250614 izz X00 :U Nz �a Ia � iypp .MD 3wu •,IGy 3no :Ors. n AZT ='O :3c 0 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY —BUILDING - ELECTRICAL PLUMBING -MECHANICAL CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION/PERMIT .BUHIDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJECT IDP.NTIFlCATION -'� P[.RMTf NO 25061 BUILDINGADDRGSS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATIONSOBMTlT AL DATE S/-�"7.. 2oZ3o C ✓Li i ^KVIC Uh'ITp OTa 1 OWNERSNASIE: PHONE: CONI RAM OR'S NAVE; LIC NO: NIC CONTROL# RC1 ECTTNGINLER: LIC NO; ADD ESS: CONTACT: PHONE: -asiP, 1 I pyp,CpR1CPBRMI,�P� yW� . MRIt+,x ,: "'' i,PEBPI'+ 93' i va.:'xn '-1' •:"'"°'sS""'^ may'="" - : iizr".',`'1'tS% BUILDING PERMIT INFO: "11 BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH PERMIT ISSUANCE 1:1 El 11 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereaffirm that ro M' am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL IDH DESCRIIH'ION PANELS Section RgOt of Division Sof the Business and Profusions Code, and my license is in fun mrte and effect. Li.7S117 4 Lic.0 yl UP TO 200 AMPS eG r Date Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 undersand my plans shall W used as public records. 201 - IOW AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR A SISQ. FT. OVER 10D)AMPS / SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed professional OWNER-BUILDERDEutARAT10N 1 hemby than I am emmpt from the ContranaR law for sh< SPECIAL C[RCIRT/MISC. 1 following won. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professims Code: My ciry or roomy n. (Se a: My TEMP. METER OR POLE N'ST. which requires a permit to construct, alter. Improve. demolish, or repair any strumae priori, its issuance,also requvee theepplicat, forsuch normal to file. signed alsmman, r•sL POWER DEVICES DATE that he is licensed pursued to the provisions of the Contsactoi s Liecve Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 9000)of Divisioa 3 of Ne Business and Professions Cade) _- ATION SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC mitts, he iseaempt therefoor and the basis fm thealleged eaampton. My viobtionof Section 70313 by any applicant for a permit subjects the epplicanno a civil porNty of OUTLETS-SW17CF1FS -FIXTURES ' am more than five hundred dollars($500). ❑ I.nownerofsheproperry.mmyemploy withwagesestheinolecompenndon, NEWRESOENTIALELECfR_SQ.FT. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCIION - do shewmk. Cad the 7O 44. he Contactors License Lawmaims and Professions Code: The Contractors License law does not apply to an owner of and apply property who builds or improves tmreaa, end who dms such wo& hi msel f or through his ownemploYeo,pmvidMmp mehi areno,imendedmpleemdforeels.If, OCC. GROUP RES. UNITS TOTAL: tiswlldwi �wevWilder, she have theof pol that he didnone yam of completion, theownm- Wilder will have Ne burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of all ❑ I.esownttafthepropeny,amexclus 1 cmvectin with licensed contractors to ve Y 8 FLOODZONE APN '.. CFeL :+s INC.ruxas.::ufn xal.^ „nmlw4Lyypfi. QTY: PLUMBING PERMIT��,+,w'3wPEE.7;• :.,i•3 naawaxaaty+aw# w.aw.`a8 mNbYtl the p101al ($<L. 7B14. BLLM1lneba and PfOfeSslo119 Cad[:) TI,C f-'onnaClaf e licrn¢Iawtloanot epplyaanowncrofpropeny whobuildsmimprovntherean, antl PERMITISSUANCE who emvam fm such projects wi th a rontnctor(a)1 icmxd punuan t m the Cmtrecmr s U. Law. ALTER - DRAIN & VENT - WATER (HA)WAR FEE SUMhY,s -- - -I - ---. '.