01100130 CITY"OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS'. PERMIT NO. 10293 S TANTAU AVE. PRECISION PIPELINE 01100130 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUR DATE ddkl ANDREW NAITO 5294 RAFTON DR 10/24/2001 PHONE: (408) 723-1411 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INF mF BLDG ELECT )QUUr MF,CH I L=7 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION S�' I mb affirm that I am licensed under ons of Chet 9lcommew,a lob DesertIfOn i-C y provisions Chapter g wihS ton]U(Ip)ofDiviOw3ofNeBusroessandPmfessionsCodeandmyliccnu SEWER MAIN REPLACEMENT. ,xE ;si 1111 home ande"V36 y If ...W< e s Class Lic.UECLARATION S 0 O U .tan /O- 2 -Z 00 C mmcmr_ LrNSm�i ARCHITECT'S DECLARA ON / u do t d y hall W used as public recordsof O Kso .Q p c sc ssto al -°•n OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION -y I hereby affirm that I ant exempt from the Conmetim's Lice rim Law for the 9� G following mumm.(Section 7031.5.Business and Profusions Code:Any cey or coumy / $4000 000 which requires a pcmtit m conswa,alter improve,demolish,or repair any swnum ,t E pdonoin,ve...ce,also inquires Neapplicam for such permi m fkasigned mammant ---- ,�r-- - - --- -- -- - - --- - ------ --- ------- a.3- Nat h4ie,licmuJpursubnndth6 provisom or the Contractor's License Law(Chapter 9 I,3 M�f]YG4..Calp Acp t - - Valuation - - �•(It MJ1 YYT�VV'•VV r'l,7tTa,.- r 1 Valuation or that be ii cwiu,th SemisfrooBBnd the bsisn.atthe BuFnes�andioi.A.,vi Code) Y.�; y.- 1. 'k. 1.5 If. or that he is azempt any applicant and the bass for the a1&ged demant to Any violation of Section 783 LS by any apPlicamfor apcmnit subjects the applicant mecivil Penalty :of not mom than rive hundred dollars($5w) 10 6APPs1 �Lt*tR & WATER i, "" ' Occupancy Type ❑I,as owner of the property,w my employees with wages as their sole compensation, N will do the work,and the stmrtum is not intended or offered for sale(See.70,14, 3 O 1 - ROUGH PLRFApIHfEN&spectibns •Business'and'I'micisions Code:The Commcmrs License Law does not apply to an t Owner r of property Who Wilda or improves rhercon,and who does such work himself 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER_ , _ or through his own employees,provided that such improvements are not one yew or completion, for sale.If,however,the building or improvement a sold within and year of - - - - - aathpleran,Neawnenhu;merwinhave NaWmenafnrovingthat nedid natbaddar 502 - FINAL;- ENERGY ian,Omlbr,w,,reofsala.). 506 - GAS TEST i --- --- - . . - -. 507 ---- FINAL FINAL PLUMBING--` _ El 1 as owner ohne pn,peny,am e.cwsively contracting with licensed contractors to . construct the project(Sec.7044,Business and Professions CWt:)The Contractor's rl , jLicense law does not apply m a l owner of pm,.,who builds or improves the., - 'r and who contracts for.such projecit.w'ith a com emods)licensed pursuant.to the Contractor's License Low. i4 I❑I am exempt under See.`I - B&P C for this reason own - Data .. ' WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby M.under p a by of I.erjury one of the fallowing dmlara nds- f�have and will maintain n CertifcuIn of Con.ient to self-mum,for Worker'.a Compensation,as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor' Cri far the _ performance of the work for which his permit is issued. ❑1 have an ill rawati rim.kerk Compensation Insurance,as nobirtd by Section 3700 of t labor Code,for,the performance of the work for which Nts it is .: issued- yW rkeT'-rC - rvinuntlnsut mdP It numMcpra+ ', .- . F< CCRTIPICATION OF,E%HMP1'ION FROM M'ORKI:RS"- . > i . p t,_ t. a 1.3v a.4 1, COMPSATION INSURANCE - EN '" "' j ` OF _,.._ •-'4 '(r isuctiminccd .not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars isIV fr-'Ia�'a' . .'.:up a.. :VI , 151887 less) .1 iwhich 1'en fyt . ;nth pbf of the Itfol whiM1th p.o the ,sued, s I ,•� shell not emplo ry pe o m ony u as w becom subject m the Worked C' pcnsatio all om;o, ata ws ... pPlicani - OTICET Phe ANTWeakest after Compensation this Certificate m ofExemption, ,youshould ' comes 'duothei latch rCompensationprovisionsl the Labor Code,you Inuit 0 forthwith mply with such provixinns or Nis pcmtit shell M damcd invoked. • �.✓" s ` l;CONSTRUCTIONLENDING'AGENCY i oiler's hcrady Nude farm that therxis a constriction lending agency for the performance h this aermi CJ, W-Q of the work for which this i is issue)lsec.)097:Civ. a CW de Ad Undmss" .7Z .. . . . .i• .. ;q' I unify that l have mad this application and state that the dove Information is correct.I agree to comply with all city and county,ordinances and state laws relating j 0.,U to building construction.and herebyu le who ofthis city to enter upon y ed the above-mrntioned property far Inspection purposes. (W gmot.love,'rod and keep harmless'the City U CLpenin'o'biainst habildi ,judgments,costs and espenses which may ,in any way acerae against said V; /I: canaequc of rhe gmming of the.' Imlf.," CANT ER$TkNDS AND COMPLY WITHALL NON/ OI E RE "' ''ti' , d , Issued by: Daterc_o ashe "whouctor ""•" ""' ,Dat Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE - - ' wiu`m apyli2 t alt eb ildin6uccuP sna arh el havicousnot 'al ...Type of Roofas effluent by the Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.12.and the Health and Safety t 2 Code $ uon 255320 i. 1F ( ♦ r 1 f r'4r r r 4Y )�,1 'v:'Z:• he4 `x, ❑Yea .•'t ';s .._,All roofs shall Ne inspected,prior to any roofing.material.being.installed. . _ -.NII the applicant orfnum Wilding occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is insialled without first obtaining an inspection;I agree to remove hand...air emorminams m defined by the Boy Arta Air Quality Management �raam2 all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Y ONO. "all non-poifi[source regulations:•( I, 'I ha clod the ha dous mains Is requ mmcnls under Chapter 6.95 of the Celf' hh&Salary f yC db$ tion 25505 255]1 end 255]4:I undersmnd Nm _ if N Id g dyes note tly h e t I that t'.my rcspons b l ty to no fy the a pant f Ne equircm-u Much- t W Tel pnono Issuen<e of Car, cam of ` P `Y a Signature of Applicant Date '- - inot l Z� All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better n<r harixe Deem;5•'. ate OFFICE . .._._. _- . .