00050088 CITY OF CUPERTINO PERMITNO. BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: 0th 0 50 o 8 g BUILDING ADDRESS: �/ s't�V� t �. 1r SANI'1'AHY NO, AI'PLICATI NSUB hfc? DAT \ OWNER'S NAME: NIC CONTROLM �TL/�9'r-G LW ❑ ARCHITECrfENGINI:ER �—%'^— j �• / usT BULDING PERMIT INFO Mffi0 Lie-# Re/ 4219. ~R i LICENSEDCONrRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob Description Oz—C 1 hamby dfrm Nu 1 w llbmsed uMa provisions of Chapter 9(cammcroing p f-w wiNSmtion]0110)ofDivision3oft Business, Professions Cade,W.,I.nee is �ydG io full forc�ey,MCRe •� 3 0 0,U iO License Cl asx Lica u 3 u to Data conuac it Nl Fu.O RCI(ITECr'S DECLARATON T�_ u Ij,g uMerda;//y Clam shill h u Public meads `C'+ ce 6O+p --_Li 6 6 p K �amed Pm cuumnal OWNER-BMDER DECLARATION l=z< 1 hereby•Rrm dial I am exempt from the Cantmctors License Lew for the s ff❑ following rte .(Section]031.5.Business IntelPbafeariom Collet:AnY city a wumy 3 which mil part to construct,ition,Improve,demolish,mrepairany associate Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation rt prioo its imitation.iso m9uims the applicant for such permit file a signed statement 70, AA Nat he is licensed pumumuu the provisiom of Pe Contributes License Law(Chapter 9 (f(' V U (commencing with Smdon7")of Division 3 of the BuzimuaM Profeuiom Cade)a pN Number OccupancyType N,1 be is exempt acfmmb rise basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of YP Section 7031.5 by any epplicam for.pemit,uh*I,the.Whcam to.civil pemlry of ^ '�O0-7 1Y not mom Nen rive hundred dollen(5500). 1,axawn=refthcproperty,a,ser=mplayee•withw.gerasNdmmeeampenssdon, Required Inspections will dothc workemiction,,and the eis not intended oroR=m i for side(Ser.7(N44.Business ad professions Codc:The Contractor License Law doer not apply to an owner m progeny sued builds or unclad that t such i tad who don such wed dad or m dumeb his own empty the provided Nat such improvements are Imt intended a alRred for We.If,however•the building m improvement is sold w id min a year of mm ve for de ownewW ildcr will have the When of proving dial he did not Wild or improve(m pur- pou W.de.). 1,as t the of the Sm.7 areexclusivelysinend containing with licemed cunuamon i- construct de projal(Ser.]064,Business and profession Cade:)The Cmaeclors Li- Lima. i- Lew tiros ren vpply m m owntt o(peopeny sub Wildx m improve Nneon,end Limafor each projau with abonv,<mr(s)licen,ed Punwntmthe CanvutN. Licen.LLeaw. 1.m exempt under Sm. .B d:P C for this on ' Owns Dam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION L hereby emrm undo penalty of perjury one of the following dmlamtiau: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-Imum for Workers Counter- W ice,as provided for by Section 3700 of Ne Labor Code.for the pefomunce of the 1 .it(or which this permit is issued. X ❑I have and will maintain Worker,Compensation Insurance,as ox rind by Smile. Q 37Wof the Labor Cab,fmthe pcdarmance of Ne wart for which this permit is issued. �I My Worker1 Com seise Insurance<,rtin and Policy�nu�her��'y Cerner:`Asq n�'[.[rk Policy firy Cj(,�_-,� 7 CERTIFlC COMPENSATION �PTIATIONI NFROM W KERS' Ct becom'SATION INSURANCE / (Thio unmanned rot becomplemdifthc permit is faone hundred tidier(5100) or lots.) I employ any drown I.i erforman, of a.orkbac for me,which this permit i,ars,Ci l shall par. ret empty any Canon in my manner m n m hecone subject m the Wohen'Compere / suition Laws of California.Dam O Applicant O NOTIorCE TO APPLICANT:if.wafter making this Certificate a of LaborBon.you ushould most hernia h comply din Workers Compensation provisions steal of the LRWr Cade,. man funM1wiN comply with such provisions or Nis permiuhellWdamed invoked. , CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Q Q I hereby affirm NU Nem is a comuucdon Incitingegeney for the perfmm.nce of Z gas work for which Nis panic is issued(San.3097,Civ.C.) FC4 Lender,Name ` � ' 1<ndee,Address WI cutify Nu I have read this apphanimi and sum Nal the.hove information is 1 Geormal.l spin,m comply with all city and eoumy ordirri arvd ste talaws main,In Z Wildinecoetmcdon,and hereby anthem.repruenutivaf of this city to tier upon to V Q above-mentioned property for Iowa--purposes. W E. (We)sgme In save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino agdmt (, li•biliti,judgmenu,costs and expense.which may in any wry moue agdnn said City } Csi in coosegYence of the granting of Nis permit. 'r 1 APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NONd'OINT � s<I REcuLAT s. Signature fApphc.miU.amwwc / Data HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will dev,finsito,fmwc budding compant It.01 handle haxudou,marcid Re-roofs as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Type of Roof Cade.Section 25533(.)7 ^a YP C Ye. t�N Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being lhrea,dau,tr mnuminm�fied by de Bay Am.AG Quality Management installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection -strbo I a ree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant . ❑Yes I have mad N=huardous mamdd.m9uimmenu under Chapter 6.95 of Nc Cdi understands and will comply with all non point source regulations. fords Health Ar Safety Code.Sadao 25505,35533 rand 755X.1 uMalud dial if the , building,ops ad currently have a mount.that it is my reapomiably W wily din^aupant ofd rtrnu wN 1be tpn wnoa of.�aofo ,xi aDt7U'O Signature of Applicant Date Owner ear euthorired agent Data ' All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE