00040157 Crvu OF CUPERTINO .. PERMrr NO. '� HI➢LINN,Lo PING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRAC�T`Ok INF[ORIMATION: A �h,r,-1 J, b ,17 ,fig LI// - C AI��Ta� v .� ' SANITARY NO, _I APPLICAION SUBMITTAL DAT F� - f \! j.V`L/\/•J • •fFa11 Aye l"'Ol4l IA,w1 aC�d`�� op � q. l�wO/ CONTROL# wwo �q.�Ij � N ARCHTECrm-N INEER BOLDING PERMIT INFO a-,z EuF QI Q6 z O,' LICPN$FD CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby aRw that I w lle[med under provisions of Chapter 9(mmrrcxivg Job Description �uEwto fol ion]Igp)ofDiv'ionJoflheBainessud Rvfessiom Cade,aM my littnse is < in nett rorcesavdsLJ 'LFr,�[L A iy{� uwlnt Z Lie.x g!'1 LL S LL y D01[ 1 undeaNne my plass shall�has used aEpublic ltcoNs r i6 ° Licensed Prufeaiorw n OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION t–z e 1 hereby aRw that 1 w exempt from the Contractors License law for the EC follmving reason.(Section 703 1.5.Business seed Prat misar Cade:Any city or county a which agnira a permit as construct,cher,improve, lenmbals err repair AnY mor— Sq. FL Floor Area - Valuation poor to its ismance,also squirts the applicant for such pemuuo file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions Of the Contractors License law(Chapter 9 (commencingwithsecdon]dW)ofDivision3oftheBusinessardPmreuimsCoe)or PN Number ecu ane Type fhat he is exempt therefrom W the basis for the allegro exemption.Any dation of ^ P Y YP Section]031.5 by any applicant for a pemdt subjects the applicant to a civil permy of . — ou moa then five luu Ac l dollars(S5110). p I.aaawrworNemopenr.armrwployeawlthwagaathehwlernmpenwion. Required Inspections will dathewmk,Wa: swcartiswiLicens Lawdoes ofor We(Sex.]OCs.Busineu and Profusion Code:The Contractor's License and w odw a such era apply to as owner of hpropertyis own who build,pr improve, such i and who dose tech t mk himselforthrough his own employes,bedded r i such impos sold w w not mantled m Offered for WO,If,however tits,building or improvement is sold within one ye or improve for For- 1, will have the wnfm of proving that he did not build or improve for purr- pose usae.l. / 1, ownerofthe property.,Bexclusively Professions, with linseedcanactors m ronswa the project apply ]B,#,Buvnea and rrr v ss,Wi Code:)The Contractors Li- whoc law dna rot apply loan owns of protons who wilds m impto th thereon.erd / who La is for such projala with acanvactm(s)Iianacd punuam m theContractor's 0 License Law. 1 one cornet under Sm. .B R P C for this season Q Owner Date WORKER'$COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 nertby.fhw unaR pmwty ser perjury one or Ne rmlawiag declaration: have endwill Smut=37M of the Lmyu Coale.for WahabCompen- workf as hick this for by is uan 3]00 of N<Labor Calc,for the peRomrrce of Ne work for which Nin pewit is issued, ❑1 have Lib will ore,fon Wands Compesf idne n Ineuww<.ss inquired by Section My Wo IM Labor Code,for the,perfowance of the work for wy< I town 161xRued. My Wo E ygPce certia and Policy n(p�(�{ Camee� n Policy O e a CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE rTIrie section incident wcwPlead if IM pemul is mrone hurtNM ddlu,($100) or las.l 1 ossify,that in the perfowance I&work for which Nie permit is issued,I shill sol employ any promo,in an a m sly the Wurkeri Compete #tion taws of Cahfo Applicant NOTICE TO AP . .If nifcate of Exemption,you should income,subjM N ah Comp esti provisions of thc Labor Cade.you must fonhwilh comply with such provision m ,permit shall be icenrd rtvaked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 0 Ithereby a ..thn them,n itocaawction kiningagcncy for performmweof tithe work for which Nie pcwil is Is,ued(Sec.3097,Co.C.) LeM[b Name (� 7 IaMcr's Addrtsn {y) G 1 mtify that 1 have read thia application and ewe than the above mfomamu,is S Cocom.I epee w comply with dl city and county mdwnce,and state laws alaung m Z building comweum,amt hereby lathoou repreanutiva of this city to mam uPoa the t..1 C above-memianed property for inspection purposes. (z F„ (Wq,gra weave,indemnify and keep harmless to,City of Cupertino against f„J lobilifiu,judgmenr,costs and expenses which may in my way aortia Mainn aid City w W in mat"uem a of t mtieg this pewit. [� h N•PLICADl'R, 'A' D WILT.COMPLY WITH ALL NON Yll $i of It on U ATERIALs DISCLOSURE rOBnepplicmlor' thingOccupant store of".hazurd uuuxriJ Re-roots ` u defined by the Cupcnlno Municipal Cade,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code,Section 25532(a)P wv/ Type of Roof ❑Yrs lakNo Will the applicant m/future wilding acupsm era equipment or device,which All roofs shall be inspected prior to an roofing material being count hazardous air comwinents as de@ted by IN,Bay Asea Ah Q 0ity Management installed. If a roof is t stalled without first obtaining an inspection R.0 I agree to re V a new materials for inspection. Applicant ❑Yea �'o gg Iha seed the haaandou,mateoela rtyuiamenlaamde,Chapter 6.95 ofthe Cali- understa a l comply with all no Coin o ee regulations. forma Health R Safety Cone,sections 25505,M533 eon 25534.I under that i Lha wilding does n mly Unna,-Nal it is mY rc.[pomlbllhy m mel y t of:tenor ter s' nen prim ler ofeCmifica Si I/ o p ant Da Ow t Da of coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE