00060190 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: EUILDING ADDRISS: PERMIT NO. OWNI 'S 'AM1IE: AI'I'LICA❑ NSUB DAfE OO, PITON ' SANITARYNO. CON'IROLNO. -.57,99— — A- OC! ARCHI'I ECDENGINFER: RUEADING P1110,11 'INFO w00 BLDGI,LECT PLUMB MECII y6v z y LICENSED COM'RACTOKS DECLARATION Job DetiCl'Ip(lon - _ 1 hereby dnrm nitro I am of,helicensed airs,,provisions of Chapter 9(commencing nse `yt J with Section and of Division Janne llusine,xotW PoffeseionsCWavnJ Iry license d eci.w u in full force and eRect. O a U I)a,c Clas I.ie.r w 3 a N Dat, Genrrader ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1 undersand my plam,ball be used.m Public records �/i 0 \ w e,%po LiccnscJ I'nffecsin°W owner-excu"t a ued,C..ADON w— 1 hcrehy u(Sell that 1 1 en... yon.the Cantruc Ccs I,imnw Law fm'the C=a lobnh ectu i.Icrou, ,91oilurua al fidw,c...... Crdo.Any city,, ure `ZO whJ y fK n t t 'll r. P J rh p Y;r um w C e prior 1 t,i,,umee,rJiq,,,dc,tit I11'r f ou,neir ximito,M 6ned nalculcm thane, licensed' rt to the p s ifth cut fir.License Law(Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (onmmnc ng with Section 70W)of Diwkioa 1 of the business and Profession,Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section]Ili IS by any applicant fm a pemnit subjectx the applicant no a civil Penalty of nm mare than pit,Wrdrxd d.11.(5510). APN Number Occupancy Type ❑I,as owner of the property.or my employees with wages as their sole compemation, will do the work,and the suucmrc is not intended ar offered for sale IScc."I(ni. 0mlmesx ani Pr..fic,ne,wee:'rhe Commnmr,License Law does not apply ,,an Required Inspections owner of prol,cny Who builds or Improves thereon,and who docs such work hiinselt tgh I'' ofs y :. I d 11 1 1 ',m t' tline tiled fir the II I .Ir lou ti n 'Ilmg - tis. Il '1 ye: n1 rill to rb IU 11Lo,di b l ling ho l did 'build r �y p for err -tr ). �wner of the property.T ani exclusively commetlng with We:)Th commenua to nsns et the project(Seq. to Business and erty ho to ild,o, The Commcmr's License co arcs not apply m un els w of progeny who lwilds nemimprove,thereon. and who cmmm�s for such pmjms with a cantmmoBs)IirenscA Im„uam to,M1c Commcmr's License Law. ❑1 um n pt under Sec .N d P C Fordo,rcnon L ownr Uulc ATION O WO ER's C)MI'IiNSAIION DECLAR I hereby allirnn under malty til M Jury Inc nnhe following dedamtina: ❑ I halve and wall n nintain a CeNitleate of Cometh to_self-mean or Worker's Cnmpunoulon, as Por,ded li,r by Seminn 1700 at the Lahnr Code, to, dor perlimnuncu of the work lir which this Pnnilt is issued, D I have and will maintain Worker's Cogen,ont n Immou c,as r,yuiued Iny Section 3100 of the Labor Code.for,he perio ne nce of the work for which this perm➢is issued.My Worker's Compensation[mumne,,artier and Policy number one: Carrier: Pettey No.: CERTIFICATION OIr FMislITION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE grins section need not be completed If the Permit is for one hundred dollar, (S 100)or less 1 artily that in lite perfonomae A lie wok or whid,this permit Ls su,],I ,hull nut employ any pe.Snn is wry mm�non,ao xs to become subject to one Workers Compcnsmion Laws A Calif..ri,Dam Applient NOTICE 10 APPLICANT:IL after nwking,his Cenilicum or Exemption.Yo"xlo eld heconm aunjed m the Workers Cnmpeamtion provision fir the Labor Code.Yen nod O limhw'ith comply with such provision,or this permit 11'a11 be deemed revoked. - FCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY „1 1 hereby affirm that the,is a construction lending agency for the Performance lithe work for which this permit is issued(Sec.3110.Civ.C.) Ls Q Lender's Name .= C) Ceroids Address C.1 P I I a,na,that I hove read i,1is ilY and On and stare the,,a above lie,,Jin.is (' Lz. F ,omOet.:;:build I agree',,comply with all city and c repo ontativees and gate Iowa enter upoo _ Q r, u.buildingsoatine'iooper,,hereby amutho...i repicsenmtivaol',his cnymcnmr upon �y rQ the nhnvcnmmlonexl pmpcny rnr 111 adinn e'. 91y I,y py e"joul nemsovc.auric teal,ke.'pbnmyin the way rCuleninu al ino IiLd Z Cil,Mics,judgmmnts.cows:fid sponse,which miry In xny war accrue ugwnu.vain f) ,� City in umaynemn of the 6mmlng Initis permit. T DO ANT UND STAND'. ND WILL COMPLY WITH ALLNON POINT Issued by: Dale V SOU 2REGUL S. Sig App is Contredor Date Re-roofs AZARDOUS NISHIRBMS DISCLOSURE t Will the applicant or future Wilding Occupant quite orWhole havallousmarcrial Type of Roof its defined by the Cupertino MuniciNl Crede.Chapter 9.12.and the Health and Safety Cale,Satin.25512(a)^ 11 yes - ' DNo All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. Will the applicant or future bnEdmgoccupant meequipment ordevices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove roll hemrdons air contaminants as defined by the Huy Are,An Quality Munagcmmnt oN,idv all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with El)'a 13 No . all non-point source regulations. 1 have read Ne hmurdous mmeriuls requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Heald,&Safety Cala Scdin 1,25505.25513 and 25534.1 undersmnd,hat if the building does not currently have a tenant,that i,is my responsibility 10 notify the Occupant of the rcyuirementnwhicy/Ymmt M met prior to issuance of a Certificate of ( ncY' A_/& U/ Signature of Applicant Date fit' All roof coverings to be Class`•B"or better uncial- n, Doe t