00050008 CITY OF CUPERTINO ` ;a" `' PERMITNO. Ituamrvc.lavtsfoN PERMIT CONTRACTOR INEORMATIO,N:, �O �DO� BUILDING ADDRF_SS: { `lc)"I A Ai�te 6,lo-gs, SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMfITAl DAT QWNEIj'SOME: CO C ((`�j G °Fl 3 NCONTROLp PHONE: — 2 0 liav, � ♦ ❑ ARCUITECTGINEER CKV4V0+(r( /A• 9KO(? 9ULDING PERMIT INFO �UrJ NZW LICENSED Liven CONTRACTORS DECLARATION P = 1 hereby alfnn Nar 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9!commencing Job Description �_HB with Section 7000)of Division3of the Business and Rofcssions Cak:,aM mYlimnu i. l a�_ in Nil n a Cie andCRcn. VV �U^V •^•\s u Date Clan Lic.N ,S i5 3 u. Date— On O s ARCHITECTS DECLARATION i y I understand my Plans"I tine used ss Public reads s Y alicemd Rofeoiow ^� OWNER-BIJILDERfrom DECLARATION H r a r M1cnby.(Sinn that I am exempt from she CoeranCo License Lew for the f H c following t<eaon.(Section 7031.5.Boioess and ove.de io demolish. Cale:Any city a county which aquina n permit re conxwm,eller,improve demolish,or spur any suement Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation primroits issuance,dsorequire the anon,of for suchpeontofile.signed mtamem m.,a that he is licensed punwm m the providons of the Contr¢ob License 4w(Chapter 9 Q (<mm�aane;ngw;utsationT000)nrDivi9im13orm<Buaia...wPror<a.inmcnee)m APN Number occupancy Type Lou ha is exempt benrmm w N the basis fa n auegdem e. prinn.Any a'Wanon of P Y YP Salon]0)13 hY any apphraII for a pemtir subjau Nc applicant to a civil pewty.( 3s� / O mon then f ve Wndrtd dollars 1s300). as.wnanrweprnp<nyenrmr<mgnya9wimw.g<9.,theiranlecnmpelaanPu. Required Inspections ":,=of I dothc wmk and Neewnorc is nm imertdcd moRerd fm We(Sa.701N,Budav and Professiom Code:The Contractor License Law docs nes apply to an owner of property who builds or improves runner,W who does such work himself or through his own employccs,provided that such impoveme.0 ere not intended or offered for We.If,howenr.the building or improvement is cold within one year of completion,the wsom W ilder will have the WNcn of proving that he did nM build or improve for parr- pose.fwa). I,an owns of the property,am exclusively contacts,with licensed contractors in commuct the mi.,(Ses.Ilona,Business and Profeuiom Code:)M Comramors Li. come raw dee.not apply in an owner of property wW Wllda or improves thereon,and wllo contacts for such projects with is comm orfs)licensed Inundto the Ccmarcual Leen.law. ❑1nnoCiocmiptunndeerr Se.� � •. =,- .BAPPc Ioorrthu'rnccurs ownerar- "^""w`T"�'^ D.rcN Wm under COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hcnbY affirm under pcwty of perjury We of the following declwtioru: Ihavc.ndided for action 37 te of Consabor Coca.mrcfa eft Comp the / weak!as provided fPe mi Seton 31110 of the Labor Code,fm rhe perfonwrce of the work for which thisPermitis loud. T1 ❑1 have end will ons,for Wnhcfa Camp ofthe n Imurowe,u raptured by Salad 37fl0of Ne faWr Code,to Ne perfomurrec ofthe work fw which this person isioud. My wnrkd'sLsppyn]yon Ipsnrance canis and Policy n.mher�e'.//9 2 �1 Carrico 1�Cll B(J(V Policy No.: W l• B B. / CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This second need not becmnpletd clubs permit is fritone hundred dollen(5100) or less.) 1 certify that;.the perfonnarlceid the wmk for which his pemtt is issued.I dull Wt employ any person in any meaner w a9 to become subjar to the workers'CumPen- ,union laws of Cdifomia.One Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Canifcare of Eae ilmon,Yon misold become subject to the Workers Compammon Provisions of the Labor Code,yen must forthwith comply with such provisions in this permit shall be damd nicked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Q I hereby affirm that them is a cootructon lending agency for perfomunce of the wmk for which this permit is issued(Ser.XW7,Cis C.) Lenders Name �a > lender's Address LT7 I tarot,Nat I base teed this application and min,that she shove infomuton is d carer.I.gra to comply with all city and county ordiwtcn and we laws noting to 7 Wilding ConsvuNon.and hemby authorize rcpresenrativa of this city to enter upon due V C abovementioned property for inspection purposes. W E. (We)agree to wive.indemnify and keep humlas the City of Cupertino.,most V Ilabililies,jodgmenu,cost.mA expenna which may in any way tw.ea,dnat said City k71o co.nquenee of Ne gone,of this permit. 1. - I A APPLICANT UNDERS' NDS AND WILL COMPLY WI'1'It ALL NON-POINT 2 ' U Z SOIIRCB RFCULA'1'ION: ` SiBrwarsofAWhcan✓Conuenm HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will IN,applicant or future Wilding occupant store or handle haruNous mmaid Re-roofs as defined by the Cupenino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Hcahh and Safety Type of Roof Code,Section 25532(.)7 YP El yes Will Ne applicant or fumes Wilding acupent use equipmem or devices which All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being omms air conwniums as defined by the Bay An.Air Quality ha Management .installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection 'strict? �,�/ I a ree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant ❑Yes xraO Ib..e read dre hnaroumer ds nids mloVmmentrutWu Chapter 695 oothe Cali- un erstands and will comply with all non point source regulations. AWr u Hash a Safety Code,Sat.25505,25533 and 23534.I utldersuM that if the building does tea currently have a reason.that it is my m,morbility to notify the occopmt 2Lfp�rc�yuircmcAuwhich mw,W= Ct to rsweae ofa Ccmfcnt fl2cupency. ,.may . swot! Signature of Applicant Date Owner or authorized agent Dau All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE