01040093 CI'rY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: IIUILrJItlG ADUH455'. 1'ERMI'INO. OWNHR'S NAME; APPLICATION SUB 1 —APPLE GGMPUTER 511 DIVISION STR 1'BONIa ❑'ARO NO. ( R RI ARCBI'DiCI'/HNGINEER (41218) 3713 0400 BUILDING PERMIT INFO F BLDG Ii1.1i(LL' "LUMB MITCH F d E I C=1 I=] IJ 1—I 2a _ Lrint that iII CON'nHACrder r DECLARATION .IOb Description I heresy anon thus I n 3ofthe B under find Praf,of n,Chapter Code.(commencing �wl–w with Section70(10)of Division inflhe Business and PmR•,sions Code.and my littn.w I ,in full force and cllcct. Liacr,cclay, Lie'» DEMO EXISTING SOFFIT B• INSTALL NEW T— s'J P�"" Dutc Canmuwr m a o nacurn;cr's uE[chnann°N (N) ROOM. 1 undcruvnJ my fila,shalt le maul a.,public maned, a. am O Licm,wd Pur innnl r a �o, OWNCH,11,aam lCli UIiCLARA'HON til 1 hereby uftinn,but 1 anexumpl from the 0 uravmr',Licmrc lalw An,the (=L< ❑showing reason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Pndes io,Code.Any city or cnunly `e j which aspires a pearrinit to construct, La p denualish,or repairy Ta arc u°6J 3 m prior to itsIw requires the applicant h ental to rile a signedstatement hat In,is licaal,ed....... 1 atm IT < It c t :L I (Chapter9 Sy. FL Flo Area Valuation (antIng wnln Scmlon7(1 Xu,I Dir do„3nf Moho, , ,d 1'r cies,:...,Cade) or Shut basic exempt tmy applicant and the assns fns the alleged exemption.Any violnalty 01 Section,than by any applicant fora permit subJrou the aPFlicam m a civil penalty Typ mf a,a 11mrc man r,z nonarcd dollar,($sE.n. APN Number Occupa$YTyp00 Chats owaernl'O ePmiscrty or my employees ant wages as lheir,nla con.pano., n. `:YID will do the work,and the stmcwrc is nol Intended or offered for sale(Sec.9044. Bins,and I'mfcssinn,Code,rile Contractor',Licnrcc Law does not apply in ane(F,,6ed Inspections owner of,ars enY Who builds or improves Merron,and who does such work hlmwlf 326 1004 1 . fl'G1 through has own employees,provided that such improvements arc not intended or Transit for wle.II'.Ia T,Ion handing a au, col 1,,old wlmin one yea of n11pm1on.meow,rf yrle,lr will have dtetnumen in�pro,ing mai l,e aid n°t hails nr ^2+04 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME improv utpnm o ,a,owner of the proleny.;an,ewsi,'cly commertng with licensed commcWri in 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING naruct the pnfcct(Sec.71.14,B,iors,and Pn11'esvons Coale:)the Contractors .ieenxe E uw doe,it,),apply m annowner of rollarly who,runs or improv,,mercotl. 303 — ROUGH MECHAN I CAL nil who contract,In,,a ,meet,w;th a eourneunrca rcen,ed punuanl m the Coatmemr', .; low 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL ❑lame r B&PCfnrmi,relsn 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL owrl _ ,o_ : rcoMPrrriAr�r��lcLA�nnGN 507 — FINAL PLUMBING hercnyafim, merperaltyofperjury one orthe foHowmgdcelanni ,: 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL 0 I bas mal ,It nnain a Cenireane of cnn.ertt t,eco-ia,aa nor Worker, 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS Compcn.awm, as prowidni for by Section 3703 of the Labor Cala for the performance of the work tor which this pemlit is issued. ❑1 have and will maintain Worker's Conllernutlon Insurance.as required by Section 3703 of the Luh...Code,Gr the panonnanre or it,work for whleb Ibis pcnuit Is sued.My Worker's Cou,s nation Insurance canner and Policy nanber arc: Carrico policy No.: cBRrIPiCAI'ION(S EXEMFCLON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE: (This section need not be completed if the Nam,is for one hundred dollars FINALE D (111)or less.) I Certify that in the Iarfunnunm 0 the work fur which 1IN per at is i„red,1 JUL 0 3 2002 ,hall nm employ any person In Tiny manmn m v, In necmne'chil,t o-1 Ian Wakcri Compensation haw',of California.Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:II,after making this CeniGcme of Exemption.You,hmlA Q Qumbem s thioct no the Wor kers Cmmpvnsmiom provlsiann of the Labor Code.you most BUILDING Ibnhwim eo,lyny with such pmvl,don,or IIni parinit,hull he dacntem mvokm. Z . 