01090086 CITY ]BUILDING DPERTONNO PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. iA'NER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE SYMANTCC CORPORATIONS CC1 PIER 9 THE EMBARCADERO 09/20/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (206) 447-7672 CNN ARCHITECM`ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO P m_ BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF.CH <a -"I -I LJ L_j S v= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description Sz_o I herby uMrm that I am licensed under provision.of Chapter 9(commencing r�Fm with Senion J(100)of Division 3ofthc Business and Professions Code.end my licenu yyy� is in full a Cana err TENANT IMPROVEMENT. OWU a«mees`.I. L. . L6�'J���� (CONFERENCE RM. ) ,paa�—==L-� Conlmty� H.Sui J� I ARCHITECT'S D62LaRAT10N SI understand my plans sM1all be usN os puM1lic records u a< Licensed 14ofes,ional FINALED a' as., o vLLi OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby.(fora that I arra exempt from the eosins a e:Any Law for the APR 0 2 2002 c-?< followingones 9 (Seaton 7onstru t.amnx and are.de io demolish. Code:Any city or county E x O which rcquims v permit to maces ,aper,improve,demolish,ore stir any swnurt a3� '-pnon 1 _also q Ne pPlb If veli pc Ito fl ged sm¢menl � .._.. _ _ ..._—___ that he kl 'nvHp'nuln tgthe Pm r.k s of the Contractors L' I (Chapter9 S FL F' oo Icom cog illi Sect ]000) f D 'i 3 f m B S p as aM P pfccf ns CoOe) / ',4'!"r L' q' I T Area, +3 -]t '1 ®'�� atlOn or shathe¢lxtmpr therefromandthe basis farina alleged ea<mpnind Any violation "'3` i 1-}a L s Sof ion 9031;5 try any applicant fora permit m15je0a the applicant m a civil penalty :arnatmmOfanBvenandrcdddlin,(S5IX0. 3 b b � Lr -. s. Occupancy Type ❑ll-d othe with:and the s ru my employee waded or offer dfor s rosax.-7don, -will-do the with:and the nmcutrc is nnf intended or olfered'focsale(Sec:JfW,' - -- --- 'Business and Profession,Cade:The Contractor.License Law does am app[,to an equated Inspections - ''` rthrough owner of property Who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself 10 2 - PIERS or elord fo sal own employees.provided that wen improvements are not iarzpaea or ....._l 0 3...-._UFER---- -:offcaJ fol sold IC however,the noildi6--` - -iii sold- or --- - -- -'--'-- '"--""'-"------"' "--"'-'"'building-or year 104 - REBAR t` '`P:'ry --,:,:,,. , ,., oprovei for the owner-builder will have the harden of proving Ilia he did not build or improve!m pumas of sa1cJ. t r tofthe_......._._. .. --. _u_._ _... . . _. :...10.5_.-...ANCHOR- BOLTS_ .__. s ¢ OLas owner of the propedy,mn Business and Professions ns Cocensedemnracnrtsta ( hi L'L - --� ---- - - - -- 106 - SEWER & WATER "" - - Dt..,, the project(Sec.JD44,Business and Professions Cade:)The Contractor's a,s', :'s P1 P •s; t y _ construct -- adwhoawdoesaooapvrytpajectsvafproarrtywnowua,oimprave,t.m.th, 2 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING ..and who contracts for.such projects witM1.v.commnogs)liccnxd.putxoant.m.thc . . . .._.__. . ...__.._. .....__.._...._...__.._ -__, ___.. Contractors License Law.-r;.