08040098r't0 Z' n=Z JyU gWtj f2p0 3$� z� C CITY OF CUPERTINO �3*,g� DIVISION PERMIT T,1AACwTOit' NFORMATION BUILDING A ONt "'TL d,5d",%RRE AVE KOSITCH ENTERPRISES, INC. gEMM98 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE AVENUE PROJECT —NO 11 TWO 5700 BOSCELL CMN 05/30/2008 ONE SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (510) 657-4460 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG EI.ECf PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description 1 hereby affirm Num accused -auder Pan uru Cf Comet, 9 (CommeaCut with Section 7O(U) ofDivisoa 3 of NC Busine,s and Professions core. and my Rcenx is REPLACE 250 KW GENERATOR WIT 150 KW GENERATOR. 14 full Tome and effect. 10 �QA �!D GENERATOR TO COMPLY W/CITY NOISE ORD. AS IT Lie.. Data Dam Corurecisr DECLARATION CHITELTS DEC PERTAINS TO MAXIMUM EXTERIOR NOISE LEVELS. 1 undcrsunJ y Plein doll be uxd u public rtcnrds - Licensed Poefessinnal OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby tonin Not I am exempt from the Contractor's Liecnx Law for the fallowing mason. (Section 703 L5, Business and Pbfeetiom Code: Any city of County which an a nus a permit to co Wuct alts. impofn. demelkh, or repair any awcum, ! prior to its issuance. Am xquires Nc applicant for such permit an file a signed statement he is licenced o the of the Consecbri License Law (CTupter9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation that pursuant provisions (ccenno mng with Sutton 7") of Dwirian 3 n( tW Businum and Prolessimu Cade) or $89000 ! dw be is exempt Overstrain and Ne basis for Ne alleged exemption. My violation of Section 7031.5 by airy applicant fu a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of 36902027 Number Occupancy not mom than live hundred dollars (M). .�!�Type ❑ 1. u owner of the pvputy, s mY soPlaycn with wage u BUG sole cunpensatim, Required Inspections wits de me and N u rot bowed uoRuw fore as Busircu The Com and Ptofusiou Code: The Contrxbra • law don mol apply lf tt owmr of akess t apply ho pmpenYwho ndw Nemanandwha doessushenot mooself ed forsal his ides. pdsafimpraasu oodled owv cmploynu, proHded Nat such impmamenu art not in¢ww uoRcmd forsale U. bewevs.Nc Wildinguimprovementu withinmUyesCompletion,Neawrcr- sailder adB have Oee burden of pressing Nats, he did ret build mor improve (or puryoxe of sale J. 0 L ssawns of dm pray rty' am exelusiv dy convexing with licensed Comvsoa to Construct the Pmlea (Sec. 70th. Business and Profession, Code:) The Consraebrs Li- . came Law door not apply ban nwmr of progeny who builds or irepro. Merton, and, who contracts for such prejeets with a convamor(s) licensed pursuant b the Convectors License law. O lennexcmpeunds Sec ,B&PCru Nisreaxa - ner Dau WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penally of perju, One of the following deed mhos: 0 1 have and will malnuin • Cenffiorte of Consent he self -Insure for, WartchCompen- sexton, an ProvidW for by Sudan 3700 of the tabu Code. fm the performance of Ne Wok fu which Nu pemnit is iunN. _ 0 1 have and will maintain Worker', Campcuatinn Insurance` u myuimd by seeded 3700 of the labor Cod. for dm Puff ceo Nu permit is Caused. ' �vp�rdh%h My W ricer's Co nsation Iwsn r B art: Carle . • tsi R Policy No.: 95 Z�.27S CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thu xsiu recd not be conpleud if the permit u for one hundred doBam (g IM) or less.) I Wryly Nal in dU pernmenturece of Ove work for which this permit is issued, l shall nm employ any Person in any manrUreo as b buomC subject to the Weduaremapensation Laws of Caliromia. Dau Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL after making Nu CutiEcam of Exemption, you should become ,ubjax to Ne Wonkeh CamPemation provisions of Ne labs Cad, you mu, foMwith Comply wits such previsons or Nu permit shall be scanned muted. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby alfsm that Nem u a Conswetion lending agency for the pstumamx of the work fm which this Permit 1, issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) Lender's Name Lender's Add. I certify that I lase rad Na application and ,am Nu me above infomuuun is toms. L agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and suer laws relating to building consvuction, and hcmby sumodre mprexnuiw of this city to tour upon Ne mm-seeationed pmpcny fu inapemlu pmPmCL (We) agree to ave, indemnify and keep humku Nc City of CuperGna agand way"Conc, agalnsLsaid City list, lot ad Ls,M—Y int conxqumc of Nc APPLICANT UNDE WITH ALL NON -POINT � Issued by: Date SOURCE Re -roofs C7 SignatumalApplican/onvamor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DL SURE Type of Roof Will Ne applicant or too. building mcupartatom or iuwln humdou amodal u defined by the Cupenino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.11 and the HcalN and Safety Code, ElYu:ss3z(El a)7 No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. will the applicant or future building ucupam tax cyvipmem or Jcviccs which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit hommou air contaminants as defined by tbe Bay Arta Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? 0y. c drC7u terb.95ofNeWCalildi(- vcreal Net hab rdouel me'sacrdalsmsn naAsaf3 iung 5' tl=mc y LyM ir,deeaapanlnfN rtyulremIhean xN an amfic.mPfOOCuAncy. Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class';W' or better Owmr_graolhodacEegem 7D,m