01110039 CITY OF DIIV��ISIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 21269 STEVENS CREEK BLVD 01110039 -NER'S NAME: APPLIC TION SUB DATE :UPERTINO DAY SPA 11/06/2001 pI PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF-CH �Z O LL L1 ts-- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION O m 1 hereb .f irm Na,l am licensed under of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description ;N_° prav;amn. v g TENANT IMPROVEMENT. BCW with sediorce"I of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code.and my license 77 is in full force and efiec,. s 6 License Class Lic.g °a O Dae Contrac,w 1 G, ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1 understand my plans shall be used as puhlic rtcords FIN Y 1 O O Licensed Professional den I woBUILI .'anp, DEthe An IO 1 hereby aRrm that 11. .B.,A from the Conroe, License (m $45000 C b G following reason(Section]031.5,Business end Professions i r cou f F° which requires a permit,o conawn,altar,improve,demolish,or repmr any swnom e 'rotoisissaua:c.aiw urea,xapplicw,fw swh uo BI...s - - -- -- 3m ..pn _ ..regI ., pp pvmi gnedahaptert Nm hdTGhcensed pSoclu ,oche pif Diown rixinm mein And!P,faw(Chep,w9 .., ,1 [[ 'S C' yy r�s . 1 — Valuation (Co.mencipBwithe i1mf rrimofobasisoofeA116 11a6rnd Professions Coda) -I1;\ g�y!yam •t;l'/�j�•\®V{;N•�`I".},�1Q�j\• er that he is 31.5 bytherefrom and Ne basis for he cur eB adman to Any violation '-aI Sernvn]031:5 by Any applicant for a permiuubjectame Applicant do a civil penahy- ofmarawethanfivehanawdolle.(s5fa)._-, _ _ _ 10 1APN VUd?MATI ON Occupancy Type Ell,"owner ofthe Property,UT my employees with wages u Neiraolecompensaum, 102 - PIERS -'Bullae,the work:adios ode:tiro nli,emended or cense Lied ors ism not ap ly in an 10 3 - UFER Required lnSpeCtiOhS'i'`e''B.'a 1- `owner as and property is b Cade:The roves them's.and w taw does no,apply to w 1- owner offh his ow Who builds or improves t thereon,end who does such work intended or 10 4_ - REBAR _ or through his own employees.provide)Ne,such impmvcmems arc no,imenJed or (gf(eredfor sdeowneri If, weer thellhue the nden of Waving ss old within one yam of 105 - ANCHOR--BOL`I`.5' •� �•,iL •. ,t,.<a.t,'.f, completion, m owner-Wilder Ider will have the xNcn of proving,ha he did no,Wild or imprave rer P=To===(cal=,). 106 - SEWER & WATER ' 1 owneroRhe property am exclusively conwcting with licensed contractors to ZOZ= UNDERFLOOR -PLUMBING--i.('ISJ - a.c,me pmjeet(See,lou.Business and Professions Code:)The Contractor' 203 - UNDERFLOOR.-MECHANI CAL`h t r -_- ittnse law does nes,apply,o an owner of propeny who builds or impravea All _and.who.cantmcta.for,such m'ecu wuh.a.contrsu, p j otls)licensed Wrtwm An the, .—____ —204-----'UNDER'FLOOR-FRAME------------ ------- - '% Commnor'e License Lew.. ❑lame:empaneer ee: "' a&PCforthis,mawn 205 - UNDERFLOORLNSULiATION 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING caner' ORKER'S COMP NSATION DECLARATION - ,302 - TUB Fc OR SHOWER themby affirmunder mnalty perjury one o(Ihe following declem,ions: 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1 have anl'avi0 maintain a Cenifiame of Consent,o selGinmm Ins Wwkcrs 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL ., Can, awiom.,.provided for by Section'3]00 of the Lobar Code, for the 'Indti mace of the we*for which,his permit is issued. 305 - FRAME ❑1 have and will maintain H'prkdr's Compcnaa,0 1 mnnn ai regmied bj Sec„ a 306 - HOLDOWNS 3](10 of,he Labor Code f r Ne performance of the ick for which Ink pe ",is 3 0 7 — INSULATION _ _iuwd.MYWohela Compewuon.Iwumvicevbrile dPolaY oumbe a _....