• 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL O 1 am exempt under sec' .B'&P C for Nis rtason " 204 - UNDERFLOOR' FRAME Owner1.16 WORKER'SCUAIPENSATIONDECLARATION 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION Initial.111.undetpea.f ofpirju}yaa,enh�rallnwvngdeclaraeons: - 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING ! -1 0 1 have and will maintain'a'Certifcate of Conant to self-insole for worker's 3 02 - TUB & OR SHOWER Compensation. as provided-for by Section 37M of the Labor Code. for the 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL perhnman«none work Tar wb{rn its,rmit n issyee. „ 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL ❑1 have and will orainraln Worker's Compensation Insurance,as rcgdired by Section 305 - FRAME 37W of the'Labor Cade,for rhe performance of the work for which this permit is ismer.Myw k's Com,eination'Insurance carter and Policy number are 6 - HOEDOWNS _ )rr°n a J " Policy W'e Ll.6lwulllo l�' �'< y,,• -) i�307jy-.k- NSULATIONii •�'c: J�l'a l '(CPRTR ICATION OF FXEM�N FROM WORKERS I• _ •� COMPENSATION INSURANCE- ,_- ,_„-,--•, 3OH,_= SHEETROCK '= "• I"'' ' (Th seanon need not rte complaed d the permit is for one hundred 309 tEX'TERIOR LATH dollars . . 310 - _INTERIOR LATH t I e n f tot in Ili pert a rlh k for hien m peap t 1.ea 1- - 311 - SCRATCH COATI - ihall nai employ any,ps wn in any mann r so as to became subject m the Workers ' campe . tmLawsalicant. J (clr at Wit, 313 - ROOF NAIL T NPOTICE TO APPLICAOT Ifafter making this Certificate of Exemption.youshould - -- -501 "'FINAL- ELECTRICAL•-;ENERGY' -- -" z barnmcsubject it,sheeWorker aCian,nimmnpr.vkmrccaarhe Labor Com.you man, 502 - FINAL PLUMBING .ENERGY O O fonbwith'comply with such provisions at this permil shall he deemed marked. z --- —FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL--ENERGY , - In C CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY - ' I humbyufftmNanb<rcr:acnswnio lenJ'ngageny( Ili ptfrrnpnce 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY — �.� ofrhe wmkfor hich,hia permt rs issued is J09J,Co,, •-. -_. .. .. . ......... unda,salmm -, `_. 505 -- -FINAL ELECTRICAL-. ..._ .. .._... .. Q Lende N e 7 z 506 - GAS TEST : U-O 1 centify that I have madm ppjicatand site that the above information is 507 - FINAL PLUMBING coven 1.1tom Iq mply th II city and county md' ante d suite 1 retailingO.p tobuilding .t tion 'dn hereby mat p . ttives ren: ityt, ter upon 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL me 4M a mentioned pehoop tip 0.W iwq'g r ss ij e dede inspection tlk nle vi keep Cry o(Cupenino against 509 - FINAL GRADE m liabilities,judgments.costs and expenses which. .y. am r again ,ata 510 - NA NG V. City asequence of the granting f this pe t ] , '� APPLICANT UNDE COMPLY WITH ALL NON PO t` ]SSUed ]{��4r- N RKS Dale Oar S CE granum of gt <mt t:,' r.' D < Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE y- ca p g occupant tort or harMie hazardous matenal . ..,Type of Roof _ _ WIIyt applicants tripartite Municipal bald - -. z defined b .The 32 n Mu im al CW Chapter 9 12 and Ili Health and Safety yp P Code Oyes 255321a,n; s. ❑N 'I r3 - s'.. r ,5,., f3i�u k i ' a -t Iv!]l,'i ,.ji '. P ,s 1 .. . . -- -_All roofs shall,be,m`spec[ed poor to any roofing material being installed__ :. P Will theapplicant future b ild'mg pit secup op t devices which- If a roof is installedwithout first obtaining an inspection; I'agree'to remove .mish aid it 2onte nanla 'defined by ih ByAxa'A Quality Management Distinct? all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with F)Yes °N all non” source regulations. 1 A e'mzd the animal mm,hu s equ rem im;undo Chapter 6.95'of the 61fifomii Health&Safety Code:Sections 25505;25533 and 25534.1 understand that if the building dues not currently have a tenant,that n is my ompunhility to nmifythc - dccupam or the rcquiremems which must he'met mor to issuance of a Cenif etc of - Signature of Applicant _ - _ - - . Date ow r nava -fl, - „ All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better OFFICE