NO PERMIT NUMBER (2)No. $treat 84'03 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Dote �/- 7 196 11 Application is hereby made for a permit to to be occupied only as Sanitary No. ln,3ea 3: .. File No.� 1� story, Type �1 ✓ in accordance with Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith, a Estimated Value of Improvements $ 310 Cti,00. ol- FEE$ 0gq.•�00 Plan Check $ — 76� Owner . / .., L/ em4mmdAdaress PD. Adp�6s'/ I Con�0 f tr•/.� Address t03#" Phone .26 3 ' State License �'Q Zto O9 i Approved APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT ,Iy Date L 22 1969 FEE$ W 1 Conir. 2,-sL� Address �sz _ Phone b - 'l 0 State License 14 (q L(-Q WILLIAG9 D. BENEVICH. Approved VAPPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT }C Date / 196 � GAS FEE § rz•3 PLUMBING FE/En�,$ + >'d.• tt%Z Contr. Address /e/ ^/' P Z '�-c.-�+c�• 61 Phone State License 23-d '145713 % Approved/�- APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date �y�7" �/1 196y [ FEE$ ��•`fy _/�/l — Contr. ✓?" / 1A �f� ��.6G /a 0 Address 6a / Phone �_!/-10 D.�J State License Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the .-4, Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING DATE INSPECTOR MISC. PAD FINAL FOUNDATION AL1/9 'UNDERFLOOR %Iq FRAME LATH & PLASTER GRADING FINAL ' FINAL BLDG. �� Z't { • J• ELECTRICAL DATE INSPECTOR MISC. UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING FINISHED WIRING O FIXTURES MOTORS /O FINAL Mq►N D9010 TO PReP., L1Nt 5. ? Gq PLUMBING, GAAPPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQ. SANITARY NO. _ UNDERGROUND ROU u porlL F&M IL PARTIAL ROUGH _ ROUGH COMPLETE_ MAIN DRAIN FINAL PLBG. FINAL GAS FINAL APPLIANCE IIATF INSPFf Tnp MISC MISC d.�`°"• MISC w CITY OF CUPEARTINO" 30Torre0 .. Al&ep C,/ZwT-IIV,+C- CORRECTION NOTICE --------------------------- Department Job Located at - WAC 64 1- --- - -tr - --- C------------------------------------------- � - - -- - t--L�J-iTyelu� ..... -C3 r:-:� ----- GP---Wd�&MC- \J/ ------------ TM ),S -IJ Pr7 ------ /--E;Q--- ;-,6 ------- TU-1-C -7 -07- -YP - -- ----- ------ - -------------- --- - -- ---- I ---------------- KY ----------- I --------- - - --- ----- -- us— --------------------------------------- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspect r. 252-4505 Date: -- -------- ----------- City Telephone Inspector: ------------------ CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION NOTICE ------------ Department Job Located at Vi -/- ��----------r---7. F�r k�r- "Rt P4T10----------------------- 0-.- `" r.11-NE...� :.!i3-PZcE1�� .- --------------- ..--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------- firrZoUED {DNS-OW..JoBS!-7 - ---------------- fi-�'��1-t1uP....6x_- ------------------- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. 252.4505 Date: /.D -1-7-��—.6pQ-------------- City Telephone Inspector: '..sJ.:................ / 1 [ CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION NOTICE Department Job Located at --- T-e- - i - wA c - 6 - . ...-------------- Bw...e...... A q - --------- --------------------- Our r-S 16� ... C0 N�'�f 77)!; F-0 .... GRACE—. — --------------------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. Date: /0 — 1-7-� 67 252-4505 -------- j --------------------- City Telephone Inspector: ft .................... CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION NOTICE r�------------- Department Job Located at .l.an. dA--- c -------------rt 0-rt---'' 1 --.AE(iwCel�:F./l//------------- _ r - ..---------'- 7 LCtic->Q4'�G��^.nr� ^ep ------------------ You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. 252=4505 Date: 4.Q-:--::-:.��C - .... City Telephone Inspector: !-L;- ------------ 0g&CC CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION NOTICE ------------------- Job Located �jat D�ecp�a�Lr�t!meen-t-� !L�F'/P�"14✓------------------------------ - ,'_l . t.. ---L�I----GLr-ce_l--- .. -Q------------ - :..._.... - i cr cc. o u--r2--v.-------- --'(I-_---\--_--.-------- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. rqr4 52.4505 Date: /0...../- ----------- City Telephone Inspector: . ;- CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRE-CTION NOTICE ------------------------- nt Job Located at A0 ------------ - -- - - -- --------- ------------ wzu -- ---------------------------------------- wlze��_x ............ ---------------------------------------- -- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. la -Y 252-4505 Date: ....... ee-,� -------- City Telephone Inspector: CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION NOTICE ------------------ Department Job Located at Zia3D T e� 1 8----------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------- �' 44 K------------- N--------------- 574-wck ------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tz-sT -,R?