�._. -• t..,.. -- ---308 -. 'SHE TROCK .... ---- . ---'------ - - - - Carper Pol icy ... 2 p l t ICERTfFlCATIONOFE%EMPI'IONFROMWORKERS!' 1✓;"� 309 i-IIEXTEfzfiOR•`L�P:TH<< r COMPENSATION.INSURAt10E �'•�. frW stct�od'tied notxcom rated if the permit is far one hunerce donors �3�:'0-�;;�'IN`I'ERIOR—'I�A`I`Hi_•_V„, --'-;,_c,I '1:. '1..), - fs100)oneas.) v 311 -:'SCRATCH COAT 'IT __..__ --_.ROOF-,. 1 __�__ _ __ _.. _.• _ ._ I earn ythat'.,he rfdmttan.of the ark for which @, -'"3 13' 'NAI L'•--- - pe peon is`issued 1an" shall not employ any person'm any minn rens a , become subject to the Workers. 5 O 1 - FINAL ELECTRI CAL•IENERGY Compensation Lows of Callforala.Dam, -Applicant __502 ._-. FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY__ O TonPPucANr.rsCmn After makingmneen...6thEaemptmn.Yoasnemd 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL' ENERGY z z NOl]CEuM1jecuothe Worke/kCompensation prnviiioni o(Ihe l:ubor Code,yeu'mun O forthwith damply with each preAsiem or suis prmit shall x deemed revoked. 504 _ - -FINAL BUILDING ENERGY. occame s s.w I herb aPo' - CONSTRUCIiONLENDINCAcENcv 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL F oLende I herebe h,�°at N can war^lending age cy fo Ne pert ce - A hthis permit, , ued(See 309]Civ C)_ _. L. e 506 — GAS TEST _ .. _._.. -. .. -- j:z Under&Addrat- _ 507 - U O FINAI PLUMBING ._ Application¢et on a d amle,het the x information is 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL I cemfy that I have this — — "t.' correct,Iagree to complywah an city and coun,y,ordlnanceaad ,t .low,reading - 509 - -F-INAL -GRADE ---'--- - O.V ,oxddingcontrusaidn;andherebyimhonaeWpresenmtiveaoftiscitymcnterupon 510 - FINAL PLANNING _ W ,he above-mentioned,property,for inspection purposes. J° (WA)Agree to serve,indemnify And keep Wholesith'd City of fupAriW dg=inn 514 FINAL PUB WORKS N' liabilities,judgmnps,costs aM a=panus which may in any way accrue against said U ,z City in ca^seque^te of the Shining of dd,permit. - "=^-'} APpt. ANT' O - ' NDS A .ILL COMPLY W YTH ALL NtONiPO1NT - _. . - ol s R t5u Issued by: Date ^ rAPPlldanl/Cmawtor f �a,e,i Re"COOTS .... .. ' - HAZAitDOUS ATERIALS DISCLOSURE l.s • 11the Applicant ortuvue budding occupant dom or handle WaarEas material .Typeof.Roof .., _ _ _ .ns dcfned by the Cupemno Man¢pal Code Chaptec9 11.and the Health and Safety x- '-- " .. . Code, ode Section 25S3$a` I 'i:+,SSf�,� Y„ .t ', . ''s''g_ 'r�,iA,tit% ”" . .,_. 1, 1✓ ,. . ❑re:, -, ❑N y, l •:.-.j; .,? ...-All roofs shall be.inspected.prior-to..any.roofing material being.installed.-"--__-.__ Wd1,he applium mfuwrc xilding occupant uta equipment or devices which If a roof is itist�lled'without first obtainin an firs ectidn Iia iee`to ierrtove ern hvallons tar conmminanta u defined by the Bay'Aiu Air Quality'Management g P �i Drama] all new materials for inspection. Applicant.understands and will comply with ❑r r , .V ❑yo' .. .�' 'r " all'non-point source regulations::. l. .t; '.) . �s1 I heve'rted'the haiudow m5mnds aquircmMte under Cxptar fi 0 of the s C'ehtomie Health&Safety Cddc;Send...25505,25533 and 25534:1 undersand that if the boilding rias not normallywl have uenmt.that it is my rtsponaibiliiy to notify the oddapam the rcqui me Is wMch must x met prior to iuuance of a Cenifcate of Oce alley. . - ' Signature of Applicant _ Date caner o .allorized agent o.rc. All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE-. ._ t ,