S 4361APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL. BUILDING PROJECT tDERrIFICAI'[ON PERMIT NO. S 4361 IIUILDING ADDRT:Sg: - SANITARY NO, APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DAT( �90 UPL�4�Sa cry 7' C�Z _pp OWNERS NA � � , � PHONIi: RWNER fN!/ Y— NI'HACTOR:S NAME: �, LIC NO: N/C ❑ C° R( ARCHITECT CINEER: LICNO CPDRESS: _ CON'1'AC . PHONE. BUILDING PERMIT INFO (99 (-/(104 7-3 ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG ELECT PLUMB ME c/ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby uain't Thal 1 i Iicenwd ender provi,u of Chapter 9 (conmuncin y ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTI N with Section 7000) of Division 3 oflhc Business and Prof,,xons CsNe, and my Been: in full force and eRect ;RMIT ISSUANCE I 1 1-1 ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL APPLIANCES- R l iSIDEN'I'I At, I.inm,c Class Lich Dale Conleaclar DITION [I PLUMBING RE -PIPE [I MULTI -UNIT [I STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I undasend my plans shall be used ax public records PANELS UPTO200AMPS [:1 INTERIOR [I CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT []SWIMMING POOLS Licensed Professional 201-1000AMPS OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm Thal lam exempt (runt the Contractor', Loerse Luw for the Wilowing reason. (Scans ]1131.5. Business and Profc.csinns Cada Any city or county El BATH REMODIiDREPAIR ❑ L'MOLITION ❑ OTHE]{ OVLR IIXX)AMI'S SIGN$ [LIiLTRICAi. which repairs a permit to construct, alley, improve, demolish, or repair any slinvium SPECIAL CIRCUI"1'/MISC. / pria,lon,iscuanm,ul.Dreyeine, the applicant liasuch penin to fle.6,madvatemenl thin he ix licenced punuanuo the provisions M the CunOui Lac -e Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 70a)of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Cude)or TEMP. METER OR POLE INST that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of W BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION Section 903151 .y way applivaul fora pr ti it-mhjwl. the applicant as civil,raltyof POWER DEVICES ❑TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE outm mothan five hundred dollars (4501). n L as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their side compensation, ucture is no ended omni red lire sale (Set. 7044. Business will Jo line wink, the strint and IMPROVEMENT ❑OTHER SW Mh POOL ELECIHIC DU SW fI CI{E, FIXTURES and Poscoinns Cale:'[he Commolo r', License Law Jaws not apply to an owner of NEN' RFSIDNTIAL LFi SQ ET property she builds or improves themam, and who dues such work himself or through his own employee,, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale, l: however, the building ar lmpnwumam is sold w) thin one year ufcontplcnan, the SQ. FT FLOOR AREA $/SQ. FT. ininer-builder will have the burden of proving That he did not hold or improve for pur- pnu n(samJ' as t or Bre sin eall contracting whin licensed mnbonom e O ''2� TOTAL - hecr See 704, cries, and 11.. a tM1e project (Sec. o Business and Irndessi Code:) The Convenor's ruse and who builds or improves thereon.and an bu oWwdcesnet applr loan La PLUMBING PERMIT I FEE act(pnrpeny who amvaert fnrsuch pmjmlx with a cnnlrumugs) licensed pursuant ar line Commnor'x who with a >icen ERMI I' ISSUANCE y Lse law. ❑ [mia.cmplumler Sec. .B&PCforlhisremmi Owner hale WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under pcnallyof perjury one of the fallowing Jedars inn, ALTER - DRAIN & VENT -WATER (EA) VALUATION '% / D •/A 0 ( a.