04120087z F 6 l It L C 4 M, CITY OF CUPERTINO - ./.,kir """- +.PF mw:'a`� '`'' C� � Qui Q_N.YIN - ..-.. _ - - - - - - - - . - BUILDING DIVISION - PERMIT 111\v- ns'2us.=S�'�xfr< � •=h.�!+:L F�A3'Eb e`sk.�•^'k!.:4.�• BUILDINGADDRESS:. SOUTH BAY CONSTRUCTION CO ffMIT N004120087 10251 TORRE AVE # 100 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DAM ML DR,. BEXTER YANG 511 DIVISION STREET SANITARY NO. - - - "CONTROL NO. ' - (408)379-0400 _ 'ARCHIIECffFNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO •• BLDO ELECT PLUMB MECH 4z _ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION.- " vi mby rte Nat I am liansod under pro of Chapter 9 (commencing whh Su of Divinon 3 ofine Oueircu tow code. and mylkenm la JobDescription :• r:'•.- - inmRm effck Clu TI --DENTAL OFFICE dense ARCH17ECr'S DECLARATION �1oArrumd my plans Nall M nsedufuWl4¢wrJ. vJ�/ // ' ll�• /Cow• sy� 3OWNER-BUILDER rJ //��,, ��' " J/�•�� LiC .r am - - DECLARATION 9 1 hachy arnhan that I em ucmpt from the Contractofs Uanm law far the aT p 0 $ �i following mason. (Sad w 7131.5 Business and Professions Cade: My city or county wMch mquiro • posmit m ennnNc4 alar, ImpNw. demo) W, os mpsir any stmefum 1 '/ J, 8106700 Zj, priort, its issuance, abs mquires the applicant for such permit in file a signed lutemem fhaf he la licensed to the the Conlrectur'l Urcnn Law, (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area �:'�ValUBtlOn , FO �� pustumt provialonsnf (..net.&with Sudan 7000) of Division S of Um Bush. and Professions Code) ar that M la eastern tMmfu. aod the hula for the alleged eanmption. Any violation of __J1*4W_N1AT16eT0 U OceupancyTYpe Section 7071.5 by any Applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of tet more thin five hundred dollars (5500). ❑I.Mmwofdnpmpwywmyemploycuwlthwegunftkulammpe don, _ Required Inspections m..: • -' "dl:' ^. .- - will do the work and the smunum is mtmtsoded maffered fanald(Sec. 7044, Budrcaa and Profession! Cade: The Comracmrt License Law dads tet apply w an owner or -.._. .. .: !Sl• .. - - property who builds w lmprovethrocomaodwhodoessmh work himselforlNough his mmemployca. provided thnsuch improvements am act one orofE=d forule.IL _ however, the building or Improvement is old within one year ofcompletron. The owner -builder add love the buNrn of proving that he did nm MW or improve fu purpose of •, ' - .--. ask.). .. ❑ 1, u owner of Use progeny, sin exclusively contracting wit second === to rnmwct do project (See. 7044, Business and Professions Code:) The Camracmte U. - - coon law does not pply to an owner of propenY who builds or improve daemon, and. who contacts for such projects with. contractor(s) licensed renwnl to the Contrnmh - - - - - Lice, law. - (]Ismevemptunder Sec. , B k P C far this owner Data - .WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION-"-�'—: ^`.—•= —-'.••-,._ _ 1 hereby affirm under penalty of peryury am of site following declarations:- hawand will ..Irwin sCa Ullate ofConsanf. self-Iuum far Warkee.Compete - -'-•- --- mi., u provided far by Sudan 7700 of the IaMr Code, far the performance of the - work for which this permit is issued. .. .. ❑ I haw and will mahom.n Workers Comians.don hunana, u required by Sudor • - -.. 3700 ofthe labor Code. fort he performance or site work for which this perad( sissued. - -• .. , "' -' ' My Wa Compe Elm lnwnnce corn�u/ and Polity numberam: s Came /Pp Iiry N CERTIFICATE FXEMPpION FROM COMPENSAT10I1t1 INS URA ' (Tbbsection mud not becomplewdiftM permit oforonc hundreddellm(SIM) .. or less) 1 arify that In the perfamtancc of me work far which this permit b Word. I shall tet , Trophy, any person in my manner so as W become subjat to the Worland Compensadan Lawsof Califomh.Dave Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. for making this CenlOam of&..Pa.., you should become Subject to me Workei s Compensation provisions of me labor Code, you mon OfoMwith comply with each provisions or this permit atoll M dccmrd reward. y CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY - - 1hereby &mmme, them la.com used. Eroding agency ter the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.) QLe does landeet Addmu z - Q I «Afy that I have mad this application and ante that the AMw information Is ' correct. I agog in comply with all city and county ordinances and safe laws mladng or SV` f1d building convection, and hereby sumolm mpreunfafim of this city to enter upon the show -mentioned property for tupec ion purposes (We) agree to raw, indemnify and p harmless Uma City of Cupmino against f0 llabllides,judgmenu.costsanderpenns idh may In any wayasc.oagaln.t mid City inEkOrhe, ranting oma '. Al0"Sr ILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Da e SOU pro Re -roofs Signa a AppOcanUC or a HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Wdl the applicant or future Wilding occupant stare or handle havndous matedas a defined by me Cupertino Municipal Codd. Chapter 9.12. and site Health and Safety' odes Secd.. 25532407 � All roofs shall be inspected to any roofing material being installed. Y. �No prior If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will the applicant or future building occupant are equipment or dcviaa which t haeardom air conwminanu u ddMdd by the Bey Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. iWoot? ❑Yds IA_Nu Ihaw mad hasaodous ismqui..mu.&,Chapw,6.95orthe Califo,. nla Heal. t Code Sa.d 25 5.25533andM534.lundersmntlmuifinebuildi 9 not c ow a te 4 ft b my responsibll occu ant of c , men, rah 06 met ormiumoceofaccrlliceka Signature of Applicant Datep-,, All roof coverings to be Class."�I',ortbetl,,a,.ei'"'''" 0 Tar m or'v a rat p 4 M,