-aeg----------- T D- Fi 44---F°�---- l N s l?--- T ioi✓ ... -- ----------- ..-...------------------ You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. 252-4505 Date: --- -- c��— �9 City Telephone Inspector: -!. t J e................. CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORREITION, NOTICE pD-eparlment /�� r Job Located at 47, .... ----------- I -------- - r1e,11-11, T-------------- S ---- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- V . . -- - - -, -, -A ------ ; ----- ------ ------------------------------------------------- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. 252:4505 . Date: k72 t-r_,; City Telephone Inspector: �Z; Z -- - ---------- _ CERTIFJCXT _.*V C�AWPLETIOJI INSPEcroal cM L1 e ! iQ .-_s . MIT- ......... Buih4m .Permit No. t� The Beim Locked at.. f:.•�'�a i 1�.'�'i� •-_--- i i Owned by . , _ ` � = " -- '� : * - - Kes .......... ... ............ Has &m For Vse As, ....... .------- a- a+ ...... ....... ........................................ c� OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTINO ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE &a . ...... .[.j -- ............ 19 K rl 74 Y You are hereby authorized to connect electrical service for CO. Owner or Tenant -61 - .................... - . i At.-,2/,F36..Tw",aj- 4""q ............ ........ ........ - ........ -- ................... -- .............. ......... - J� No. of Wires ...._.. ........... Size of Wires .... ..... .......... Size of Switch/m Motor Load .......................... Voltage ............ ................... Phase Heating Load ..... -- ........... — K. W . ...... --- ..................... Voltage ......... .... ✓ No. of Meters............ . / Light..... 110 ... New Senice ................ 4 Re,onnect ..... - ....... ... No. of Add. Meters....Heat ................. ---- 220Three Wire... ..... Mo,c scr,i(c .... Power ............... Three Phasu ........... Meter__.... ..... ZLECTR!CAL INSPECTOR Dig. "A" GAS- SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF *CUPERTINO ....... 4? . . . ............... 196...... To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant W...... At ........ P-Jil. 30 ..... 1—Fmcc— .. ......... — .................. . ... ......... ...... No. of Meters :../ ............... New Service ...... .................. Reconnect ... i ......................... Move Service ....................... No. of Add. Meters .............. ove eter ....................... L MXLNi . . . .... ... PLUMBING INSPECTOR Bldg. Dept. Office Copy CITY'OF CUPERTINO SEWER -PLUMBING NOTICE Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ............ Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit Lot No. Owner or Tenant ----- t % IV .......... I ----- -------------------------- At .......... LZ ----------- ............................................................................... Tract......... ........ P-.mc - - --------------------------- DateConnected ....... ----- ---- c., -------------------------------------------------- ----------- 19 ............ Date Final --------- -- — - ---------­-- -------------- ------- 11 -------- ------ 4 --------- 19 ------------ . . .............. PLUMBING INSPECTOR ROUTE SLIP Location Subject Note File No. Date AI Approved F Date, Inspector ``_$fit /� /' IOr NO. NO. ��� e-()-3 APPLICATIONT j0R `BUILDING PERMIT CITYr10F CUPERTINQ f� �APR P �� Sanitali� Date AieeC Z ), 196Cj 7 Permit No. i—i e -1 Application is hereby made for atperTmit-to .fr �U:3'�G� astory,TYPe S Sj YIAh Building to be occupied only as S /®y4GF '?5s ,14X A !eln�accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee Fstimated Value of Improvements, $3 4 O O o6r! Fee $ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino —ill be_, q lied with. _ "'""` — " Approved XAITI I IAM n 13ENEVICH State License /5;le 9' / BUILDING wsvRCi OR 0, AI 8 3 o Te�taRcc'{ �Z K is� Fhad� NO. SY�' ""9C LOT NO. AV5 ATIOPI F ELECTRICAL PERMIT ii�� 10CT - 7 1% v 8 C,UPERTINO Date 1n 1 Liu L'-@p(G�'9' Permit No. � 1 0� f1 1 & Fee s- % OQ — Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other Jawsapplicablethereto. Use of Premises I FAvN P,e Owner W • l?UW P By ZtrE .IrLCC CONIMACTOE, AGENT Ph....: aq a - TaI c 4—State License, 241 M 6 -TT EM JNERPU FEES Number, of OutletsNumtierrof SwitchesF Ntfmber of Receptacles v tr---Number of Fixtures r R- 'Ran ¢e's or Ovens KW - -4 of Main Service �- - - - - _ ,ber.oCMeters - Sberbf;Panels 4, i, s.