25059{;}APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY 'OC :3a CITY OF CUPERTINOPERMIT BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUM nING-MECHANICAL IIUILDINGPROJELTIDENTIkICAI'ION NO. O (� `7 BUILDING ADDRESS. - c?o,2 30 SrEy6N.5 ' �2� 19/0"tUNIT0 LOT. - 11111111 11, APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE — I 1 N' RS AA1N /-,—/J- i20ZwZS9/CO ��`jC L` D NM:.X I-ICNO: �s0 �z NC CONIROLM vo,2 G' LIZ Z .a5 RESg oCg�r�eUJ "`/SDD S F. rONTACT:[ �/ ,R46A44. PHONE: Q�U 28 W C,7YCclvsr 5-9-SSo7 rP'* �.2'F+ ct't^+'�^-^-'a -'T=' �rdlt�} Yn "'^v«r'r� fix.- ELEC Qm`..,,?�,"!r>t ,e+„rte-2i.'-?'.BUILDINGPERtvITINFO ”- :, DC ELECT PLU N M :CH PERMIT ISSUANCE LICENSER CONGRACfOR'S DECLARATION I herchyaffirm that l am licensed underprovisionsofChapter9(commencing with Section 70001 of Do isio Sof the Business and Pmfessiom Code, and my license, is in full fore and effect. M U.Cloo S -I Lit.X �OSa//Z APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL PANELS UP T02fp PS JOB DESCRIPTION �A D. Contirmou ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used ss public records. �'- 201 - 1(100 S SQ. IT, FLOOR AREA C, e �J - S/SQ. FT. a, r O - 1 % ELF /, / Limmecl ProfessorialLTRICAL OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATIONL'�AL CIRCUTf/NRS . I botchy, suffixed Nam at 1 axemJe from the Convectors License Law for a following reason. (Salon 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: My city or cow TEMP. INST. winch requires a porrom to consuum ober, improve, demolish, or repair any structure pian m it, issuance. alto becomes; theeppliciot farsuch permiuo fileaaigned statement D V that he is liccnsd puesuant to the provisions, of the Cmueanrs License law (Chapter 9 lmmmencing with Semim 7")of Division 3 of me Bmiruu end Professions Code) mthat he isn<mp Nuefrom and me bssis fonhedlegdcxemption. Myviolatiou of Section 7031.5 by y epplicast for a permit subject,the applicant to a civil perulty of Secan SWI GPOOL ELE IC VALUATION q D. l v L/�/ S - SWITCHES- FIXTURES not mom Jun five hundred dollars(S500). C] I,uownerofNc Mro ry,mmyemployecswimwgmwss irwlecampcaseuon, NEW RESIDEN'17AL ELELTR _SQ. FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION willdo the wark.and thenwcture is not intended] oroffered forsale(Sm.'7W, Business ad professions Cade: The Contractors License Law does net apply to an owner of imoves thcuan, and who does such work hi msclf err through his pzapery w bo builds mp _ cmployeca.pnvidedmmwch imt inunddmof(eudforonr. OCC. GROUP FS R. UNITS within is mid min oneyear ofimprovfion,meowner buil ding ordson butlhorser iH fpmvinistolde builds will have Je burden of pwvine Jw he did rot build m improve for purpose of We) ❑ Las ownaofthe property, wnexclusivel mmuctin ith licensed conueaaesto Y Hw FLOODZONE APN ('OFF: V :t,iQil,2:atrR'�^'aa.clw. A 6�2y,, PI:UMBING PERMIT "�' .FEC^`-- r:vs _, 4dFNNahn99exs'Aa.e um tUt l .. sustu[`dtrt4 ULE the oesace (Sa. 7t%4, neirif,r are, w1h.limu Code:) The Canuwrord U. Isw does not appl y .. owner of pmperry who builds or improves meum, and ppRg(pp ISSUANCE IT whomnuwu for each Prajecuwithamntmctud.) licensed porsuantm Ne Convwm'a U. Lew. -AT-WATER LA ALTER DRIN&VEN HEA;PEE G° a!