02050058 (3) OF CI n BUILDING o ERo No PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 20610 STEVENS CREEK BLVD NORTHWEST SIGNS 02050058 I AAM�ROPERTIES, L. P. 325 WASHINGTON ST lg APa15fr,ff .(f62 PHONE: (831) 469-8208 SANIITTARYNO. L CONTROL NO. a re0 o ARCHITECUENOINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO u- BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH GL S m Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hicanyafimather lamlicensed under provisions of Chapicr9(<ommencing SIGN lob Description �wF with Secti.s.700)uf Divisimild be Busin<s dProfeseions Cute.and my license is in full an (fee ae x 6 Lite C(5 Lo. O a O IJeu//_S/d( Comm —L RCHITECT'S DECL ATIO u.O,g I understand my plans shall be used as public records ass i Y 1 ce p O Licensed Prald,i ei2 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Con recom s License Law for the C i $1600 ¢ following reason,(Section]031.5,Business Code:Any and Professions CoAny city or ceouty 8 t G which requires a permit to consuun,alma improve.demolish.or repair any structure asciipriorm its issuance,also requires the applicant for such Permit o file a signed statement22 - ---- - --- -- - - - - that heislicensed puesoanuothe provisions of the Connections License Law(Chapter 9r ,3.'SQ•ff��3Dn 0n,);•, 1 �•i,' ,�, Valuation (commencing mcing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Profession,Code) or that he ii exempt thertfrom'und the basis for the alleged elcmptiod.Any violation i "s.". of Section of him fivv any applicant for v Icnnit subjects the epplicvm to a civil penvlty nnt more man e hundred dollars($Son). 10]APPI 1'$101Re3DATION C'., Occupancy Type D 1,as owact si pmpcnr.or on,employees with wages as their sole cempenmtinn, 103 — UFER will do the work.and the xm:cture isnot intended oroffered for sale(Sec.]oda. - 104 — REBAR Re wired Inspections Bai nes,and Professions Code:The Contractor's License law does not iii a on q owner ofproperty Who builds orimPmvevtoereon,andwho does sumwork Himself 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS or through his own employees,provided that such improvemcars art not intended or _.__- -offered for sale.v,however, he hooding 6r imyre.amcm is sola within-one yearofof - - --- 30,11 ROUGH --ELECTRI CAli � - . ......_. - completion.the owner.buimer will have the burden of proving that he did not build or .505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL improve for purpose of xi - - 51-4 --FINAL -PUBLIC - WORKS- " , Elliars control tre proper,am exclusively contracJ�soim lieennea enntraemrs to ,, . . ._ . construct the prejen(Sec.76fa,Business and Professions Code)The Contractor a License Law d«s not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, .: and.whtcontrects for sum.projecu with a.conmeror(s)licensed pursuant to he .. _... ._ -.. Conlmee License Law. - ❑lam exempt under Sec. � �" �.B&PCfor his rtason Date. WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION w crI hereby affirm under Penalty of pri one of the following declarations. If—B E W li , 01 hove and is ill maintain a'Cerillcate of Consent to self-imam for Worker's SEP 0 5 2002 • Compensation, as provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Code, for the perfnrmance of the work for which alis permit ix issueJ. ' ❑1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation qt y Section nemif t Insurance,az rt „ b vi Mn Workers Compensation Inssutilance c.imcr and folwork io hetethis e perms a BUILDING e Lisbon Code.for the per ici rd wrar ili t CERTIFICATION OF E%EM ION FROM WORKERS', '� i\. L 1. is tv•`.t 6 I ,S r' -. .._. __. ... COMPENSATION INSURANCE. ' (Oris'section tired not be corm if the permit in for one hundred dollars i (SI W I or Icss.) It employ matin the performance,nn the work for whim this ct to t e orker I - l l -,t.,t:,; ,. eh mpent employ any person in any mannerist,as m become subject m the Workers ' Compensation laws of California'Date Applicant .NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL ufler nicking alis Cenifcnte of Exemption;you should _ " � - - _. .. _ _ _ __. . __ Become subject to the Worker's Compensation pars,isnow or the labor Code,you must r..BO ' ' " t"' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY" ronhwith comp ly witi such provisions or this permit shall Be deemed revol z 12 y a g agency pe ormalace. ' .• t'' of the work for which thisPe• t sued(S 3097Civ.C) - - On (� tender's Name f5nn Jut the ...onatmn• , f the rf -. " ,_ .. z Leni Address U 0 tW. „+ I certify that 1 have mud this application ural state that the above information is 0 t-t 1.Wilding il.I agree to comply with all city and authorizecounty nepossismadnces and state to en relating :0 W the aboientenswed profaJhertbyectonurposenmtivea of this city to enter upon -,rte the above-mentioned profanity for sty and ke,,harmless h o; eWjudSmemsave.indnnnify and keep lu:mayinthe way Cupertino against � ) W liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way accrve against said (l v U Of in consc uence of the mung ofthispermit. ' SPL�^f NDE SOT .PJR• .COMPLY WITHALL'N N-PCIM 6 Issued by: r Date Signature of Applandnrm Comeor - Dat•,1' Re-roofs / HAZARDOUSMATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or rutfunno,Wilding cups t store or handle harandsous nomenal Type of Roof , .. ,.. . .,..-.. . - m defined by the Cuperfirm Sow Ytn m 25p5p1l2(x7 t MtCod Chapter 9 2 t and the .t a d Safety Code, 1 All roofs shI a•l'l be liinf p'ect ted1.p{rio.r[ot any roofng ma[enal be`,i.n g ms[alled. r p d' g p t ... uncequiparmant ordinices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove urt haticiddrim,.1"Carturvarrounts as defined by ithe Bay Are;,Air Quality Management Dist t all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with t( ov , ._ all non-point Source regulations. - f4 r. 1 have read the h rm oils mater ala nequ rcmcros and r Chapter 6.95 of the Califomia Heilth&Safcy Code.Scamons 25505:25533 and 25534.1 undennindthat if the building ders not currently have atenant,that it is my responsibility to notify the - - - '- -occupam of the requirements which and be don,Fromm instance of u Celli ca¢of Oe, Y. _ Signature of Applicant Date c wnern,aamxar<d ages ”' . oat . All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better OFFICE ... _ .. _. . _ .