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S 0150
APPLICANITTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL _ BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL '"I ' BUILDING PROJECT ]DEN T IFICA'I'ION a6 �'- PES PESIIT No. 0150 'y BUILDING ADDRESS:SANITARY NO, APPLICAI'lON SIJBMI'Q'I'AL DATE. zovi J S-Mili S GReef: gT: 'Aid r 7 UW HR: NAME: PHONh::--II 'I e2OS RI ZZ or 7 53' f,wz-4 RACR'S NAME C NTI O ?14 t"YZG I'1./Q.. 5� y NIC ❑ C{NTROLis 4RCHITCCT/ENGINEER: LICNO, ADDRESS: CONfA(7T. PH [SNE: 0 BU ILDING PERMIT'INFO I HEVLb(t (o% ❑ Consultant Fecs Paid by Applicant (Initial) 11 '- BI,I1G - HE 17C PIAMII/ ME 11 ❑ CY 4d Z 000 �.. OF oPSIDENTIAI. ZM jarii j y Z W LICI NSED CONTRACTORS DI CLARATION • I hereby affirm that la licensed d p of Chapter 9(emom c, with Section 7000) of Division 3:Dhenosiness and ProfessionsCole and my license is in lull holocaust etloc`,._7Q' '57 Licewc Cas Lac. Dille Contractor RCHITIiLTSDECLARA 10 I understand my plans shall or used as public..cord. _ I QTY I ELEOI RIC. PERMIT;, I„ Iti FEL !,s , .I. t. JOB DFSCRIPPION RESIDENTIAL ❑ShUWh ❑ KIT CHEN RIiMODEI. ❑ADDITION C1 PLUMBING HIT PIPE ❑MOUH-UNIT ❑S'1'RUCTURAI. MODIFICATION ❑IN'HiklOR, El CHIMNEY REPAIR IM piovEST ENT SWIMMING POOLS I'1 RMI I ISSUANCE pP1'LIANCES-k PANES 111"1021MIAMPS Lwensal PmfesslomulPBI-II)IN)AMPS d 2,,j L C Q L U 4 m 0 O OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION, I hereby am. that I am exempt from the Comramor's License Law for the following reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Cale: Any city or county lhich requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any xlmmare cllpeni u, fleuv,gnedxtmcnwnl p,air ,,hsiewance,nlsnr.cuires (lie npplicanl tormn ❑ BAI'II REMODEUREEPAIR ❑DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER OVER IfN111AM1'S SIGNS F,LECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCIJrr/MISC. 3y� ed�(ronnnencingwithSeaion]1100)nf O 0 � .yy d � C L 3 tool he is licensed pursuant othe provisions ofthe Comrador's License law lChaper9 Divisinn3of the Business end Rnfcsainns Cade)nr tbut he is eacmpt thcmfmm and the basis f n the alleged cxemplion. Any violation of aSection 7031.5 by any applicant fm n Permit subjects the applicanrm a civil peulty'd auto than Bve hundred delta,, L.,hC w.roflhe,hcImuy,amy emm,rade with wage, fas lheirun. mmpenxmion, ill Jnlhe work, and theatmmure is nm intended orndiercd for aolelSec. ]fHi.BuIne", and Professions Calc: The Common," License Law does not apply to an owner of pmpeny who build% or improves thereon, and who docs such work himself or nnaugM1 his own employees, provided that such improvements are not amended (it offered for ,vela It, however, the hullding or improvement is sold within one year of completion, me 'HEMP METER OR POLF INST. COMMF,RCIAI: ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION ❑IMPROT �LPIOD $ERYIGI3 IMI'ItOVEMIiN'I' 1101 1117R All POWER DEVICES - - SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OUTLETS-SWITCI HIS -FIXTURES ' �� NI?W RESIDEN'I'I Al. ELECT k SQ EF - C SQ. IT FLOOR AREA SISQ. PI'. owner-buildor will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for pur- pose of aelc.)., ❑ 1, us caner of the property, on mlusively comon ing with licensed contrenrs oto p 4,10 1 fAl construct the project (Sm. ](46, Business d Professions Cal ) The Contractor's L! -it alone L,w does nal 1pplym mowncn fp ploy h Id, p :Ih who contracts for such proloclawlh a commetans)Icensedprsu.nno the Cntractorx A,O I, QTLY 'y 'PI:UMBINC PERMIT t �I ,Z(PELf• ')' •' ^' _ PERMIT ISSUANCI: License law. FI i am exempt under Sm. . B & P C fonhis reawn 1iP ���y ALTER- DRAIN&VENT-WAPER(EAT Owner Dom , -�,T AT]ON r' S COMPHNSATIGN ❑HC6ARATION Wm ItfYfE BACK PIAW I'Cf. DHVICI: 1 hereby affirm under penally of perjury macefthe s: under followinsom in, Jenks, elf s C ]Ihays and will for byneCion 37010 of the Loter Code, forth, Worker'sce of the worm, provide) for by Section 3]1X1 of the Uhnr GMs, for the pedimmance of the DRAINS - FTIX)R. ROOF. AREA, COND. STORIES TYI'Ii CONSTRUCTION work for this permit is issued. r FIXTURES -PER TRAP ❑ 1 have and will nmitiuin Worker's Campnssvtinn Insumnw, ns ruptired by Seutinn all 39!111 n1'the LvMa CnJe, far lhepednnnvnee of the work fur which Nis lsnnil is issued.GAS-PA.SYS'fl?M-I OCC. GROUP APN INC.i0UT1.ETS ' My Worke CC/om do atom• am.crand Policyn } ra ,: Cuniee j -r PMf Policy Nn:�GAS- IiA. SYSTEM OVER 4 H!A) ORCASPIINDUS'I k1. STE IN'11iHC CERTIFICATE OP BXIi PTION FROh ORKI:RS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE. - _BUILDING DIV1"11ON FLITS nncronucce led iflheph is foronehundreddell... 61W) ("k,ectioidenn or less.) � GRHASE AY"s PLANCIII!CK PEE: z f^ q as Q 7-, {UL WLendcrs G h V z ICell that in the Performance of the wick for which this permit is issued,I had not employ any person in any manner sn us m become subject m the Workeri Compen. smien laws of California. Dam Applicant ) SEWER-SANITAR S .2(N)FT. ENERGY FEE GRADING FEE SOILS 1911. AlkZ WA11iR :SITE 1.14CTR NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, other matin, this Cerilimud el Exemption, you should bmdmc subject m the Workers Compensation pmvninns of the IaMr Calc, yov mull forthwith comply with such provisionsor this pennil ehallh deemed revoked. CONSTRUCT ION LENDING AGENCY Ihereby affirm that here ix a cnnxhnctim lending agency lilt (M1e performance at the work for which his permit is issueJlsec. 309]. Ci¢C.) Unsters Name 1 T / A WATER STEMITRI. aJNdO WATIi YI PAID Dom eceiplp NEW RES [DFNI]AT, PLMB. .SQ, IT, - 'IYyI'AL: TOTAL:, - .1 r . -, • . s s QTY' s MECHANICAL PERMIT /.'• Ilir'IFii t Addres BUILUINC FHE a„ 1 ceffiff, Ihlll 1 base ad thno,oficiame cut state (hast the aMwe information is coarm. Iagree m cul my with II City lost lots d 'unJ oncelows roll gt building Construction. and hereby authorize representatives of thine ly In enmrupm the SEISMICI'HE PHRMIT ISSUANCE O ELIiC1TtIC FFE ab:rvbmemioned property for inspection pun'oms. (We) agree m save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against ALT' HR OR ADD'I O MECH. PLGMIIING FEE �� liabilities,judgments. costs and expenses which may in anyway accmcuguinsl said Ciry e.quence of the granting of do, permit APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCE RlrtULATICINS1+ AIR IIANDLING UNIT,(TO 10,000CFM) Mf:C11ANICAL IBTIi 3 Q AIR HANDLING UNIT OVER 10.000 CFM) CONSTRUCIIONTAX - 1 .I I �1 0D^ Signumrenf Apppplliicaanu1rC•••n- n'racc-I�ms, Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS XSCLOSURE EXHAUSTHOOD W/DUCT) - HOUSINGMITIGA'I ONFEH BEAT INC, UNIT (TO U)O,OOo ]it HE ' Willtheapplicantorfirm, holding occupant store arhandle hazardous material