'n CONSTRUCTIONtamma num InMNO AGENCY a ' 1senor winch that thereiss coned:Sec Icnding agency for the perfomlanve nano,',N mr which mss Penna is isencA(See.3037.Civ.C.7 Q Lender,Name z IsnJcr',AJArcss t.7 1 reality that I have read this application and vale that me mane intimation.is W [^r coma 1 agree In comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating V mhuildogcroo,flon,and hereby author ire rcprc.... sol lhi,,.,y to enter upon theabm<nu7nlnnedproper furins,melinn Purposes. E}„ y (We)agrccrosavc,i cmnify xnJ keep harmless the City..-Cupcninn again V1 Iivhiline,p • cot, d and cxpcnas which may in any wa accmc 6ainv,aid V '^, Chy In m rt t g' tiny phis hermit. Y� APP 'I' t SANDII WILL COMPLY W TL�OINT Issued by: Date gat 6 npphcanvcn anor nate Re-roofs HA l RDIIUS MAIHRLM.S DISC.OSUR. Will 111—ppraal or lntum bod goccopant,tor:or handle lnoamoas,ontedal Type of Roof vat Js mea by me Car,mro Municipal Cod,Chapter 9.12,and the Uealnt and Safely Come.Section]35320)! ❑Yea ON,, All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will maapplielTmafnlumhaud'ng,wca, t.,en,mpmerlad,viacawhich If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove emit h ounlou4 to,comanlina d,,darned by the day Area At,Quallly Muwgamet, [)i,rire all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with O yes 0 N all non-point source regulations. I have read the ha,an nu,materiel,rcquirnnenn under Vha,tv,b 95 of the Cali l'am4 llculth,k Satiety Coxae.Season,25515,2553}unJ 25. 4 1 un cnwnA d,w ifmcbuildin• t' ly von mnvm.Ihm it i,my rcs nl,ihilil In nonil'y the o ccupanrclama a be met prior I is a of Cenif eme of Signature of Applicant Date -w net a I;aac ."at CC Data All roof coverings to be Class `B"Or better OFFICE ® CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO 0730 VALLEY GREEN DR OUTH BAY CONSTRUCTION CO INC 01040093 OWNRR'S NAME: 1 A0 PPLE COMPUTER 11 DIVISION STREET APPLIlsV9'�F001 PHONE( (408) 379-0400 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. -0 O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: wBUILDING PERMIT INFO � — a u G BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH Nzu Z Z ores i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Descript' Oz—e Section innyhereb )of lite lam Ofthe dunderprovi sionsof Chins,9nd mmccense F=tZom is in full lone and effect,Division me Business and Profenionz Code and my license DEMO EXISTING SOFFIT & STALL NEW T-BAR a az C is in full force and ellen. �� a Lioenseclas. Lice (N) STORAGE ROOM. X 3 i U Dam Connazmr 0y a I undersmnd my plAanRsCsHhaITll EbCe uTs'SeDECLARATION ECLARATIONs r 1 WgR rowE3 n d p O Licensed Professional a�o(ii OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION JUL 0 3 2002 I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt train the Conuaaor's License w for e t-Z (oilowing reason.(Section 703 L5.Business and Profession,Code:Any city or county, { o which requires a permit to convect,alter,improve•demolish,or repair any someone 3� ..Inicion,if, c Iso'claims h-slioltfar n Parnal toile a,ionediaineream 50000 malhel bc<ns<dpury u ;t 'th pro s° fineC t lwsLeenselaw(Chpi 9 S (co e g thsao 7009) fD 3 flhBusiness and Pramic bn.Cod ) I'�)i SS's '..J.,L 5 i'\ " :,'Vi 'S'�' S.,> I Valuation o tot he Kcal nPl tit fmm.ed the hat,lin the allsgcA esengti an`,Any violation - - ' - 1 of Section]031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to civil penalty lir wt nem man five hundred dngara 15soB). APN Number -' Occupancy Type D1.as uwnerof Ota properly,or my employees with wages u,lheirsole contp<nsmian, — UNDERFLOOR F E Him do he'work.-aad'the' comorm'is..I intended w wffoc for salc(Sec:70w; Business and Professions Code: c Canno ade',License Law dues not,apply to an 3 01 - ROUGH PLiR94UrWinspections owner of property"'no builds or Improves thereon,and whit does such work himself or through his own employee,.provided that such improvements arc ma inera l or 3 03 — ROUGH MECHANICAL 'oifcmd for sola.If,how<vei,the building or imyrovcment is sold within one year of completion,the ownccOlmdoter win have,the burden of proving that he did not build or 3 04 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL "...".. improve for purism of vole). 