01050079J CITY OF CUPERTINO m 4 po- — CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: nun.mNG DIVISION PERMIT If I111.DIN'ADDR"" NO. /G11PERMIT V� APPLICATIONNd IT'j OWNER'S Ah11"�� �� P � SANCt1N'IROLNO, fI'ARYN(1. PHONli: ❑UILDING PERMIT INFO ARCIIHECfIENGINEER: I )G '.ECT PLIIMB MECt1 LICENSED CON'TRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description the Yath...i that l an linotwJ under Pnrvi<ions of CM1aP¢r 9(eommeneing on41.millllliviainnJ of the Ousincs rand Profosinn. cock, and myliccnw rail fora unA el I' Ul L ue, acne Class Q/ cfLAR,f17lfM I*A ARCHnt.SDCC I undcmanJ my plain shall he uud as puhlic ncordc I,icatmJ 11n,1 seinnal OWKEK.BUILDLK OIiCLANATION I M1eteby .(Sect that 1 vin. the CosLaw fur the Co e: Any ccense vml Professionsrrdi Code: Any city rte county Burin s an ,evwn. (Section 1onstr t. alter, whichfollowing which requires Penner cnmwch aper, impmsu demolish, or repair structure renter to tela a signed amre'tent requires thevistan ant toe asgned nleo rt prier m its i re Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation mensnm, Cah Jtathe ialia'ttncdl in pnwliiisinfthe Rmtmnnr.Liccmclaw..as Secti,ttame Coe) wish of as Cnlc) Division 3 w'tnc Betaines. rand Pin, i, at thin he c thc.n .i a e Any thalleged csempno o Any violation is 31.5 bt tany a fi and the hack for the subjects m mm Section eons by am for aPermit cuhjats the applicant to.civil Penalty of APN Number Occupancy Type main. o(nrn marc then Bvc hundred dollars ($5 00). fee hu dred ❑ Lac owner of bhc pmPe"Y, ur am eng,loyee. wi It wage as then .ole mmfna'aflon, Required Inspecti will do ate work..na the xwcturc is ,at intended n, offered In, sale (Sm. 711,1, Bovine,, and Profession, QNe:'Phe Contractor's License have tires eat apply in an owner of property What builds or impmves thereon, and who does such work himself or M1ul own inn proved,) that such improvements me hot emended of / /k erectdirough revi,. the is sol wlmlm one year or ofla"Ic an sole. If, boweve,. the huilve or Ind"' t,, / olmem the, will have the huNen of proving thin he Aid not bullA ter t bhainve iprove n-nuiWer improve for Putpane of lois). for ❑ I, va owner of the property.... exclusively contme,ing with licensed conwcmn m Conuocmi O / conawa the project (Sec. 01114. Business and I'mfe.ssions Ctxle)'ITc s license Law Anse not apply w un nwnc, of property who mid—or iranowes iharcon, inti who commits for such projects sols a umunemr(s) IICvavCd purutnt m the Cr%mvra's License Law. , If & Is C for this rcuum E]1 inn e..,, under Sec. Owner Uam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARAnON I mrehy of inn under penalty of perjury one of the fallowing dedi mtiaus: ❑ I have and rill maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insum for Walker's Camrynsation, us pnoided for by Section 1704) of the labor Code, for the pvrfnnnanen al the walk fur which this permit is rowed. ❑ I have and will maintain Worker's Campensmion Insurance, as rcquire) by Section 371() of the IaMn Code, far the performance of the work for which this permit is icmed N! Wo�rkMs/)1CC�,mpea aalmnn�Innsurance emotiveand Policy .number am: klar- nrricr�Vyl'.R I II'I� I�Oit/CiV%f',MI'I'ION I KOM' dRKI>RY ,C C(1MNI'tHNSS11ON INSURANCP (This section need not be completed if the .it is fortune huwrtd dollars (Sikh el le".) , I,,r nm tut the work far whine min permit is ir.wed, I 1'cridy thin In mp,, shall not employ noversan in any manner so a% m, hcvnme subject to the Workers Cmnpcn.wtlon Law, of California. Umc Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT, If, after making this Cenifcme of linenpulso. you sWawa hecontewbjecl to the Winker'. Cmiga'n.vaonnlw rte (lithe l..bor Cade You I ,amply wiat xnch nrnvi, l ter titin pmts b .hull aid -lard nevnked. y CONST RUCTION 1,P13ING AGENCY I lrceeby affirm that there is a constructed lending agency fire the performance of the work for which this pemat 1. issued (See 3097 Col C.1 [arder's Nam, Leader's Address I certify that 1 have read his application and state thin Inc obmc information is rmet. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating ;) m building conslmclan.an,] hereby intnorire representatives of this city to enter ury,n the above.menamtnl prapery ter inspection Pape,,,. y (We)agrce bustle. iadcitual, and keep hi it... me ciiyot Cape."", against W liabilities, juJgneme, costs and erp,nws which'tiny in any way .ecru. against said / ��/ Z Ciry in conxquence of the grantingof this pe.,at. AI'Pl.lf UNU"STANDS DWILLC•••low'''!l�'''�'w'v��,��1YWITHALLN0%411N/T E R GUI:: O. S. f/i/'1,/I,/ Y Issued by: Date gar,IAP b/Lnnra, — Rc-roofs IIALAbi IUS M 111 IAI ti DISCL(ISt1Rli / Wit th a ereada¢heldmgtecupnssmrearhmJlehvallouamatatial Type of of v. Iefio by't uNo no Municipal Cole. Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Cr ,. ce,ion25532(c)? ❑Yea El No All r fs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. pal ipbrent tar devices which If roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove will he aPPrcara or am Wimiag,a�c-Paula'=eq enth h:umdous mrcamamirep, as defined by me Bay Arca Air Uaahty Managemcm a new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with n:atn,tore. oNn a I non -point source regulations. I novo bead he ha'a"I is nun enols regtdreaents under Chapar 6,95 of the Cullliania H.10 & Safety Corte. Sections' -5505, 25533 ad 25574. I under.taad thus if the building Aoe.e not curse dly have a ¢nand, that it is my m,our,ibility m, notify Ne re, ernpam of the u tomcats which most be r ,, usnance of a Certificate of Signature of Applicant Date �/ �7'% EAmJ All roof coverings to be Class `B" or better .gem OFFICE