01070005 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT N0. 18870 TILSON AVE. 01070005 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE JON WILLEY 07/03/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O a0 ZO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUIL G PERMIT INFO td-w— BLDG EL PLUMB MECH i CJ J I__J CI LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION C 5 y? Job Description O Z_O 1 hereby affirm hat I am licensed under pod Frons of Chapter 9(commencing prw l-be with fall ome..itef Division Jof the Business and YmfessionsCWc,and my license TEMP POWER POLE. z Y I is in full force anJ effect. c a Lit Class Lic.a a'O a'� Nate Contmcmr 3 a fi: ARCHITECrS DECLARATION u O J 1 undersand my plans shall be used as public records 2mriles.. Q: a Licensed Praha...do.] °w' e LL OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION =' I hereby aRrm mar I an,exempt from he Como...w'a License Law for the following reason.(Section 9071.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city in county O O sO which requires n permit m wmstrvn,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any swewre Y 3> Pnn to is res al. q silo. ppti ;I s d per Diu tmb.ohe is licantforapermit mnbj<ns rhe License is cams I,,,(C ,,,(Cl lap;uepntenaerint9yt , ,•, Mdt_a.h On 7ksf)ofDico,ioo 3 Buame,,und prolfid,wo,nmm 3 clubs,be is exemno the m amt the basis(orhe allegedexemption.Any violaton of Scctany..p ,of not more than rive hundred dollars Issdm 103 APN�jr l" ., Occupancy Type -404 PnTT(-LI El ECTRILT, ❑1.as owner of rhe propenY•or my employees with wages as Meir role compcnvtion. will do the work;andd-the structure Isnot intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Required Inspections 'Business and Profdsions Cade:The Contractor's License Law duce nor apply w an q p weer of pmpeny Who Wilds or impro.Ts hereon•and who docs such work himself or through his c ply provided Ih t such improvements am not intended or _ DR<<df ' I If ;h my 8 pro i'i;-;.Id h year ld of t - complt t rb Idc Ilh hch rdc fp gh thedA no,Wild or imp e p noo.se otl sale.). as'Wre,aithep "c m<d zi IY cot i 6 th1 xd ; ourstd con iuct the project(S<.7141 B:nc d Pr ,fes ora Cocap Th C ¢Demi s ,, ,, I License La d not apply I o r f property who W Id p me... and h ;ars for-such.pmt is with. connections)( d p m.;o the C° tract Lc L ❑I p;andnandn Get—"' (JB@PCT rhv reason �j ' - t • (/ Dads ' WORKER'S COMPENSATI ND.CLA ATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: V/ ❑ I have and will dommin a Cerificme of Consent m self-imam for Workeri _ Condominium. as provided for by Section 37W of the Lob; Costa. for be _ performance of he work for which Ibis permit is issued. ❑I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section _ 7700 of h6 Labor Code:for the Performance of rte wod',for which this permit is isacd.My Workers C°mPcremion Insorena carrier and Policy number art: Carder:1 `I Policy No.: 'i . CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS',, ••COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section Decd not W complied if he permit is for one handled dollars t -�_ _ • IS 10U1(Thise( •'''1 cenify,ihai In the.performance or;Ae work for which chis permit is issued,1 ,: 'shall not employ any person in any manner so as;o become subject to the Workers' , Compensation Laws of Califomia'Dare Applicant - . .. I . . . - _ NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL after making this Certificate el Exemption.you should •t' '• •' •Z became object m the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Cold,you must O O I hwith comply with ach pbecomn,or his permit shall he deemed revoked. Z, CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY of t �; 1 mildlymildlyafEno that there is a cohsvuatimr lendingy,agency for me,pl,rf°rmaoce the work mi I ' t r rk'(or which hii pert is issued(Sec.JIN],Civ.C.) Lender, e_. �.Q 'Name`- _ _ _ _ _5. Z Lender'd'Address' I jr V � I certify that l have dead this application and arae that he above information is correct.I agmm to comply with all city and county milm:mces and scare laws relming O.V 10 Wilding construction.and hereby authorial,representatives ofthis city to enter upon he rhove-mcnitored p pet f inspection p r x: lW 1 b o e t0ev Ify and keeph -mles.the Ctyo rCupertino:g'nst ✓i liabilities,j.d,mmm,.Cost, v1 asperse,which rim,in an,way.,me against aid. U Z Cly l of he training.1 Inpe r .. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT- Issued by: Date' SOU E REGULAT10N5 - /Z/ Y s amdegrApppcuntlennwamr Dole Re-roofs HAZARDOUSMATERIAas dl,E llhh he Co Drub foomb dingo Ch noacein handle Type of Roof - -- — -- - --- Code,secnun 25572x1? r .. a a the Health and-Safety'- pp 'r a g p store 2.handl h eaN° ' ' r9.l�,an I. i`, �. ' . .,qv°" ''' ' ,' "°'' �' ' '1 ' ' I -� ' . All roofsshall be inspected prior to.any_roofing.material.being..installed............ Will the applicant or future building°ccup t use equipment or devices which If a roof is ini;611ed without first obtaining an'inspectiofi; I agree t0 remove anti;haaardnas air containment,as defined little Bay Area Air Quality Mana,mem Districe all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and.will comply with ° e`,*. all non point source regulations. - 1 hale=it the Itiaallous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Califomia Health&Safety Code.Seaiom 25505.25533 and 25534.1 undersand mace - "dthebullJingdoes not tt:rently haveamnan;.hai;is my m.pnnxibil'ny mnrnify rhe -- - difirm of the rcquirtmmis which 'k;be met prior to issuance of a Certificme of (/�/opy Signature of Applicant Date n mime;:ed agent .r �Y Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better - �-OFFICE