•��p l% a1/ BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE. DRAINS- FLOOR. ROOF A R EA, GOND. ❑ihavetn d tui lltaimaina Cxamicamof Cnnsran in relf-insure for Work,,, Compen. pnrvi Pcr ,an on, an provided for b Section 37t)(0of the labor Calve, fon see pro ance of the STORIE, TYP ION r work for which this permit is issued. IIJCI'URIiS -P[R TRAP 1 hoveve and willTi.fmaintain Worker's tsalion Reese,, by Seclinn h this thye�pe¢ryrtinwmc dti t�`he work lisr which this pemail is issed, 7700of tiny, lsa/Mryr�Cpordye, cne- GAS -I?A. SYS 'I'IiM-I INC. 4OUTLETS OCC 1P AVN {fol M wnrk.�Vp✓��f/n3 u`,nox Te Policy m r No: 3 ' GAS -I SA. SYSTEM OVER 4( EA) GREASUINDUS'I RL WASTE IN'1'IiRCEI"TUR C iTll 'All? OF IiREMPDOFI FROM WORNERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section nmdnotbemmpleund ifthe permit is for one hundred dol lars(SIW) or less.) GREASE TRAY PLANCHECK FEE S' V r 1 oemn, )hal in the performance of the work for which this permit ix Issunl. I shall o as to subject be Workers'Compen- not employ any Person in any manner. sbecomet t SEWER -SANITARY -STORM ISA. 2001-1'. ENERGY Et Q Q WATER HEATER WNENT/ELECI R Co Lnws of Califonein. Date s pplicma GRADIN(da fl ICE TO APPLICAND If, after making this Cenifcate of Exemption, you should becomesubject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you most WATIiR SYSTEMI TREATING SOI runhwn comply with such pfnvinion, o thN permit shell he deened ic—oci WAI 17R S12RVICI: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm thin there is a eomwvctlon lending agency for the performance of NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ, ET. PAID am Receipts Me work fm which this pon til is issued (Sea 3099, Co. C.)O Lender's Name '1'A BUILDING FEE Op• TOTAL. Lender's Address I ccnify that 1 have read this application ani state that the above information is erect. l agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and stale laws reining to building construction. and hereby authorize representatives ofthis city teener upon l MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SEISMIC FEE Z•4 FI.EC(RIC FEE abovwocntionN property bur inspcclion purposes. agree m,ave, indemnify send keep harmines, the Cily of Cupcninu a rot 5RMI'I' ISSUANCE(We) ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. PLUMBING HE liabilities.judgments. costs andexpenes which may in any way accrue against sa' 'try at comcyuence of the granting of this pcoun. AIR IIANDLI NG UNG (10 I0,000 CFM) MIiCHANICAL FEE APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS ND WILT. COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POI N SOURCE RE ATIO 5. HANDLING UNIT IO.O OCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX /.. 9 ��AIR ,V Signamrt of AP ctor Dat NAL MA . fIA1S DISCLOSURE 11 EXHAUST GOOD(W/DUCT} Ts HOUSING MITIGATION EtiE HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000, BTU) IUZS WIIIt plicarn or future building occupant store or handle hazardous material as ddincJ h e Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter V. 12, and line HcahM1 nnJ Solely Code, Sectio 2553200? HEATING UNIT (OVER IIM).g10 BTU) VENT] LATION FANS INGLE REMD) [-1 Vic, F7 No PAID Dam Reeeiptp BOILER- COMP GHP OR I00,M) BTU) I Will the applicant or future building occupant um equip rem or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Dorm? E] yes E] No TOTAL HOILI[R-COMP (OVIik IOU,gNI B'IU7 AIR CONDITIONER 1 have read the haunlous nwerials requirements under Chapter 1495 of the Cali. foram IbzI h & Safety Code, Sections 25505. 25533 and 25534. 1 undeolaml thus it the t g y rtsrymw y Y pa^ In 'n J of currtntl eamnanh that it is -bilis tr nofif )M1e accu 1 I UANCE DATE S •,w - , �� '✓✓ W NEW RESIDEN'T'IAL MIiCIi. SQ. FI'. nnner pee pilar a (.biby r aepancy. - TOTAL: Owner rimJ agent Dae ISSUED RY: - OFFICE