22504 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification - PERhIT NO. Budding Add ress: - 22504 one: � � �D GLfsillGl A CITY OF CUPERTINO,BUILDING DIVISION Can°"raeto !moms: ie—N. I APPLICATION I PERMIT Architect/Ggine - L Na: BUILDING-ELECnUCALPLUMBING MCCHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL I✓L �O �/ t 11 DV �'- ,l1 �• �� IQ ,' , ELECTRIC PERMIT �,. ?�i'CC'. BUILDING PERMIT,INFOI" ' Address: Z/ 2�i',N00' IYIV GT ,•, rERnnTlssuANce QO LICE 5 O AfIcTN I ' Ihembyaffirmthat[am Rcenu underpro Wonso(Chapter9(mmmm APPLIANCESRESIDEMIAL JOB DESCRIPTION Ingwith Sedion7000)of Divisim3of[he Busime and PmfnsionsCodem ,andmy, license Is In full forand died. PANELS , LicenseCurse Lt.# - - `^ DataContranar DVK ��I•-(��/�}.� ARCHITECTS DECLARATION OOAMIPS 07� .Iuntlentand my plaru shall be used as publlcremrds:r OVEROVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FL. Fi Licensed Professional SGNSELECTRICAL �]r�V 7'{ p Z G�6 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION C V -lY k., Ihereby a BE that Ison exempt from the Contractor's License Lawfor the SPECIALCI2CUIT/MLSC . 7 9 countywreason.(Section7015,Bashersand r,Imprve, Code:Anyctpir TEMP.METQt OR POLE INST. K� arystywhkh rcqulrcsa permits,mretecuirestheapmvgdennlbh permit to - q xnyatsigned pdorm Its that he in lice sed pursuant t ilthe provisions of ithe POWER DEVICES filed signed rtatemeLa that he is(Chapter 9(mm pursuant to the pro 7000) of the a', + 3' Contractor's License Lawradess9(rommandat he is Sectioxampt herefomand H slon3oftheBusinnsand ProfevbnCode)orthathciseumptthere(comand SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC V/A,�..L..,�UA1\TION (� Q the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any, OUTLEISSWITCHFSFIXMiES applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not Peers than five hundred as ed dolbn he pr). NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQ.PT. •.STOW TYPE CONSTRUCTION L°�n ❑I,as owner of wfll othewperly,or my employers with wages r thele sok - rompeneatlon,B.shar.an ork,and thes Code:Th not Intended or offered for O .In(Sec.apply to anow and f property rope ty Code:The ContractorsthemeLicense Law 3$ whodossucbtoanownerofprough hisoWilds nempor improves yees,povidedrmryand - OCC.GROIIP RES.UNITS whodoeaeuchworkhlmsel(orthr0ugh hbownemployen,provlded lhatsuch Improvements are not intended oroffered forsale.If,however,thebuiiding or " TOTAL: 3 icon ro�ave pntis50' within oneye -compldbrylhe owner-budderwill have ncfpmvingthathedldsmbulld orimprove forpurpose of salty. QTY, H, PLUMBINGP,ERMIT7.' �! ',FEE' FLOOD ZONE APN L as Owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed I PERMIT ISSUANCE �Z tr rs to construct the project(Sec.7034,Business and Profenlom Code: s(X/ - 7he Con rsdtrs License Law does not apply t0 an owner of property who buALTER-DRAIN&VENTWATT[((EA) ' • Wilds or improves thereon, and who comrade d - -e for stub pwje e with • CD ,,Il➢.t.4{��nor(e)Itmnmd pursuant to the Contractors Lies.Law. ,, ,i .�,1 I.1, FEE,SUMMARY" IJ i am exempt under Sec. B&P.0 for this mason BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE rq ` DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. +-t� SANITARY Y N OUTS I DE � • Owner Dale WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RECEIPT#t y Fp(TUR[_S PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ ❑1 hereby affirm that I have a lose me of consent to self-Insurs,ora —1 RPGID'I# certificate C.WorkOn'Compereatlonisuuranceora ceni(kd copythereo((Sec. 'GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 INCAOUTLETS PARK FIT Y ' N 3BOQ Lab CJ Policy GAS EA.SYSTFM-OVER 4(EA) -BUILDIEIPT NG DIVISION Com er - BUILDING DI VISION FEliS Certified copy is herebyfurnished.the city -• GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCNECK FEE ❑Certified copy is filed with the city inspection division.. GREASETRAP Vy7 CERTIFICATEMPE IXEM PN N FROM WORKERS' PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER-SAMTARY.S'TORM EA.XIOIT.,- Date Recel t# , (Thlesese.) need no[be completed I(the pemJ[isforoo hundred tlollars P (Si00)Oify that - WATERHFATFRW/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N e-G, Icertlfy that Nthe performance o(the work forwhlch this permit is issued, `r I 1 shall not employ any person In any manner so n to become subject to the WATER SYSI•FM/TREATING Workera'Compenwtlon Rous of Callfornla.Date PAID C) Z Applicant O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you NEW RESIDENTIAL FILMS. SQ7T. Dale Recei t Z should become suI to the Warkers'Compereation provisions of the Labor - TOTAL/ cc N Code,you must forthwith comply with such provisloru orchis permit shall be _BUILNG ' EE lV > deemed revoked. - _ CL CONSTRUCTION cme LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE— D themIsIsissnlendingd(Sec. agency 7,Civ. .) perform, TOTAL: ELE •'E v Z once of the work!or which lhls permit islssued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) •� � .�• 00 Iandees Name i' , - t PLU BI F a- a(alcrD LLF LendersAddress - QTY. MECHANICAL,PERMITI 't ,iyF-E'... MECF [ FEE M OW Icertifythatl have readthisapplicationand statelhattheabove lnformati0n C iscorred.I agreem complywith all cityand munlyordlnanme and state laws ' PERMTTISSUANCE. ��.,CD.rFE $ ID:' relating to building comouctlon,and hereby authorize representatives of this , . F 2 city to enter upon the above,manti ned property(or Inspection purposes. ALTFRORADDTOMECH. a _ RC (We)a ve„Indemnify an d keep harmless;the City of Cupertino againat Bile. d me ,msmantl expenses which may In anywayattroe 'AIRFIANDLINGUNTE(T010,000CFM)' $DBTOTA ag.i ai c cryence ofthe granting of this permit. - - V6 I6 qI AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVFR I0,00a CFM) CONSTRUCTIONTAX g cost/Contractor Dat EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX AID: HAZARDOUS MATIiR1A Ex DISCLOSURE ' Will the applies cat orfuturebullding occvpantamre or handle haurdous HEATING UMT(T0100,000 BTU) Date RCC t# rtuterial ae defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.1$and the yi - Healthand Safety Co de Sedlon25532(a)7. l HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) aC-V TO L1 ❑Yes - ['�No Will the applicant or futme bcllding occupant use equipment or devices VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE RFSID) �pp�x1CC DATE which emit hazardous air contaminants as deflated by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District? BOILER-comp(3HP OR 100,000 BM 4 Yes V.Na tie 1519 _ havercad ealth'a oet Code, boons 2menb5533 an 255M.I of BOI.FR-COMP(OVQ(100,0008M n the California Health'&Safety Code, Stela 25S05,25533 a tenant, 25534.1 understand thatn notihe fy the ingoccupant pant of the rthe equir haves tenant,that it Is mybe NEW HFSIDENDAL MECFi. SQ.Pf. responsibility issuance of.Ctheicatecntccupmaqulremente which most be met -- prior to Lssuanm o(a Certificate ofOmpanry. Owner or aulhonred agent Date fl -TOTAL: ISSUED BY: V 4. OFFICE COPY