00050134APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING -ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMITPLUMBING-MECHANICAL. BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION INV ✓� SANITARY NO. C NTUBWMALDATI BUILDING ADDRESS; 10000 C) iz- A E uE 5 -/3--6v WNER'SNAM:: PHONE: e- ! PPLE m vTt� �1 -3 �l CONTRACT(IHSNAh1G LIC NO: So ni DI 1 6-3we ❑ /% CONTROL # 4 4/ RCHITELT/ENGINF:F;H: LIC NO'. $O ADDRESS: 511 VIVA in 5 - L - CONTACT: IVON,{{Ii: I - g65 ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) HUIhUING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH &Cf 4'b%-(A1BM [2� TB IS to LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION hereby arum that I am licensed ander provisions of chapter 9 (commencing with Section71XXB of Olviom,3uflhe Businexsand PadaWair, Cedle,and my license rs Clrxand ufYec'. a IJa# s5oit 7.4- Utile �� Contrucex G"�I'1 13N CawT( QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL, CSFDWL CKITCHENREMODEL CADDITION C PLUMBING RE -PIPE (I MULTI -UNIT []STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT E] SWIMMING POOLS O BATH REMODEUREPAIR ❑DEMOLITION ❑OTHER Q=Z1 WOC aO �''Licansc F ZYVI ta¢a 'Don Z OZND F -14.F.41 ,aykP� K 6 ¢ aS p V WO yQ _ J Tthat y5�� a y cy �,,, y ,2m ,�E T S C❑ F. 43m PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES - RF,SIDENTIAI, ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I undcnJyi�Lrd my phos shag b,/Ised as Public mc.ros `.I/J /l. �// PANELS UP TO 2q)AMYS Licemed Pm� OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby .111 mal 1 am exelnpl mmI'lc Commnmrx LI ave Law for the lotowing rcas.m. (Section 7031.5, purines, and Profession, Code: Any city or county which requires u p[nnil In construct, alter, improve, demolish, or open, by vinn ure h permit'. flcsigstmeml s.an.al.so requires the applicant formcaneden prior to itsrtce he is licensed pandentto the provisions ofine Contmctorx License Low (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000)of Diviona 3.fthe Buxineoinnd Professions Cale,., 'hat he is exempt'hercOmm and the hmi% for the alleged exemption. Any violation If 1591101tsh%uhie.¢'he nppllnnuu.civil pcm'Ity of thala5tti ap,linno ern Section Lns owner ofine ntnnn lis 'th wu•es w'M1air rolernm 'run. pn4< e Y n is of in ndedwi b Mn*' will dnlh.wmk. node: The m rano intended se Law doesed atasale ply to an Business merif wdsuch-ak hams an.wner.f ono Professions Code: The selthereo Lind who progeny who builds or improves thcrcmn, and who cites such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements am nm intended or uffertd 4n sale. If, however. the building or improvemcm is sold within one yem ofcomplc'ion.'hc 201-11X0AMPS OVER Ilast AMPS 0 SIGNS IILECIRICAL )0 SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP. METER OR POLE INST COMMER.IA C NEW BLDG/ADDITION C DEMOLITION ''TENANT ❑ PO(1U SERVICE OTHER EMI?NT ❑OTHER 1'091?R DEVICES SWIMMING POOLELECTRIC Z OUT LETS-sWITCNLS - PI ES NEW RESIDENTIAL EL[CTH SQ Ng SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA b/SQ. FT +want-huilder will have he burden .I' proving (hot he did not hold or improve far pur- poseof sola.). C Las owner nf'he progeny, am exclusively eontmaing with licenced comrasuu%m TO QTY PLUMBING PERMIT Qv mmuctthe pmjeal (sec.7014, Bnsiows and Professions Co e:) The Cortwor's IJ se law d«snot apply t. an owner nfpmpcnY who huBds or improvevMrcun.and who contracts for such projects with a connotations) licensed pursuant m the Con'racmrx t PERMIT ISSUANCE License Law. ❑ 1 am exempl under . B An P C fill 'his reason W' KER'SCOMPENSA'11ONDECLARA'1'ION A A 171 - DRAIN & VENT'- WAJ ER (EA) VALUATION ,�BACK FLOW PROTECP.DEVICE I hereby trm under penalty(if Perjury one of the following declarations: ❑ I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consenttuself-inmrt for Worker Campcm %mien, as provided for by Section 37M ofine labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permitis ismed. ! L}- DRAINS- FLOOR. RODE AREA. CONE. STORIES TYI'Ii CONSTRUCTION FIXTURES -PER TRAP C 1 have and will mulnmin Worker's Cmrgensntion In.annme, ax requital by Section 3IDO.f the lama C,,de,I...In, gcrt',,rnonalo011e work liar which this pcnni'Is issued. GAS - PA. SYSTEM -1 INC. 4 OUTLETS OCC GROUT' APN AYGAS -IiA. SYSTEM OVEHJIEA) My W'nrkcr's Comrynsmion 1pxurun Yrimr.By,Ntiy nye M1c�r :Ju CatrWb �Uk�Xnch ND,O "'�IZL Z,OS 1�q••O,g��� J I L GRE ASEIINDUSTRL WASTE,INTERCEPTOR CERTIFICATE. OF F,XEM PTION FROM WOR KERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE BUILDING DIVISION FEES Z Z O Z'NOTICE a; Lkl Q �z V O Lk I" W C�Ccorrect. teI Z (This section need not be compleod ifthe Permit is for one hundred action D100) nr In,,) Iccnily that In the peraminincral liewerk forwhich this permit is issued, l shall nut employ any pv,,air many manner so as to he�y £Fst�) '' m the Wurkeel Cnmpen, cation lawn nl Calilirtnia I b 11 T1� GREASE [RAP PLANCHECK FEE SEWITR- SANITARY - STORM EA. 2W FT. Iils ii PEE WATER HEATER W'NEM'/ELECI WATER S1'STEM/BEATING GRADING FEE Applicant r }�" TO APPLICANT': It: tier raking this Cenificam of IixemP'ien, y.a should become subject,, the Worker's Compensation provisions of the IaMm Code, you mus' forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONS'I'RUC'I'IUN I,IiNDING AOI:NCV Iherebyaffmn'hanhere is a conaure;mn lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued(Sec. 3097. Co. Cr Lenders Name Lendda Address SOILS FEE WATER SERVICE, PAID Date Receipt NEW RIiSIUEN'flAh PhMB, SQ. 171 TOTAL TOTAL: BUILDING FEF, 1 renify'hot 1 have mad this application and state that he above information is s ret. l agree to cmtply with all city and county ordinances and slam law—chningm hrildingeoustruainn, and hereby a...it ivn representatives of this city to note, upon live QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SEISMIC FEE I PERMIT ISSUANCE ELECTRIC FEE nhovctnemamod propedy III, inspection Purposes. (We) agree 1. save, indemnify and kee, harmless he City of Cupertino agaimt Iiubili'ies,judgmnas, costs and expenses which may in any way accedeagelnaudd Coy I ALTER OR ADD TOMECH. PLUMBING FEE I. c.nscgoerce of 'he granting of (his permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT RO 10.000 CFM) MECHANICAL FEE SOURCE RB�R1TTfO `La, vv-- SII�I{pp AIR IIANUhIRGUNrI'(OVF:H W,00() CFM) CONS'TRULTION TAX Signature of Appli ndContmctor Date EXHA US'I11100E IW/DUCIO HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HAZARDOUS MAI FRIAL.S DISCI OSUkH Will the applicant., future lmilding occromm,mre nr handle hxrarduos mmerml ax defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety rode. Section 25532(al. ❑ Yes Nn HEAT( NO UNIT ITO ioo.000 H' N) HEATING UNIT (OVER 101.0X0 BTU) PAID Date Reccim# q L VI1N'I'ILAUON FAN(SINGLCRESID) Will the applicant or future huilding occupant use equipment or devices which I, hircoh as air ammminants as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management I{OIL L'H -COMP (3HP OR IIX1IXq RTU) BOILER TOTAL: BOILER-COMP(OVER I00.001BTU/ ' UismeC y C Yet XNo 1 have read the h aa'd.us materials requirements under Chapter 695 mooCuli- Boma Health & Safety Code, Sectimu 25505, 25533 and 255341 understand that ifarm AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE DATE �) NEW RESIDENTIAL. MECH SQ, FI'. 'sonobilhy to...ifydtecnp I odyhave unanh Xtxthisroy re.ie mildi nulcnrrcw uvmemv 7 which mu act prim t. ivsaarceafa Ccnifill" r �cupuncy. 5 l oo ISSUED BY: �O TOTAL : owner ora horimo agent Date OFFICE