04120112CITY OF CUPERTINO IT ' 7�?7r-�'�a>M�a�+7�k.a'au4 p�'jt�' ^� VAC TARgg' ", a� •--,• "'- DIVISION.- .'PERMIT"--- VWAT Fes'"`^� �'A ,rbl�'I.,^6# -"`-.-.- '-• BUILDINceDDRFss SOUTH BAY CONSTRUCTION' CO M1N�4120112 1 OWNER'S'NAME: PERMIT]aem DATE - HUNTER PROPERTIE E; SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)379-0400 'ARCHITECT/ENGINEER:. BUILDING PERMrr INFO _ BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH . LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION ' Job Description - 1 Wrathy affirm Net 1 m littnsed under pmvlai�9i of CTaPmc9 (wmmeneing - with Smfim] of Di on Sol NC BusimaaaM (tjsil mom Code,m ylicenmh - - immfifmuean em REVISION--IN HOUSE USE ONLY - Liceoo C Lick Dara contractor NO NEW..PERMIT ISSUED/ORIG.- #04080T73 - _--'- ARCHITF.CI'S DEC luddc m plaits shall pub - Lcensed Pouf - OW NER-BUIMER DECLARATION - I hereby affirm that l am exempt tram the Con i smors License Law for the following reason. (Section 7331.5, Business and limitations Code: Any city or County which ".I. A Panel[ m mnsuoex. alter, improve. demolah, At -pail Any =me- prior to its unciame, also requion, Ne applicant forsuch Permit to file a signed summers that he ie licensed Puiwam wins provisions d Ne C.Mrector's U.. LAA, (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation$43'. (commencing with Section 7303)of Division 3 of Na Busioaaand Profoaians Caw)or - - - Met he is exempt therefrom and the more fm the alleged tumptim. My violalfon of APN Number Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant far a permit subjects the applicant in a civil penalty of Inst mac Nov Ove dmMed daltsrs (f500). 369,40017. 00 - ❑I.As ower orthe property, Ormymployemwith =gas ntnehwlecampensation, .. uired Inspections --� - Mildathewark,andWswctumisnotlnmdedma@redforeek(Sec.R)N,BusirsuqRe and Ptofauions Code: The Conmcwes License law data set Apply b M owner of .. propanywho builds mimpwmtherwn,mdwhodoesauch work himselfor through his___-_-- own employme. provided that each improvements Art notinuMrd oroffered formula. if. _ however, the building or improvement lateral within am year of mmpletim, the owns- builder will have the burden of Moving Wt he did not build or Improve for purpose of- u a.1, ❑ I, u t Me p of the property, m =elusively nd contrasting with ) TheeCommuwn U. construct jot (Sec. And Codes lbs Coni... W- / \ wbo ui improves sed, whoa law dao not apply w ts owner alpmpeny who des n .. own. of property ' sed Mum Conran. whocontractsLa ufor such projects with ernnumtar(s)Ilanud punuwiwlhe Contractor'sLicense law. ❑ I em exempt under See.' - . B k P C to, this rause \ Owrer Dau-V\ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I Mmby dorm under penalty of perjury om of the following decim3mu: I haw l of u for Woakeb Ce 3mm of Me o! Nc Labra Code. for Ne perfarmeme of Ne prOvid for by SectionMe Labor de. far Asa.r provided forma Section ' d. wok for which this pemrit is issued. ❑ 1 have and will malntsin Worker's CampenemAn I.Cc, u required by Section 3]30 of Ne labor COCA. Me performance of Ne work for which Nis permit is mixed. My Works Campen on Inner ms canis iry nu ber a C ' UwYN0.: G CE (FICA OFEXEMP1T0 0 KERS' , COMPENSATION INSURANCE Tbisuctim Amid notWcanpleted ifthe Permit is foram hundred Oil= (SIM) - or kai.) - I cenify Net in Me part.. of the work far which this Permit I, ismad, I Mail oat employ any person in any mannerao as to become subject to the Workers'Compensa on_-- - taws of California. Data .. Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If, after making this Certificate of Exemption. you Amid became subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of Ne Labs Cade, you must forthwith Comply with each powiims or Nu pemit,hall be deemed revalued. CONS 11UcnON LENDING AGENCY ' Ihemby.lion Nat Nem Is a conswctinn lending agency for the performance of r �- the .,it fur which Mia permit U issued (See. 3097, Co. C.) Undoes Nam. land,es Address 1 ttnify Met 1 hew read this application and cute Mat the ,bow information A . cones. I agrm to comply with all city and county ordinances nd sum laws minting In Wilding construction. and hereby wNodw rtpmaenutivev of this city In enter upon Me avow-mentoned property for WINCU n purposes (We) Agra 1a rave, indemnify rad keep harmless, the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments. emu and ex a which may in ray way ams agunat said City /nZle5:;) In onaegxencc of the inning is permit. _ A CANT UNDERST A WILL COMPLY WITH ALL N- Issued by: Date V�� SO EG TI r/ Re-roofs of Roof si!nOk ofKpiiikaWcomaACtA, te HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE/Type WIII On applicant or future bullding aeupant sure w handte hewn)ous material u defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cade, Chapter 9.12. and the Health and Safety ode. sada. 25532(.)7 ❑tics 9ran _. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without Errs[ obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove WIII the applicant or froom building aeupam Use equipment or Ucvices which it he'raNao air consminants As dunned by the Bay Arta Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? ❑Yu �m I have read use harardmari awri.4 requiumcw under Chapwrii.95of tie Califor- n' HutN&Sdciy Cade.Sa =25505,25533ud255M.1undcrnand MatifNc building t Cloi have a tenant Mat it u my responsibility in notify Ne t Me - i e mkhmunWmetpdorwiuummof,CcnifcamafOcC Pr. Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better . or aaN. ant w