•": crym"'r' SUMMARY,1a,, ❑ 1 am cxanp tarda Sa. . B & P C for mis reason BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE bIllp, VLES SANRARY Y N R 10EIPT p Owed Date WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑ Ihanbyeffvmtlmlhaveaceniri u ofco ttowlf.insum,oraanificweof Winds., Compn,wim Insurance or a certJid copy thereof(Sm. 3800, Lab C.)which covers allemploya's rode, this permit. pdh. g DRAINS-FL130R. ROOF, AREA. COND. SCHOOL TAX Y N RECEIPT # FIXTURES - PER TRAP PARK FEE Y N RECEIPI'X GAS - EA. SYSTEM -I WC.4 OUTLETS BUILDING DIVISION I= C�panY GAS - EA. SYSTRM-0, � 7 1 P HECK 26 2�_aEV ❑ Cenifid cap, u hcmby fumishd. GREASFANDUSTRL 57L'INTiR ]3 R G ING FEE ❑ CmiEd copy is fill with the city inspeeOmdivision. CT41TB9CATL•OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP 1 V SFIJ FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This... mednot be completedHNe permit is forme hundred dollars(S100) SEWER-SANITARY-SlDATE200 �� ENERGY FEE ZI LI or]..) WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTIt 737�s I certify met in me' Kin ce.fthe.,itfor which this permit is issued,Isbell trot employ toy person in toy mama w ss to become wbject In the Works% _ PAID WATER SYSTEM/IREATING Compenwtiomiswsof Celifomis. Dna Dau ReceiptN APplinnt NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. after making this Certificate, of Exemption, you should NEW RESIDENTIAL, PLMB. SQ. FT. TOTAL C7 0,3,0 becmne subject to the Worker's Compensation Provisions tithe Labor Code, you most forthwith comply with such provisions err this permit shall be, domed revoked. BUILDING FEE 1-a SEISMICFEE 3 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that them is a construction Imding agency for the performance ofELECTRIC the wok for which this permit is issued (Ser. 3097, Civ. CJ IEEE - -y r. s 4.*.+- - V m moi- `A � L QTY `f�t«``q�1� MECHANICAL PERMIT L rd .FEE �... ,.�{ t n. .,„- 1T' .x�- PLUMBING FEE /— Lenders Name Lenders Address 1 certify that 1 have sad raiz application arta sura than the above information is correct. cortat. lags to comply with allcity and count) ordinances and state laws relating to �"u' `PERM �SSUAa.t'.... PFRAfR ISSUANCE r MECHANICAL PEE O fR building construction, and hereby authorize mMesentatives of this city toenur upon Che al,o,emcnti,i propcny for IospeNon p ,oses. ALTER OR ADD TO MECI I. CONSTRUCTION TAS AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO IBM CFM) (Wp agree Co save, indemnify and kap hermits, the Cd, of Cupnim against habilities,judgmrnu.msts and expenses which may in any way accrue against said City AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER10.0I0 CFM) PAIDarc o�� ming of this Prmt. ///Zf simn/ r �phcamlcantmmorDu UCTI EXHAUST HOOD HEATING UNIT (TO 100.000 BTU) HniARDOUSildAg DISCLOSURE 1 Rccnpt a HEATING UNIT OVER 100,0(0 BTU) T al N'illthe 'heC.applicant m, future Moriilldimg occupant, Chapter ardmis bband Safety or handle I Rabb ss def red by the Cupertino Mwicipnl Cade, Chapur 9.12, and the I Ieahh and Safety, Cade, Salim 25532(ldr ❑ Ya AN. . VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE Will me appliovmrfummbuildingoccupwtuu equipment ordevices which tout havrdous air cometedivunu u defined by the Bey Area Air Quality, Management DimictT BOILER - COMP (3HP OR Io0'” OTU) ' /k P A I, BOILER: COMP (OVER 100,0(10 BTU) a� 11 Yes JQ No I have read the hersNous mnerod, a tturem nu ooda Chapter 6.95 of the NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. FT. t1�I 13 1993 - -. JUL California HeaA S th afety Code; Satimu 25305, 25537 and 25534. L under and that ` if me building dm not currently haven berunt, than it is my responi ibility le medfy the oavjwd of the, ro uimmam which mean the man prior to ianunce of a Cenifiwu of C� Y VI- V UFCD I Ili V ISSUED BY: v - Owmrmaumorird agem. Data A