28979APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES- USE BALL POINT PEN;ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO e a • , - I UILDLNG - ELECTRICAL _ PERMIT NO. BUILDINDIVISION APPLICATIONIPERMIT G rLUMBIIs;- MECHANICAL. ' 28979 • BUILDING PROIFICT.IDENTIFTCATION BUILDINGADDRESS: SANITARYNO,� APPLICATIONSUBMITTAL DKIF "a OOHS ( - OWNERS NAME: PHONE CUNT ItACT(]RS NAME: ^LIC NO'. - ////'''111 \G C�ySP NIC CONTROI:N - Ys Y" .. VCK _ ARCHI'I'ECTAINGINCER: _ yI TICNO. ,a / ADDRESS: - .' _ - ❑ r - P11oNF.i' CONTACT:++6-iso" - - BUILD( GPERMIT NFO . L C(rkV 'B 5 1 Dq46b 4-30cees pi 7 ❑ consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) .- ' BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ' 'ORSDCCLA11A1[ON - -LICENSED CONI QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT III, O fLZ 1 hereby a1Rrn that 1 am I ensed nseJ uionder pnwmons of Clasper 9 (common ing with Seclon 7000).f Division 3 fthe Busirs,xieJ 11 .. headline, C.dc,.fd my licepeis JOB DESCRIPTION ' ' RESIDENTIAL: •'i 00 y. W f" and effect. p ince. 1'ERMI f ISSUANCE, _ - ' '_ ', ' ❑ SFUWL ❑ KD'CHEN REMODEL. Fe-Zu N Q W License Class Lica a Class Date Cnmrunor APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL ❑ADDITION C1 PLUMBING RE -PIPE ' F "J to'%s ' +' ,ARCIII DiC S DECLARATION PANELS " ' '4 h ❑MDLTI-UNIT •. ^; El STRUCTURAL '..MODIFICATION ZoOZ 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records 1 . OZ4 UP TO 2W AMPS _ E] INTERIOR • ❑ CHIMNEY REPAIR 777777 Licensed Professional - .n^ a OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION ... r 201-1m)(FAMPS _ '. IMI'kOVI?MENT " 'p� wi Q OVER Iqp AMPS - BATH REMODEUREPAIR ❑DEMOLITION ¢w qY, O V I hereby affirm that 1 arm exempt from the Commarnr. License Law for the ❑OTHER L following renin.. (Seed.. 0031 5, 1 inose and Prnfnoionx Code: Any city or coarry SIGNS I?LBCfI11CAL • rs1 as O ya requires r^ m❑ tWtW��p. which a permit m cons met, ahee impfovq demolish, or repair any &fracture priors t also q' 'thapplicantf s ch pe .oil Ile a.'6 ed statement -- SPE CIN.CIRCUIT/MISC. r' aF tlot, lin islicensed parrita In, p a f he C union', LLaw Clunme, Y �fcommennngwith Seco .]0001 fD'vias 3 fthe ❑atmos.. enJ Pn fes:' ns Cnde)x 11: MP. MITER OR POLL INST. 4COMMERCIAL: , 6 c C that he is exempt themfn m and the basis for me alleged enempr n Any violation of ❑ W BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION 'Is✓-e"'w Section]0.41.5 by any applicant for n permit subjects the applicant m a civil penalty Zu POWER DEVICES NANT ❑FOODSERVICE F=6 t more hundred /IMPROVEMENT =A FO aswoomfvc yempl perry, or-my yemntended oifffered as their ececompensaiess ❑ Lo the work, the pearmat armature will do the work, and theswc[ur<is not intended or offered hmaale (Sec. ](W4, Hareiness SWIMMING POOL ELGCfRIC - ❑OTHER Land I'tnfessiom Code: The Contractor's` License Law does not apply,ro an owner of OUThCI ti -SW I'ICHHS-FIXTURES prepeny who builds or insproves the¢on, and who does such work himself of through - his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for NEW RESIDENTIAL ELEcTR= SQ EL sale. IL however the building or improvement is sold within one year ofcompinlon,the '`SQ. FEFLOORAREA $/SQ. ET, , wnerbuilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for par. - • para p 1 ). r I 01. as wori.1 the Pn pc LY an xtud'ly comment, wim Lcet.ard,emmoclrsor •''� _ construe the d rt The ConwnoP. Li- not - C_ l es pl *owner ofwh buildsori applyrmimpit) mhosed who QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE rat horn,and coawdnear suchplytoan thaofpropeny pursuant su' far ouch pmjecli withawmrucmr(sl livens«Ipm antmthe Coufmrm(s License License Law. ow, 'KI amexem,ocra rSea.' .B& P C for this reason PERMIT ISSUANCE ' s ALTER - DRAIN & VENT -WA'I'ER(EAI VAIAA'1'ION Owner Date WORKER'S OMPEN TION DECLARATION BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE^/ s' Ihereny nRimt under penalty of p yone .hoof llnwing Aeclamfivnr. '.r • ✓ r ❑ Ihavesndwillmaioneina Cenific' cfC senna sell' -insure for Worker's Cnmpen- DRAINS- FLOOR. ROOK AREA, GOND. � s STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION sation, as provided for by Section of the aba" Code, fur the performance of the_ - work fngwhich k peow, is'iss d. In FIXTURES-PERTRAP _ - r ' ❑ I have and will maintain rkaA Competitor Ion Insurance, as re,mred by Section 3700oftheLaborCode,fo eperformanceofth work for which this permit is issued. GAS-I:A.SYSTEM-TNC.40U1'LETS OCC, GROUT' APN - My Workers Dampens a'a..runce currier and nifty number are: Carrier. ` Policy at CAS-I:A. SYS'I'EM;OVEIY4 (HAj• - ' TIFICATH OF EXEMPTION OMWORKERS' COMI'IiNSA N 1 U NCI: GREASMINDUSTRL WASTE INTIiRCEVI'OR HUILDI DIVISION F[ES sscction neednothae a "No's ne hundred dollars Ira - GREASETRAP I s) 1 r PLANCHECK PEE M Icanifythaliame to fine work ho hick this Permit is issued, I shall SEWER -SANITARY -STORM PA. 200 FE " not rola p yany pe in of rsn tax to hoc e.unjen mthe Wnrkeri Cumpero - ENERGY FEIi' _ C)Z O satin maws of Calil�mt' A, ,in WATER HEIATER WNENT/ELECIR4"S I NG EEE Z N NOT P. TO APP .'IL eller makin tie CeniOcaf of Exentptiarn, yon apoulJ Wq'1'NR SYSTIiMfIRF.pI'ING SOI a^ bacon • subjem m the leer's Cnmpenca sn prn�sioes of a tabu Code, y�L must G fonhw hemoply with a Provisi.nsn his tit erred revo e. WATER SERVICE ].z CON$TRU ON LEND GENCY NEW RISIDF.NTIAI, PLMH. PAID Receipt is ' 'UOtliewnrRl 1 reby affirm that them is carn.n adingagcnf �'c1r Nets, formance of rwhlch this panniti•s 09],Civ.Cy \ - .. Lendor e TOTAL: U ULender's Ad 1 taint &frau I Inry mall pllumion m I! At ane above inlnronal— la HUILDIN PHC Ito h mrrcct.I agrees nm whnalc y rid countya .inane. and state lows rtlatins to QTY MFCFIANICAL I'IiRM - V building constmcti rid hertb�vm teprenenmtira of this city to enter uPun the SEISMIC '1? ' Ez Lk ahovcmentidnal property for inspection purpoma - : a. • P[RMI'II ISSUANCE 'I� - - ` 'ELECTRIC - (We) agree io save, indemnify'und keep harmless the City of Cupeninn against 19: _ liabilities,judgments, costs and expenses which may in anyway warm, against said City pLTEEORADD1OMI7CH., �• - indonsCANTeof tha permit., - - PLUMBING PEE -.- - • NDERSTANDf, A AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON POINT' 'g1ft HANDLING UNIT (TO IO,gNI CFM) M[CHANICALFEC SOURCE REGULATIONS. SOURCG REGULATIONS. � AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER I(h000 CFM) ' CONSTRUCT ION TAX Signmamof ApplicanVContmcmr�- Data EXHAUST HOOD(WMUCq HOUSING MITIGATION HA7ARDOIIS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE, " - Will the applicant or future building oecupam store or handle hnmmous mm[erlul HEA'1'INGUNI'I'fP0100,0N)B'I'U) as defined by the CupeninoMunicipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Coda, Section 255321v)1. HEATING UNIT(OVF.R 100,000 BTU) _ 5 ❑Yc _ N . ; 1 VENI'11.ATION ]--AN(SINGLE RESID) PAID - - Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which th tosatcommunicators as deposit by the Bay AreuAu Qrrhlt Management BOILLR- COMP(3HPOR 100,000 BTU)' •)s! 'x ❑Yex - No D� BOILER-COMP(OVF.R 100,N)ORTID' I have read the hmmdous materials tequircments under Chapter 6.95 of We Cali AIR CONDITIONER r ISSUA AT ] farm. Health & Safety Calve, Sections 25505, 25533 and 25574.1 understand that if [he _ NEW RESIDENTIAL MIiCH. SQ. r building dares nose can my havevfcnanL that 116.1)yespnrvlbilitywnotify thcscwpunf ' of the repo' which muif st rat prior enc Ceni&nie of 0ocupan 'Owncror vat emcee igenr "Yeall, AI.+, ISSUED BY L'. OFFICE --