00060095CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS.. PERM] INO. OWNER'$ .. r APP..... ,l95 , LUMIJU PHONE: LK nit unisioN STREET SANITARY �, ,NO. Z ARCI I ITECI/CNG IN HER; 319-0400 BUILDING PERMIT' INTO ❑O RLDG ELECT PLUMB MECII W LJ I—I ' I—_I 1= i LICENSED CONTRACOR'sDECLARNHON Job Description I hereby of ...i thin I am beamed under provisions of Chapter 9lc nnerma ing x'i,h Sen ion 7000) of Do"'n 3 cf,he Foomea and Pmfia'andin tic e is in full force and effec 'jZ (V//!r 6 L' ` hlc.a_(/ neC7a. / c"anon„r ��f— P�/5 TEMPORARY PERMIT/EXPIRES 7/15/00 ARC H ITECf'S UEC I,A RA'I'IDN ] enders,: l nay plot., r:hu]I he used as public record, J Licensed Professional y OWNER-RUILDER DECLARATION I hereby action that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the < hilloong mason (Section 7031,5. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county - O which requle, a crout m construct, alcor, improve, demnhsh, or repair any suunum v, "lion",. los.. mel, ad-nequim, ffica Ah,undl"rmeh permit to lilt ao,red,,tatemnu Sq. Fl. Floor Area Valuation - fled Il licensed parannmtnthe gown,In,I. sit the Contractor sLia�n,eLnw(cl,aptn (s.,nmeneing with Secular 7mNR "f Division I of the Bus;ne„ and Pndcssinns Cole) or that he is cxauum thcrclkem and the Nasi, for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031,5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil Noun Number OCCUP4291ke of nthan five hundred dollars Piflkp, ot union, 01, as owner of the Im ity, or my employeeswith sage, as Ih<irhole compcn,mion. 36902030. ��rs�s will do he work, and the shall is ren intended or nutted lie Sam (sec. 711Y6 Bmn esss and Pm4v,;ons Cilie: The Cmninnnr's License Low duos not apply u, nn i,elf 'Mquired Inspections . r "I yr,p,ny Whn build' of hnprnwx thereon. amt who dues sell, work I ,o through his own iau loycn. provided Ban such impmvuomms are no, intended of offered for sale. IL hnwner, the budding or ho,rovemen, is sold within one year "f 101 - FOUNDATION completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of pmving that he did not Mild or impost, far 1.02. - PIERS 01. as owner of the progeny, am exclusively connecting w ith licensed contractors in 103 — UFER mown be projan (Sec. ]IW. Business and Profession, Codl The contractor', w., pian„ Law that, re.t apply m in t , "fpm er,y who nand,,, improve, thereon. 1.04 - REBA R :red wl,o comrtn, ',r, , p"ct,i, 'm , nuramorc,) fic,..,cd ry.rwam m me 105 ' - ANCHOR BOLTS (1/ 106 - SEWER & WATER ° N'URRER .'C .NSA'I'IUN UECLARATI 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING I hereby anirn under Penalty of perjury one of he following declaration,: ?_03 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL 0 I have and will mahnain a Certificate of Con:cm to,en.immc for Worke„ 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME C"m,n„ednn .,, mnklor Ill ell Con.. sunhni too "f he Lanor code. for, d'cperfor 205 - UNDERFLOOR ich11 .in is issued. nonce nl',he work for which this .INSULATION o l have and will maintain Worker's coallmatlon m,mance. as reunited by section 301 - ROUGH PLUMB'.ING 37M of he Labor Cotte, for he performance of do, work for which this man is 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER sued. Aly Worker', Compensation Insurance comer and Policy run,her are • 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL Carrier: Policy No: aKIIFTCAnoN01:EXiMPnONFROM WORKERS 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL COMPENSAIION INSURANCE 305 - FRAME - (This station reed not be cull The permit is liar one hundred dollars fM(n)one,,.) 306 - HOLDOWNS , roaraure of roe work for whim this pain,, i, issued. ) I unify that in die p m 307 - INSULATION shelf net employ any person in any manner so as m helium, subject to he Workers' Cornet on Laws of California. Dm, m ApplicnTo 308 309 - SHEETROCK -' EXTERIOR LATH NOl ICEnppLlcnNlnL ant na,uog d.i, aniEnocona,ntiyio.,. winan"add C 7 become subject lu the worker'r Con,p,maaion pmvi,iom or the i,m(r Coca, you must lonbwith comply with such provision, "r his permit shall he deemed evoked. 310 - INTERIOR LATH O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 311 - SCRATCH COAT 1 hereby uffrm that hem is a comwclum lending agency for the Performance ,if he work far which this pe.,it is issued (Sec. 3097, civ. C.) - 313 — ROOF NAIL :ta.r dams, 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY 1<,,lily lanlhavore,dill, arrucai.nand ,are lie, Ill ahl,atraormaoo,Iis 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY tect.Ial,v,it, lour,lywimaua;ayand c"nmyommame,and .,am la ... claim, o building construction, and hereby outhodm representatives o, this city to enter up 503 - FINRL MECHANICRL ENERGYentatives z thealme.mcofonedproperty for inspection purpmcs. y (N'e) ogee m save. i miItin kcephmmle,s,he Caynfcupeninaagainst 504 - FINAL'BUILDING ENERGY l;JymeI�.t n, in anyxvyaccmcagain,sail 'i,x C*rfll 505 —FINAL ELECTRICAL grJ^� oil R lYdf 1PLY WITHALLNO -� AT Issued by:, SIAFa - f qR TFRT Dale Re -roofs 7 - FINAL PLUMBING 7Cmran r Da, A7AKDOUS>1A1IiRIALSDINCLOSUREant or future buildi„g oecupam see or hirnrdoa, mmedal Type of Roof as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Gale. Chapter 9.12. and the Health and Safety Code. SectiGn 25532(x)7 0 No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will ha,pli-mmfa,ar,hoodiogo„opamuse nlniPmnno,dc,icc,whim If a roof is irilwitjrOPNVgLtoHEjG19ANjieMjLction, I agree to remove nJt harmiI ni. conunninares as defined] by ,be bray Are, air Quinsy Managemmat Titaricfr all new mateer ounjpTNpjL AtVRMp! understands and will comply with - 0Yes 0 N all non -point Le ret CI) S, 9. �� OL 1 have read the himen mase' mean a unJ Chapter 6.95 of the m - PLANNING Colifom;a Health HI S , code Se nn 5505 and 534. l understand that •m 514 - FINAL PUBLIC WORKS if the huildingd > n randy h' nom, nsibilm oradfy the cupnm "I't ant, vd uanw at a Car fcae t r n `” y Signature of Applicant Date , All roof coverings to be Class `•B" or better Dat wrier .1and ,tied again OFFICE