WimdctT as defined by the Cupenioo Municipal Cade. Chapter 9.12, and the Heallh and Safety Cale, Section 25532DC "� Yes lkn Will the applicunt or future building occupunl use equipment or devices which t hermdous air contaminants as def led b the [lay Area Air Quality Management Y Y Y 6 E] yet o HEATING UNIT(OVER 100.oth) REID PAID- One Recciptd VI: NfI1.AT10N PAN (SINGLE NIiSID) BOILIiR-CUMY I3HP OR IIq,(Ntl) NTH) TOE".. BOILER- COMP 100,0110 ITTU) _ AIR CONDITIONIIk - i I have real the hazardous liars 55 5.15533 an under . 1 and rsta ill We Cilli- fnmia gdoes & Safety it It Sollars 25505, 2553? osp 25534. I understand dsm if Hat building does lost cu sty ha anent tont it is my rusrymsibility et notify the uccurynl vc o al ISSUANCE DAII? G �-� 7. 9 7 NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.14. - o[the r�t unlet ffieh^uskhe tois,mrreofa¢enifeam Occupancy. /��/`I�/J j.",mi /f Owner �„�„ ,, I'' )t 1TI IT�'ar /D re ISSURD HY: /L -••� Icy .F. 'HOJECT NAP IE.�� r? -e - GENERAL INFORMATION eLA 2fi1n7!� (� E / / Bufldir4 Part Y / � I VI,Mi1WH,V1'/VtlW�' (/J^ EMoraplgM A(�icy )ATE OF PLA S I Zv l BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA I WILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL HOTELIMOTEL GUEST ROOM 'RASE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITION ALTERATION" AETHOD OF MECHANICAL ,OMPLIANCE PRESCRIPTIVE PERFORMANCE 'ROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACHED this Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, 'arts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building mechanical requirements. the Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building desig �represented in this set of construction iocuments is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with thelspec'rfica►Ions, 5hd with any other u u/r lab It :alculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been d�g�� Qg,�ned to meet he mechanical f 'rements container: in sections 110 through 115, 120 through 124, 140 through Ydj!Yt 4'4 Wnd # ase check one: CNS ECrft)N ART DEp OFCUPERTINO MENTI I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for As preparation; and that I am a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, or architect. —1 affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section of the Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following reason: Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential inual published by the California Energy Commission. aECH-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Parts 2 $ 3 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. W CH -2: Required for all submittals; choose appropriate version depending on method of mechanical compliance. -CH -3 and MECH-4: Required for all submittals. ' lonresidenhaf Compliance Form --- pupa 1991 SYSTEM NAME I M FC — CODE TABLES: Enter code trom table below into columns above. 1 HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N. No TIME CONTROL SETBACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONES FAN CONTROL S: Prop, SwitchH: O: Occupancy Sensor M: Manual Timer Heating C: Cooling S: Both Enter number of Isolation Zones. I: Inlet Vanes P: Variable Pitch V: VFD O: Other ELECTRIC HEAT? VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? :Air Balance C: Outside Air Cert. M: Out. Air Measure 0: Demand Control N: Natural A: Aub O: Gravity A: Air W: Water N: Not Required Enter Outdoor Air CFM. Nota: This shall be no. less than Column G on MECH•4. HIGH EFFICIENCY? 