroffend found,It hewever,the building TOTAL: ImprowmemiswMwhhin n yearofo=Vldkb themmpbuBduvAUlaw tmenofpmdng that he dM not build or improve(¢purpoae ofaabJ. QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE I7.00YZNE APN tI L as owner of the property,am exclusively oonbxYing wtlh 11¢nsed wnttaclre,,—,eutl the projen(See 701 ,Busmese and Prnie 1maCade: PmMIT156UANCB The Contractor,Lkense Ladoma apply m an owner m property who Its — The Liv, es builds or Improves Manan,and who women for aitch pLojem with a ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATERMV agBRao¢(pll¢md pumuntmMeCmlradoeaG¢nse Law. «�W DEVICE PROTECT• FEE SUMMARY I am exempt under See B&P C f¢this non DRNNSW.00R,ROOF,AREA,GOND. SANITARY Y_ N_ Owner DMA RBC}RT F WORKIdAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FD(T11ffSPm•IRAP SCId00L TAX Y N_ dU hereby a(fbm that I haw a IMUM ni consentmenWi m MWnun,¢a to RECFRT a ¢0QlAb Worhari Comperwtlmimunrr¢¢a¢nBbd wpytheraniDice. GAS PA.SYSTEM-1 INCH OUTLETS ZRFER Y_ N_ 3800,IabCJ IWLY S GAS RA.SYBPFM•OVERN(11A) R�F1PT a ny BUILDING DIVISION FEES rWid copy b henbyfuntshd. GREASE/INIwb7RL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE CedNed copy b filed with the tlly Inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' CREAETRAa ppjp COMPENSAT ANCB SEWEIt-SANITARY-SfORMFA.2WFE Date RL'cei tN Owrectm Ifthpe tsf¢one hundred dollen Ol W)¢I WATER NEATER W/VENTT/ELBCTR ENERGY FEE Y N I¢rtl that inch 1 k wldehthls pemdtblrred. I shall employ m n es to bemme ubjad to the WATm SYSIIId/772Fi171NG Works Coope PAID ZD.D.iICR a rmkinglwCe tsofFaemppttlun,yue NEWRESIDINMLPLME SgFL Date Rebel t# should to Me Workers'CorrgrenMebn proWabua(Ma tabor TOTAL: Ix N Codeyou must forthwith comply with such providom orthb permit"the BUILDING LU > domed revoked. FEE tl O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 'SEISMIC Ihembyaglrm that them b a construction kndingsgemy mrlhe pedorm •EO•AL. ,� _ ELECTRIC FEE Z ameofthemrklorwhkhthbpeemgbbsred C9m3D97,CW.CJ O G Leaders Name PLUMBING FEE Z L — LL F Iandee.Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W I ¢dlfythmlkawrudtwappB¢RonaAMWihmtheabmm m Uww LL homeag s.IMWwmplywkhaBMna tyarA=ntyardinmmmdtelxw PFRMrissuANCE FEES PAID: M H relming lobullding wandlon,and hereby authorkst reprometatly¢oflhb j. U) city mems,upon the ahovemenaoned property for Imporion purposes, ALTERORADDTOMECH. z (We)ago to save,indemnify an d keep hamden the City of Calamine Date Reeei W against WbWllenjudgment oodaad upenesewhich may Inanywayaavue AIR HANDLING UNIT CFO 10,WOCM) SUBTOTAL• meb-6-III.Ptir momaequ the greeting ni rids perm&. AIR HANDLING UNrimm IQDWCFhO CONSTRUCTIONTAX a Sigrumnaf Appll¢nt/Cent tl¢ �— FXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or furan building ocupont Mom or handle haardous HEATING UNIT CTO 100,000 BTU) Date Rceci tR mMeAlndA Nd by the Oupedlm Municipal Code,Chapter 93Z and the Health and Sa(elyCde Sool.75531041 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100AW BTU) TOTAL: a% Yen No WDltha ippilnam¢haturrindidbig acwpam useequipmem¢devlaw VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESfO ISSUANCE VTE whkh emithaardona a4 contsndrume as deilrud by the gay Am Airr' Al D . Qualfty.Management District? BOR.PJLODMP GHPOR 10"M Irm Yes ❑No w end the besardonametertsb requirements uderChapler&ES of BOR.ERCOMP(DVm IW,WORTIR theCalifomtsliealth&Sofely Cade,Setlbna 75505,25573ad 255M.1 NO11 �$ 1991 understand the I lithe Wilding does not currently have a tenant,that it lsmy NEWRIDDQN7IALMECJI. Wr N YY v v/J responsMskym mtBy the owrpam o(the requiremerdswhkh=sth met . r pdortohuzmeniacedlfl¢teniOwrpamy. CITY OF CUPtr..... Owner¢authorized agent Date TOTAL: ISSUEDBY: OFFICE COPY