-'Transformers P. Phase - - �P`Phase - - 'er Poles - - .N 6 NO, STREET LOT NO. AT ELECTRICAL PERMIT CI P ERTINO Date 1 r Permit No. (67 a �Fee,3 ApplicatioGlT1 �ma,G upereinofgra permit to installelectrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed tir hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other Taws applicable thereto. Use of, Premises / Z Owner - R /IQ!//AL_Address By 00 Address $ - CONTRACTOR, AGENT [ I',nc: �X�6 SAX } Aj pro/vl State Licensee 9�6 ii �Illlll�irl"' �Y`�� `•4�.R` ': „;�.iF' 'Y n.'::i_sR^'m'.'Yty+L�YN�' i ''�. ITEM' -- - - .ANEW .. ",T.FEES*"�+y FEES 4 V Numliei of Outlets Nu'iiitie'roESwi[ckes _ f • Number of Receptacles - - - ,� z - - " - ""•"' �i 8 Number of Fixtuies -- ' Ran es or -Ovens + - Size of Mam Service 5 6 'tcr-Numlier.of Meters" �'..: Numbu of Panels': Si Transfdrmeis F-"....Dryers Motors H.P-. Phase `' - - - _ . s.:- H:P.,Phase - PowerFoles „ xr._ Permit Fee ` - " 2.0- - - HiPrCha 'es x' Total -Fees z I T SO I TewAce DQ toM LOT NO.- N FOR PLUMBING PERMIT ITt' OF CUPGRTINO 63 kL2 r o q 96 Sanitary LL 2_6 y No. 3 a Dare 196_ Permit No 5�03 U w ° CIS QF CUPERTINO Pee $ '3.50 = O 4 m p�lic. ion is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a Permit to install Plumbing 0 1- Pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices 'z and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. w x 00 Use of Premises1e�1/��i �i p `o a O=2� i•a AddressZJyONTRAC R, AGENT Address 3< — m Phone a o Mate License , i !% Gr/J Approved. —U PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN Units Fees Units Fees Water Heater Size Water Closet Material Bath Tub To Curb Shower To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existin Kitchen Not Conn. Dish Washer Waste Disposal Wash Tray STORM D INA— Washing Machine Size Water Softener Material Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb.Sink &Tray To Curb Dental Unit Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM Hopper Size Restaurant Sink MateWSys.Fee Sand TrapS Urinal Fixtu Area Drain Main Water Leader Stor Sprinkler System Wate - Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter Pool Sweeper Permit Fee , O Total Total Fee LOT NO. NO. .-STREET 1 A -APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT z z ` CITY OF CUPGRTINO r o t Sanitary No 04 Date 196_ Permit No i a Fce $ o Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing `o pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices i and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of .the Plumbing Code of the City of a W Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. w x �. Use of Premises o_o > N o a Owner Address ZJ L By CONTR CTOR, A N Address 3Q 3�r�-�� / s' fT — m Phone WZ arc a f O d WILLIAM c o�}-State License Approved - U C PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN Units Fees junits Fees Water Heater Size ; Water Closet Material Bath Tub To Curb Shower To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existing Kitchen Not Conn. Dish Washer Waste Disposal Wash Tray STORM DRAINAGE _ Washing Machine Size Water Softener Material Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb.Sink & Tray To Curb Dental Unit Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM Hopper Size Restaurant Sink Material Sand Trap TOTAL FEES Urinal Fixture Fee e�J Area Drain Main Drain Fee -3 • w Water Leader Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler System Water Sys. FeeRelief Valve Cas Fee Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter Pool Sweeper Permit Fee OF, Total / a Total Fee 3 O d- 21630 Terrace Dr. No. Street Lot No.Parcel A APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT City of Cupertino DateAnri l 29 , 1969 Permit No. 5— 0 3 7 Fee Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Owner Ward Crump Dev. , Tnr By Spin CnrloS Shaat Matal Contractor, Agent Phone SQ I —2hOK State License 110828 Address P.O. Rox O it Address 779 Old Cnnnty RA_ WILLIAM D. EEN;EVICH Plumbing Inspector APPLIANCE UNITS FEES Gas I op Gas Oven Wall Furnace Gravity Furn. Forced Air Furn. 1 2.00 Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Sus . Units Dwelling Kit./Bath Inde end. Vent System Com., Indust. Inst.Kit. Hood & Vent System Forced Air Under 4000 CFM Forced Air Over 4000 CFM Ind. Ventilation S stem without ComfoEI Coo Forced Air. Mech. each Power Gravity System No. of Air Outlets, No. of Flues 114 011t,p , ' Stacks for Metal Fireplaces Smoke Stacks, Misc. Equip. Under 15' High v Comfort Cooling Comp. of 20 HP or less & absorp. units with input of 500,000 BTU or less Comp. over 20 HP & Under 50 HP & Absor . units with input of 500,001 & Under 1,000,000 Permit Fee 2 Total Total Fee Ill 0