'ROJECT NAME DATE' DUCTTAPE ALLOWED? DUCT INSULATION Y N -R-VALUE © ❑ ® ❑ �. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ INSULATION REOUIRED7 Y I N ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ PROJECT NAME �j n p 2O S Q I ZZ 7� 4n r' ✓ `/I FLOOR AREA11 SYSTEM NAME Pte') j / NOTE: Provide one oopy of tins form for each mechanical system when using the Prescriptive Approach. . DESIGN CONDITIONS: OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SONG: VENTILATION LOAD ENVELOPE LOAD LIGHTING PEOPLE MISC. EQUIPMENT OTHER -0THER 3. SELECTION: A. SAFETY/WARMUP FACTOR (� 3 TOTAL CFM (From MECH-4) I WATTS / SF 5 (� If OF PEOPLE (From MECH-4) WATTS/SF 010w, NO v i 232 I:r (Describe) �— (Describe) TOTALS B. MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (Totals from above X Safety/Warmup Factor) C. INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY IF LINE 3•C IS GREATER THAN LINE 3•B, EXPLAIN n I 5- �— 22, 3S2 KBu / Hr KBu / Hr FAN DESCRIPTION DESIGN BRAKE HP EFFICIENCY NUMBER OF FANS PEAK WATTS CFM B x E x 748 / (C x D) (Supply Fans) MOTOR DRIVE r ------------1 NOTE: Include only fen systems exceeding 25 HP (see §144). Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watts/CFM for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM for VAV systems. TOTALS I Imo_ TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER DEMAND WATTS / CFM Col. F I Col.' NAMt SLING EtUIPMENT :. _ 11L1�� I � I � �i ::. �� ■ 1ATING EQUIPMENT _ G NOTE! Provide one copv of this form for each mechanical system. MECHANICAL .o © VENTILATION o o :o, r, , © H' a a a AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS, REO'D.- � O.A. (MAX. OF D OR F) " DESIGN SUPPLY CFM VAV MINIMUM CFM SER AIR SPACE COND. AREA S CFM PER SF MIN. CFM B X C NO. OF PEOPLE MIN. CFM E X 15 LARGEST MIN. CFM DESIGN MIN. CFM fl 1 21906 TOTALS (FOR MECH-2)' F7T7 Ventllatlon Rete per Sectlon 2-5321, Tebe 2.53F. n f�ected Number of Occupants or et least 50% of Chapter 33 UBC Occupant Density.greater than or equal to 0, or use Transfer Alr. eheat or re000l Is used, I must be less Chart or equal to H X 0.3, or less than or equal to B X 0.4, or less then or equal to 300 CFM, r1whIchover er Is larger.k3Chen or equal tobut no less Can G, unless Transfer Alr (K) Is used. greatx Clan or equal to (G - H), and, for VAV, greater Can or equal to (G - J). December 1; Nonrvakknflel CompAenoe Form AFMAMM�i Y4&I AI RI tt VA6 air conditioning t heating Winmook Herse'Y so 10 SEER SPLIT SYSTEM HIGH EFFICIENCY AIR CONDITIONING 1 THRU 5 TON DESCRIPTION / APPLICATION STANDARD EQUIPMENT • Outdoor Condensing Units for Ground Level or Rooftop Application . Copper Tube, Aluminum Fin Coil Construction • Designed For Use With Evaporator • Brass Suction and Liquid Line Shut Off Valves Blowers and coils Sweat Connections _ • Fully Charged For 25' Tubing Length CABINET CONSTRUCTION • Totally Enclosed Permanently Lubricated • Powder Paint Finish with 500 hr. Condenser Motor Salt Spray Approval Quiet Operating Top Discharge • Heavy Gauge/Zinc Clad • Hi Efficiency Performance • Designed For PSC Operation ACCESSORIES • Hermetically Sealed Compressor • Compressor Sound Blanket CSB -01 • Liquid Line Filter