20010 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Peosentltemlfkatl OC - PERMIT NO. Buuamgaaa) 06 5 2� 3 Z c 20010 �� tee. CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION • ctole "ore: Gc.No: APPLICATION / PERMIT WFAUTT dd Il '• /k BW ELECTRICAL PLUMBINGMECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL N A et/ gl —T No: 1 �'r 5 QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT EPEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address (DQ �SSb St. SF. PFRMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby dfi.that lam lkenxd under pr W.ra ofChapur 9(ournmere, APPLIANCESRESIDEMTAL tip gg.1.pN Ingwith Soctun70=ofD(vbim3 ofthe Buslruaeand ProteuloniCode,and try -"N(7 1 (� ie,cbin fu8 and fff�. PANES l �� f' Date� Comn�/2rYs (-O ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION -1 ANTS LLL rt, 0 C TOC l understand my plane shall be uaod n public mord, OVER 1000 AMPS F � $/SQ.Fr. od U Lkeneed PmLE feslonal SIGNSELECTRICAL s... U t,<N OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION M P U T E 7 �y Ihemb afflnnthatlamexempifremthe Coeractor'.Lrem Uwfarthe 9PEC AI.CIXC T/MSC pp =ntywhr rn.P.ccape7 5,Buenecalt Props ,eCade:Mytltyor 0 7�qqq IIIAP.ME7FR OR POLE MIST. W; Fmly muntywhkhrequb,apemdt to mrotrut,dter,lmprove,demolbharrepalr —J )3/41 CCC171 a arty atru ed staterre W that he es aboren!puraeart to the faaches of tta POWER DEVICES MA y'w m� floc a algnM neem eLa Ilan he t Ilmnaed pursuant it the pro7(CO) of the 3u Con3.fthi limes andPreeelr9(mmmenMthethSedbnherefofDIW- C O�^ elon3 ofthe Buslnmand Profeabro Code)arthe hebexempt Nerefromand SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION 5 fS�g Ne basis for the alleged exemption. Any Nolatlon of SetIon 7m1S by an �oa app8ant for a permR wbjemthe applicant to a d"I penalty d net mart than OIJD.EISSNOTCFHSHXTURES ndred ddlan(1500). NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTRSQ.FT. as STORIES TYPE CONS7kl-CIIO\' ..p, owner of the property,or my employe,with wag,an their sole comperuelon,w0l do the work,and the Brume,b not W ended or offered for C o oale Cit,70K Buerea aM Prdembv Cade:The Coobnu:t .U..Law Ifisg don wtapply toss owner d property who builds or lmprwes thereon,and OCC.GROUP RES IINTB GG.. whodaneuch work hlmB« � thwgh hbown employe provided thatsuch Improvemew are not Intended or offered for sale.If,hawavcr,the building or TOTAL: Opmeement bsdd within oneyearofoomplebr,the vomer-buOderwW have t ed on of proving the k did not build or improve for pu rposa of sale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD mNE AI'N 4 as owner of the properly,am exclusively contracting with Ilanxd ppRMpp ISSUANCEcontndns to entered the project(See 7040 Bs ueneand Pndmbm Code: Ile Comnctorb Llaroe LAW don net apply to an owner of property who ALIFR-DRAW&VENT-WATER(FA) Wilda or Impmv,thereon,and who <m contracts for sueh ieo) with a owlifaeter(O loomed pursuant to the Cmntneor's Linme Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LI I en nempt under Sec 8 &P C for this reason DRAINS FIAOK ROOF,AREA,ODND. SANITARY. . Y_ N_ S Owner Dee — WORIOHAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RI)$'f Y hcrtbbyy affirm the I hive a certif to d cornett to self-mere,or �NRFS-PFR TRAP —SCHOOL TAX Y_ N oe Oare dWorkeni Comperoatlanlrou a Rrtl(ied ropy thereof bee RIrE]PI'Y aa��II GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 WCAOUILETS PARK FEE Y_ N_ Pd Yb ) 0 Oft/ 0�/ 'RECI]PI'Y GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) CeY BUILDING DIVISION FEES tlf copyb niBsd ropy b fileded with t . GRIASE/WDUS1RL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE ' tthehivy Inspection division. EP CERTIFICATE OF EXEHMON FROM WOR K ER B' GREASE]RAP PAID COMPENSATION INR SUANCE SEWER-SANITARY-STORM FA XIQR Date Recd t# (ITd,,action need nn be completed lf the pend[b froom hundred dolf.n W W)o,j.) WATER HEATER w/vEWT/17,ECTR ENERGY FEE Y N I certify the In the perferouna of the work forwhieb this pemdt is lsened, 1 eha8 nm employ any penin In any manner an as to become sub),cit to the WA.fQt 5Y51P1.f/,IRFA,DI�G w.lu,.Cmhpen.flon I.Wsaf California.Dare PAID ' O Z Appliam NEW RESIDE T1ALPLMB. SQFI'. Date Recel t# Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT;If,a Rer making thla Certificate of Exemption,you N should become aubjett to the Warken'Compensatlm�provbbm o(th<IAbur TOTAL: Code,you s[fothwLLh comply with such prvvlsbro or Nla permN shall ha W > domed revoked. . CL o CON4TRUCFION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE Ihereby.tOrm that there b.mneructlm lending agony for the perform Z anmoftheworkforwhkhthbpermitblvwcd(SLe3097,CIV.C.) TOTAL' ELECTRIC FEE V O Larder',Nene PLUMBING FEE LL ~ Landee.Addr,a QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICALFEE 30 O ION 1 mtifythel have read this eppB ticnedl Bate that the abovebfor m �s 4 bmrnd.lagreetocu plywlthal&yaMcountyordba ..ndnatelawe PERMIT ISSUANCE I 1t�L/ FEES PAID. N relating to building rorMrudlon,and hereby authonu representatives of this f" Z dty to enter upon theabuvcmentbred property for inspection purpo�A ALTE4ORADDTOMECH- V _ (We)agree to.av Indemnify an harmlea t fty of Cupetlm Date RCCei t# agerot Babwtfn ma cone sea which lnanywayaotue AIR HANDLING UNIT 9010,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: galrot said N Barye the els oft mdt �� ��/moo AIRHANDUNGUNTf(OVER 10,0DDCFSD CONSTRUCTION TAX Appueant/C dor Date MIAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: m oHAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Willthrappla in or neturebuading oavpont store or handle havMous HEATING UMT(IO 100,W0 BTll) mecrhlu dofined Safothe Cupertino MuNtlpal Cade,Chapter 9.17,andthe Date Rmei t# Health and Suety Codod2S537W7 HEATING UMT(OVFR 100,000 BTI-0 TOTAL: Q O nn Yea TOTAL: m be Oding oaupant use equi pane or devk, VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSN URATE whlcheMthanrdw, kmntaMvsasdeflmdbythcBay Area Mr i Q'U Ora hty Maregenrnt rkt7 BOB.ER-COMPOEOPOR IW,ODD BTU) 4Yea huve mad the h oils materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of BOILER-COMP(OVEt 1W,"BM JUL 31 i9�p the mn Callfla Health&SafetyCode,SMbro 25505,75513 and 25534. I underead that ifilveigelding don rot ntly have.to ant that it is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. - SQFT. responibilky ton t eeeepad a kement kh mut be raet t ra fs„tet ' prior to baro da rti0ateo O ''' y - authorlad agent Date ISSUED TOTAL:19tBY:,,.le OFFICE COPY