20322APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY tloildln Protect Identification Building Add a.. PERMIT NO. I% 0 10322 100 Torre Ave. Unit 122 1.1 G nems one: A Town Center Properties CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT 5/09/90 Cmtraomes Name: Lie. No: — BUILDING-ELECnUCAL.PLUMBINGMFGHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL M Architect/Engineer. Lk:. No: QTY/:' ELECTRICPERMTT, .,FEE BUILDING PERMIT -INFO" - Adtlrese: El lil El ['EtMITI55UANCE 12 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that son licensed under provisions of Chapter9(mmmenc inenseiSection force anDlvWon3 ofthe Bumuesand Pro(eestoneCodc, and my license le In full (ores and affect. APPUANCE&RESIDENTLIL JOB DESCIU11 pin V' r/1� �R� 1_/ P PANES Lt... Clan LILY Date Contactor 201-1000 AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my place shall be used as public records. OVER1000AMPS SQ. Fr. FLOOR AREA E/SQ. Fr. SIGNSELFGTRICAL Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contramoes Lfcensa Law forthe following reemn.(Section 7011S, Buelness and Professions Code: Any city or countywhich requlrcsa permittomretrucl, alter, improve, demoLLsh,orrepair anystm mpr rtoia ance,aborequimtheappllantforsuchpermltto Ole a signed statement that he Is limm d! pursuant to 1M provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9(mmmendng with Section 700) of Dist. mon3 ofthe Business and Professle. Code) rthat he is exemptlherefrom and 783 ` . 74.92 SPECIAL CIiCIIT/M15C TEMP. ME[TROR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7091.5 by any m fora permitaubje the applicant tea civil penalty ofnorcthan appBa. a m rte nnnareddellare(ssom.ty, NI, as owner of the properor my employers with wages act their sole OUTLh'ISSWITCHESFIXI'URES $58,662.00 NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR _SQ,FT. 5MR{ TYPE CONSTRUCTION compensation, will do the work and the structure la not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7064, Business and Profess es Code: The Contratlot's Limine Law V—jaj don ms, not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves t harand who doessuch work himself or through his own employees, provided that such OCC.GROUI' RFS TARS Improvements arc not Intended oroffered for sale. If, however, the building or Improvement isaold within oneyearofcomplmion, the owner -builder will have tttjlvden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of sale.). LJ L as owner of the property, am exclusively mntmetlng with licensed contractors to moslmot the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Prolamines Cade: The Commuter's License law does not apply to an owner of Property who builds or Improves thereon, and who contracts for such pWjmn, with a g Rlfedeia)BremM Pursuant to the ContnRada License Law. L� I am exempt under Ser. B 4 P C for this reason TOTAL: - PLUMBING PERMIT FEE R-3 ) l QTY, I'FAMI.I.ISSIIANCE 12 ALTER -DRAIN 4 VENT - WATER (EA) FLOOD ZONE APN FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND. SANITARY Y_ N RECEIPT X Owner Dale WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION E31FIXTURES 1 hereby affbm that I have a cecom nf0ale of nsent self -Insure, or acnlBote ofWorkeri Compensation Insurance ne. certified copy thereof(Sm. 3800,1.6CJ Policy p PER TRAP SCHOOLTAX Y_ N_ RECEIPT Y CAS PA. SYSTEM -1 INCA OUTLETS PARK FFR Y N RECEIPT M GAS EA. 9YSTEM-OVER4(EA) Coaty BU ILDING DI VI SION FE certBled mpybhercby famished. ified copy la f lod with the city Inspection division. CREASE/INDuSfRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE (TMssecifon need not M completed tithe permit b (orone hundred dollen (ft 00)orlen3 - I llnotify cep o the pemonin an thework so as to blas penult cblued, I snake not employ any person In any manner m m to become subject to the Workcn'Compensalion Laws of California. Date SEWER -SANITARY -STORM EA 200frr. Date 'Recei tin WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELEGTR E14ERGY FEE Y N_ PAID WATER SYSTEM/TREATING ApplicaNOTICE aftermakingtelaotionkro is Exemption,you NOTICETO esubje t to Codedhumus subjectto the Workers C..hp.nbm provisionsofthe Labor Date Re i til NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQXT. TOTAL: Code, you mum forthwith comply with men pmvlabes orthls'permlt shall be deemed revoked. NG. SEISMIC FEE 411 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY IhembyafBun thatthereba mostmmion lending agency for the perform- ansa of the work for which thio pemolt la blued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.)31 LendeLender's nae as I certifythat T havered this application and stafethm theabovelnformatlon bmnect.IAgree to comply with all city and county erdlnanmaod male laws TOTAL: ELEC'T'RIC FEE 58 PLUMBING FEE 31.58 Q,t Wtc MidIANICALtPERMIT "-',i: E. aX ' MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE 12 FEES PAID: 31.58 relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of thb city to enter upon the above-uenliened property for Inspection purposes. (We) agree to save, Indemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cu penia aga lost Babilitfes,judgments, costs and expenses which may In any way accrue Date RerniptH ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: s aga hat said Cl m eweweer a . t of this permit — / AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of Appilant Contractor Dat IXHAUST HOOD CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATE SDISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT CFO IOQODO BTU) Will the applicant or future building occupantmore or handle hazardous material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the I'Iexlth and Safety Cade Section 2S532(a)7 ❑ Yee [n No Date Re ei tic HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: mna VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE W91 the applicant orfutumbuikdingompantuse equipment ordevim which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air alley Management District? Yee nn No AJDn n T^ / BOILER -COMP DHP OR 100,000 BTU) BOILER -COMP 100,f1(p BTU) have read the Fazac tus materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health 4 Safety Code, Sections, 255D5, 25533 and 25534. 1 understand that ffthebuildingdm not currently have a meant, that it is my �7 I •..� 1 O "w9y NEW RESIDFr-MAL MECH. SQFI'. responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which moat he met prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupa ncy. CITY nlt I;IIHP(}I Dl) ISSUEDBY, Owner or authorized agent Data TOTAL: OFFICE COPY