04120113CITY OF CUPERTINO M•+ks., •.. R✓3. A iu^m 4, ''i ,* d'. yi.•.,'iu58':r: ?gym ,�',�{ - BUILDING DIVISION' _ PERMIT - Q''� �v0�kACT0 .L1, Yx BUILDING ADDRESS: SOUTH BAY CONSTRUCTION CO IPJdIT N904120113" LVl 10251' T OWNER'S NAME: - PERMITLSSIIBDATE HUNTER PROPERTIES 511 DIVTSTON STREET '_2_�90_24 E: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)379-0400 ARCHrMCr ENGINEER: - BUILDING PERMIT INFO eLDGO ELECTO PLO MECH ' LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLA no" " W But 1 sen licensed under proviilo f Cl Y Iso I Me licnBd umler to Job Description P 1i.lg wlNSection] of DlvW MCOO. ylkenmB OO. infull f eHdn ? (o'% REVISION --IN HOUSE USE ONLY Dae Contrscm NO NEW PERMIT ISSUED/ ORIG. #04080177 - ARCHntcrs DEcla .1 undo , dl h moil as public - .. Licensed PmR n OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION " I hereby arorm NN i am exempt form de Contractors Ucenm Law for the - - following won. (Section 70314 Bminess and Rofeuiom Code: My city or county which mquhu • ppmit to mMOMMI, ager, Improve, demolish, or repair my nmcture - - prim toits istuanea, alw requires Ne,pplkam forms permit m file a signed mamment he is named Contractor's Uanm law tchlpme 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuatlon$43 -- that pursumd mdse provismmofae ti Proons Code) o, (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 ofdhe Business ankui - ... _ - dust he Is exempt therefrom and the buil fm Oe alleged exemption. My violation of APN Number - Occupancy Type - Session 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects Lou applicant m a civil intensity of not mem than five hundred doll. ($500). 36940017.00 ❑ 1, ss ownm of the pmpeny, m my employm with w,gu u ftir mleampmssdon. .. ' '-. Inspections Required Ins winds Newmk, mdthe,wcturclnod intended oroBercdfmNe(Sec.70H, Busineu. sold Profeashu Cc&: The Commences Liaise Law dots ort apply m an owner of q P propenywhe buildlerimprowthercan. and who deessuch work himselforthrough his - own employees, provided NW such improvements sae no intended oro@red for sale. If, however, the building or Improvement Is mid within one Seca of completion. Ne owner• .. _ - Wilder will have the burden of proving than he did not Wild m Improve for purpose of - - sale.). ❑ I, u owner of the pee, 704 ,m sines and convening with licens:)119 Cmnuacton t. consimct the project (Sec; Business and m Cade:) The - .. - Jv who s themm'. tau not apply ro m owner of property who Wilds or Improves demon, and, o an property cerds,who M•; _ , whenceLfor such projects wlNeconummr(q licensed punuendto Ore Conuxtah contracts - - Lice ❑lamexemptunderSec. ,B&PCfor Ni, won our ' Dam _ ^" 1�^-"r'•*' - - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ,..--"''""""' I hertb-a07rm under nalt of u one of the following dedwfloru:- Y Pc Y Perj 7 $ - -... .. Ihave and will ..low!. a ceNOcato of Covent to selFimune for Wmkees Compete -• -- .- .. •. Winn, ss provided for by Section 3700 of du, Labor Code, for the performance of the ' work fm which Nis permit iv issued. ❑ I have and will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance, u required by Section POO of the rCode, for Ne perfommce of Ne work fm which thin permit is issued. My We mincers Insu.nce nnictpr Policy nu.W arc: , Cartier, N - FTCATE EMPfIFRO W ERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE` " essectlon need no, Wcompleted Hand pertnh 1, formsobludmddollm($100) - or IM) 1 unify that in the Performance of the work for which Ida permit is issued. l ,hall not employ anypesmn in my mumto as to become subject in the WorkoK Compensation Laws of C,lifomiL Dam Applicant - .. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certincate of Exemption. you should become subject in the WoduYs Compensation Provisions of the Lahr Code. you must forthwith amply with such provisions Or thl Permit mail be deemed evoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY " 1 bereby aRum Nat them is a anstorcdon lending agency for the performance of ,be wort for which this Permit Is issued (sec. 3097. Civ, e.) Lenders Name _i•l -/-' Aow Lender'sll un l I agree then I hive read this and some Nat ahve information ocho cortem 14rce ec comply with all sly toil ceumy ordlnsnm and scam law relating m city and county and \ Wilding entioned amend thereby authorm, rposes vex of this city toanter upon the // for inspectionniakeeha lhvC(We) S. to keep harmless 0e City of (We) agree to cove• indemnify d accrue City es mar in mY war anerOc agsomt Sold Cily liabilities.Judgmenu.costs andO" Ast 'AMa "'which nPPLI a Of he grIT anti DS IND WILL COMPLY WITH AL NO DINT 0 Issued by: SOURCE O Re -roofs Type of Roof Si ere of ApplicanuCenuactor I Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSU E Will the applicant or future building eccupmd mom or handle huafdom material an defiled by the Cupenino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12. and the HcaIN and Safety Mae. Section u532(.)7 ❑Yen All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. CO. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,.I agree to remove Will Ne applicant or fudum Wilding Occupant use equipment or devices which It Imeardnus air contaminants as dcnned by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. DimieR ,(f� ❑ Yes I have mad the WaafdOna mated smqulm-nu uoderChapm6.95ofthc C.Rfmr lie Ndk safctyCode,9ectio 25 5,25 3.d25531.1 undemundthmiftho W' ing dors sly ha a to n. his y rcspomlM1llhy m notify de cup of Ne mqulm I em or ssuaneeeflcconcam _cY Signature of Applicant Date roof coverings to be Class "B" or better o r or auto. lea seem Dole