�;;tIR .. '1'>�4'ID _. ,. [31 am e.endr under Sec. , B & P C far This reason BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE SANITARY YN RECEIPT# Owns; Dea pRAINS- FLOORROOF. , .. WORKMAN COWENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX Y N ❑ Ihacby off thulhaveaccrtifLetc of mnamlo xlf-insure, Oraartificare of Wakm'Cpapmpensetion ldrasuyrtanaemaccr,ifed copy thereof(Sec.3gW.L.b CJwhich Puliryxlf^'p� Dn/e lis/ Cis c G. RECEIPT# FIXTURES-PERTRAP PARK FEE YN RECEIPT Is — GAS- EA. SYSTEM. I W'C.401RLETS � BUILDING DIVISION FEES CmnW^y GAS - EA. SYSTEM-OVM 4 (EA) PLANCHECK ME ❑ CenJd eopy is herebr f rmishN. GREASFIINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING E FE x�'Cerifed copy is filed wish the city inspection division. 77'� CERTIFICATE OFEMMIPTION FROM WORKER S' GREASETKAP SOTS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER - SANITARY - STORM EA. 2001T. ENERGY FEE (Thissectionnad nm W completed ifthe permit is for one hundred dollars P$100) or lm.) WATER HEATER W/VF.M'/ELECIR . icenifyshatinshepedo moftheworkforwhichshispermitisismed,ishall nm employ any penin in any mamrtr so as to become subject W the Wmke% PAID Cmnldn"ammlawsof Celifomil, Hate WATER SYSfEMInUEATING Date Receipt# Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ. FT. TOTAL: Wwme subject to she Workds Camprnudon provisions of she Labor Code. you mus, fmthwish comply with such Provisions Or this permit shall W deemed revoked. I BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE ' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affml that them is a condensation lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, ❑v. C.) TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE Leader Name Lenders Address -and ^K- er+ QTY' S+'`�'irs,MECFIANICAI:PERMIT.7i(sv +D -s '''PEE .yam T"' "'t' J C S?r. A"iii.+° PLUMBING EtiE I Certify that 1 have reed this application sane that Ne aWva mfohmeuo ' correct. l agree to comply with all city and county ordinal and state laws mlatng to y1 PERMIT ISSUANCE o'o MECHANICAL FEE U building concoction, and hereby authorie, representatives ofthis city memerupon the above-memimed property for inspection vmTlise, ALTER OR ADD *10 MECIL. �. L t CONS'IRUCTIOh'TAX (We) agree to save, indemnify and kap hands, the City of Cupar rot against and expenses which may in any way accrue again, said City AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 0."CFh11 in�liohilities,pligmen¢.cos¢ tie th / nee of the grany'a�{hf shin permit. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER IO.WO CFM, EXHAUST HOOD WOU(CT) PAID ,nature of Applicant/Camra..... Dale HEATING. UNIT (TO IW (xIt BTDh HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Dam kvccipla HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) 1 'TO] 'AI.\\:ea -L1 ) Will the applicant or future building occupum,are or handle butrandaus imi,c, I as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safely VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE MID) Code, Section 25532(.)7 ❑ Yes ❑ No ' ISSUANCE DATE Will theappliranmfuambuildingmcupaT=Nuipmentordeviceswhichemit BOILER- COMP DHP OR IW.D(0 BTU) /' p R D 8- BOIL.ER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) haaardau air mnamineats as defined by Nes Bey Ara Mr Quality Management DuvidT . NEW RESIDENTIAL MECIL SQ. FT. ❑ Yee . 0 No MAY 11-1993 I hive read the haaardous materials ralmoura nu under -Chapter 6.95 of the Califorsta Health&Safety Cade. Sections 25505,25533 and 25534. 1 understand that If the building does ml cum... tenan4 the, it is my mrpaudibility to natfy the CIII Vf VUr- nEII4V - occupant of the meriveral which must he ma prim a issuance of a Cmifiote of - Occupancy. cI ISSUED BY: a l .Owncrmaushma ixcd gmt Dial, „ I TOTAL: .O UrhlUt