314 — T—BAR CEILING D1,ainw'let ofm P:npeny.3inmifusiv,lye°ntrahingwithevenedcamtndoman 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL1 consnuct the pmjea(Sec.7014,Business and Professions Cad,The Carl.,."s - License Law does not apply m an owner of impact,woo build,or improve,thereon, 507 - FINAL PLUMBING " cntruenes Licensets�Isaw. n proieati.wnn a conteaurrV licensed Pursuant Ito me 508' - -FINAL MECHANICAL .. . . ... .. oiam e.emPt unad see.- ,B&P C for his reason 514 - FINAL PUBLIC 'WORKS" Da1C516 - FINAL BUILDING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby,affirm under pen°by of perjury one of m<following decloonom s: D I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insum far Workers Compensminn. ;is provided or by Section 37W of the Latin- Cal<, for the perfomtance of the work for which this permit is issued. D 1 have and will mountain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 37W of the Labor Code,for the perfomtonce of the work for which this permit is issued.My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number arc: Currier+''1 t !' r f-.,r t L L.,,,Polley Na: `, t . .. ... .... .. . . . ., _........ ...,..... :. CERTIFICATION OP.E%EM"ION PRDM.VC,KERS rJ•x.f a`�,4.ti, t ',•:^ i�J''', ]i1 s•1:-0 t <I, COMPENSATION INSURANCE s si (This section need not h completed if the permit is for arm hundred dollars I ($I W)or las.) 1 certify mm in Person in any m nn the wart for which this permit a issued,1 shall nm employ boy pcnon in any manner in as to become subject to the workers Applicaunt- Compensmion Lows of Califomia.Dec Noon,aROAPPr,to he W.,ka L thermal,ins ohpp oboomme of Escmpione,you ould become vmjen to me Workers Campematmn provision,of the Lhnr Code,you must z Q Innhu im'comply wire such pnsvi,inn.lir this permh,hall be deemed ev°ked. Z " COt'he" l rIONLENDINGAGENCY -- a " e I kfol ohitm that mere is n mnamamn larding s.C.) fonhe peth;6rmnce yof me wwrk for which this permit is issued(Sec.1097.Civ.Cl z 11ro 'Mame- = Z xndcr',AJdrea - ' WQ 1 scarify that 1 have read this application and state that the shave infarmmion is [r calico,I;tgme in°imply with all city olid county ordin:mccs and nine law,rclming ..Q U mbwldbtg<omm:clion:red hemh'awhnrirt rcprcunmtives lir mi,city m<ner upon -}W ohc a,sve-memioned property'far impecoion purposes. (Wel ag...to' a,e.indemm"aiW keep harmless the City of Cupertino against Zl liahilitics.luJgmc in cosh unJ expenses which ores in nnY way acme agmina sail '.0 z1: n consequence of the geeing of rets permit. - f • SPPLICANT U]'DHRSTANUS AN'D WILL CObIPLI'WITH ALL 60NPOINT 1 sDuucr ar:cuL:....Ns. Issued by: Date .Stgwmrt of APPbcanvennomcror Dam •� HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Re-roofs Will the applicant Lir nure(wilding occupant store lir handle ba=allous material Type of Roof as de fired by the Cupertino Municipal Cale.Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safe,, - - - - "' -- Code.Section 25532)°1' -)''1 t ti.::I..', t'�(. i t s Y : p n ave, • ': ❑No i \i•i. • All roofs'sFiall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Willad applkom or fnum atilding occupaotosccquipmemof devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,'I agree to remove emit hasarJ�iuI car chum mars as defined h)the Bay'A8..i1ir Quality Management g D1inai' °Ye °`° all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations. ('have read the haaallons nmrerials requirements under Chapter 695 of the Califomia Health&Safety Cede.Section,25505,25513 and 255311 understand that if file building does not amanOY have a lenunemao it is my responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be mel poor a isuare,of a Ceniftci a of • .. Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date owner or aamnn=m agent D„< All roof coverings to be Class "B”or better OFFICE