S 1263M APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPF.RTINO HUILTNG - ELECI RICA DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PING RING MECHANICAL PFIi�b+Ifl' No J 1263 . iorILDING WILDING PROD F.(TI' IUh:MI'IPICA'TION CE ID • B ILUING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMIT-IAh UAl'E 20630 STEVENS CREEK BLVD F­NER'S NAMIi: PHONE: (FIS BYER PROPERTIES CONTAACIOR:S NAME: LIC NO: MID WAY SIGN 707963 NIC ❑ CONTROLa CI II'IHC'I'/ENGINF.F.R: [A aN& IADDRESS: 3290 BASSETT ST SANTA CLARA CON 'I'AC1: PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG [ FCT DME MECH GARY ANDERSON 983 9696 ❑ ❑ Od'Z W O0 F. QUV NQ6 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm That I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 700HOAoiva ion 3 oftbr Business and l'rol'essonns Code,andmy license is i iceneworce and affect. �. 707963 License C'm w^ iLic.« DeLL Conna"..r QTY. ELECFRIC PERMIT FEE _ _ JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑SFl)WI. - ❑KITCUEN RIiM0Uli1. ❑ ADD] T]ON ❑PLUMBING RI; -PIPE ❑MULTI-I1NIT El STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INDiIt10R ❑CHIMNCY It EPA1R IMI'ROVI?MENT �SWIMMING 1'OOLS ❑ RA'I'N REMODEUREPAIR Ll DEMOLITION ❑ O'Tlliilt '- PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL fcnnZ JZ� ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my ploomdall be used u+ Public leaned, PANELS UI'T02(X)AMPS {h1og' C sR 0 O 0. Ltwnsnl l'enlcn,fonnl OWNiili-ntliLl)Iili DGCLARAI'ION hereby no 1 am oe... t inan tPr Con tractor, Licence Law far da, fislluwiug ranon. Serino Ince. air Print, Code: ( t Any ciynr cru"Y gal-11X)BAMPS OVER InOOAMPS IS HLN.CTRIGL ONE oworn aC00 I. X e repair i... a pencil t0 enn+nurl, nbre, n, assn ltpermit ,are a a, any .(Canoe notion,':" Is q N ppl' if hp ill fl ._g d.nte nem Thai he . ad s it Thp fie C I I f L L (Chapmr9 (cn t o ithSet 7") fD".i 3 of fire _ B: dProfe..' :Code)or that he xnnpt Therefrom and he basis panic allcsN enemPl un. Any vfoiafnn of _ SPE CIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TTN P M ETER OR POLE INS'i'. COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW HLOGIAUUITION EIDEM01.1'1'(ON ��N =Q❑ a Section 7031.5 by Any...land far a permit subjects the appliram to n civil penallyof not aware into five hundred dollars ($500). it Lothework,and pestruc,mmycmntendes wilhwagc asialeifor sale (Sec. Business n License Law does nm apply to if owner of adJmnrwark.Codd:TheCirel,arta®nenseLoedJsactaply1.a4.waa,if and propertywho n,+ ib, or The C thereon, or through p who builds or.HadTimplores and who dors such work POWER DEVICES []TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE 1 i'ROVIiMI:N'I' rHeR PAN FNANNf_6 SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OII'TLLTS—SWITCHES-19XTHItliS t u,h i, derhimar his own cntploye in, provided That such umal is Oold la arc outore intended m offered lar , (,a n +Nell; huwweq the buildingorimprnvcmem is udA within nuc year of uimpletion.the NI:W RESIDENTIAL RLECTR SQ Ire. SQ. IriI FLOOR AREA AISQ. PI'. for p- i wtea-buer ildwill have (he bunlan of proving (hat he did nm build or impm -c e it sure.). ❑i,ns wnermf(hCPropanyv xCla,ivnlycomruningwilhlictrowdeenmmtors to P 'A I(YIAI,: construct The pTujeel (Sec. 7f W, Business and Profession, Cale:) The Contractors Li act Lnw Aoex not nPPly to an owner of mo party who build• Or improves lnmear, and QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT EE Qii FEBO FEB �UQ AMID ato the Com whosnnlacu for such projmis with a counnecals) licensed punnnt icati i PERMIT ISSUANCE License Low. 1 and exempt under Sec. . R At P C for this nae mn ALTER - CHAIN & VENT -WATI:R THAT )xncr Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION VALUATION /�YtlD BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations : ` V DRAINS- FLOOR, R(KIF. AREA. COND. I too,: dwill maintaonaCenificmcof Consrm maaf-irowne for Wnrkee's Comprn- moan, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Cale, for The performance of the ,'TORIES TYPE CONSIHOC 'TION work for whirl, this pennil is is,ral. FIX 'TURFS - PER TRAP s ❑ I hma anal will mainmin Worker's Compensation In. ... earn, as required by Sectlan 370X(of the Latah Code, for the perfnnnancaal he wokl ur which (bi, partial—otarld, GAS -EA.SYSTEM -I INC. 4011 11.17'35 OCC, (HELP AIN My Warw C(ar n .too Rem.fan (intoes nu h s GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4(EA) - - Cli I F. :X 'RUM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASIJINDUSTRL WASTE INTE PfOR ItI11LUl_NO DIVISION FEES (l his section need not be complied it the permit i, Gonne hundreddnllmx (Slfg) nr Is,,.)PLANCIIf:C.K GREASET :RAP (Bili SEWER -SANITARY -S" MITA. 200 FI'. Iran" cin the peRormance of(lie wnrk for which this pentJl isismed.lshall not ear any Nis in in any manner so es ui Mnnne xubjea m the Worker' Cmnpen- ENERGY FIA: WATIiR HEATER W /STIHLECI'R 'T P0 W� la Lau, of California. Data GRADING FEB pPleaut x(YI'ICH TO APPLICANT: If, after making (his Cedlfic to of Exemption, you should becoma s.hi , (he Worker', Co. .... alion Pnrvi+ions of the Labor Code, you ouvil I inane wntply with such pmvkial, ar Tons amnil nIrdl he dwnmdervoked. WATER SYSTREATING 9 ' WA'I13R SF ICE SOILS I:EI: .7 z Wr- ULender'., L) y fA U Z CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY inn IAing agency for the pafmn 1 hereby ufllrm Thm there is u construe(vm nrnca of the wn k f)rwbich this permit is i1,md lSce.3097, Civ. C.) Name PAID Receipt « NEW /1S DHWIAI, PI.MIL SQ. EL 'TOTAL: TOTAL: IemIcGAJdrens BUILDING FEE I waif that 1 have reactors application J,lata that (he above information is y un comdingco comply with coats and nmmy ordinances and statetolaws ntr upon the enter bnildingamcocoon,andhereby amhnrizertpresenm(ivesofthiscity toen¢ruponthe QTY. MECHANICAL PF:RMI'I' FEE SIiISMICIAiIi aMive-mentioned progeny for impeclian pori (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupenono against PERM1'I' ISSUANCE :LI:C'IRIC THE ACILRORADDTOMECH. I iabililies,judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against said City i it saryrnce of The granting of this pemtil PLUMBING THE Apt HANDLING UNIT (T(1 IB.IXX)CFAI MECHANICAL ITE APPLI AN' JNDERSTANDD WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOI - ;GULATl0 /yy/' -en D AIRIIANDLINGUNIT(OVI?RIE,(XXIC ) CONS I' RUC'I ION TAX I?XIIAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) HOl1YING MI'IGNITION FEE .'neunanfA mu Ca lmemr Use HAZARDOUS MATERIA( S DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT (TO IW,M 'U) Will the applicant or future building m Captmt store or handle hazardous nintcrial as defined by The Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9,12, and The Health and Saltily Cale, Section 25532(a)7 HEATING UNIT(OVE 1.000 BTLD ' E) yes C) No PAID Data Receipt of VENTILATION FA (SINGLE RESIU) BOILI:R—CO (3HP OR 100.000 H11H I to t Will the applicant or furore building occupantuse component or devices which iit IozoNom. Of, communitiesas defined by the Buy Area Air Quality Management Dialricr, CYea 0 N TO ER ' BOILOMP(OVER 100,00113'1 Go AIR 1NDITIONER Ihvvels•ithe hazardous materials raryiremnru (mticr Chapter 6.95 of the Cali- ISSUANCE DA'I'S IoW RISIDENTIALMECIL SQ. Fr harda 1I SrhayCd S i .25.10525511 1255341 d.t i(1., it [,a ball' tcrucially h ( ((1 tt y' ... p .b-Ityt mildly utpnnl is nqu areas which must be tall it... li ••.......arta Conrail Ca(rof (k�upnncy. ISSUE[) HY. Owmar ar anthaci.ad agent Dale TOTAL: OFFICE