Drier -Factory Installed (Field Supplied) • Suction Line Accumulator on Models CK60 and CK62 SS -194 Goodman Manufacturing Company, L. P. 1501 Seamist, Houston, Texas 77008 CK SERIES 01/95 Physical Data Model Conderse, Liquid Suction Type Approa Shipping Fan Dle, I Fan CKeO.2e' In RPM ConrnCbn Connectbn 0vmmdqqi WL CK12-1 18 1M0 3M 3N Sweet 120 CK10-1 IB 1080 318 3/4 Sweet 125 CK244 18 1080 3/8 3/4 Sweat 135 CK30�1 IB 1080 315 3/4 Sweat 140 CK -I ri 18 1060 018 3/4 Sweet 150 CK42-1 16 1080 3/8 718 Sweet 160 CK49-1p 22 1080 318 718 Sweet 178 CK60-1(3/4 22 1060 3/8 7/0 Sweet MS CK62.1 22 1060 3M 718 Sweet 258 DIMENSIONAL DATA CK12•62 MODELS CK12,IBa2112' CK2/,2048' 1 CK0e.2712' .SII CKN•20' Jj cneub CK49.23' hers. CKeO.2e' Chassis CK82.3712' PH 1 115' DIA POWER 7Ar DIA CONTROL SUCTION CONN. LIQUID CONN. ADDITIONAL 1 12• ELEVATED CHANNEL. FORMED INTO BOTTOM PAN Electrical Data 'May Ise lune or HACK" Camel Snakes of this same die as noted. Performance Ratings Concise... Ev.pmdor Total Win amedmum Mulmuln Minimum Comphissor Cond.Fen Mesial Valle PH Ampsaft, 0vmmdqqi VON, Vole RU LRA FLA I NP A18 -XX 14000 102M 10.50 Preteens. CK12.1 U18AJC18.EEP CK12.1 208/230 1 8.4 18 253 100 5.7 33 1.3 118 CK18C 20612M 1 12.8 M 253 187 9.0 45 1.3 IR C"AIA 208230 1 IBA 25 253 187 12.1 57 1.3 I)S 01(3Dl 208230 1 19.7 30 253 197 14.7 8/ 1.3 LAI CK36-1 209230 1 22.8 40 253 197 17.3 94 1.3 118 CK30-3 200230 3 14.9 25 253 100 10.9 70 1.3 1M CK42-1 200230 1 24.2 40 283 197 18.3 102 1.3 118 CK4&1 208230 1 28.6 45 253 107 20.0 110 1.81/4 13100 CK493 200230 3 17.0 30 253 197 12.8 76 1.8 1/4 CKB&]_, _?MM 1 37d_ BO__ _?.W_IW IBWO 282 lM 1.0 1/4 CKS" 200230 3 220 35 251 107 18.7 150 1.8 14 CKBW 480 3 11.2 15 NO 414 1 8.3 73 0.8 1/4 CK8211 I Wei 1 40.8 70 1 253 is? I 30.0 11 147 2.3 1A 'May Ise lune or HACK" Camel Snakes of this same die as noted. Performance Ratings Concise... Ev.pmdor Total S•ndbla BEER SRH/ IAod.l MoMI BMH OWN BELS AW18-M 14000 8500 10.00 A18 -XX 14000 102M 10.50 CK12.1 U18AJC18.EEP 14000 102W 10.50 8.0(4) AW24-X% 15000 102M low U29NC2s.EEP 15000 Io9W 10.50 U29 C24.EEP 15000 11000 10.50 AW18-X% 164M 12200 10.00 AW24 XX 170M 127M 10.00 A18 XX 17000 127M 10,00 Ul SjUC18.EEP 17000 127M 10.00 A24 -M 17400 13200 10.00 U24MC24.EEP 174W 13200 10.00 CKI84 U29/UC29.EEP 174M 127W low 8.0(4) UD24.EE1` 174W 132M 10.00 H24F.EEP 174M 13200 lo.W U31.EEP 16000 13100 10.50 A32 -M 16000 13500 10.50 AV18-W-X% 18000 135M 11.00 H38F 32/UM2.EEP IBWO 13500 1 10.50 AW24-M 226M 168M10.00 AW3&XX/A24-X% 23000 1)200 10.00 U29/UC2B.EEP 23000 172M 10.00 U24NC24/H24F.EEP 23000 17200 10.00 CK244 1_024.EEP 230M 172M low 8.0(4) U31.EEP 24000 184M 10.50 UMAJCM/HWF.EEP 24000 16400 10.50 1.139FAJ32AJC32.EEP 24000 164W 10.50 A32 -XX 24000 184M 10.50 AVIS -30 -XX 24000 18400 11.00 AW30-M 27000 20000 10.00 U29/UC29.EEP 270W 20000 10.00 A3&XX 27200 20500 10.00 U3VUCW.EEP 27200 20500 10.00 A3&XX 28000 21200 10.00 CK3P1 U31.EEP 28000 212M 10.00 80(4) UD3 EEP 28000 21200 10.00 U32AJC32MMF.EEP 286W 21800 10.00 Am." 28000 21800 10.50 AV36,N-M 28000 22100 11.00 - U4C4 49F.EEP 29000 22100 10.50 U3SNC35.EEP 33000 24000 lo.W U38NC36MMF.EEP 34000 252W 10.00 - UD38.EEP 34000 252W low A36 XX 34000 25200 10.00 CK3&1/3 H49F.EEP 35000 26800 10.50 8.0(4) M2 -XX 35000 26800 10.50 U4MJC42M49F.EEP 35000 2860010. SO " AVW Bi 38000 27000 11.00 U42AJC42.EEP 39800 273M 10.00 A42 -XX 40(1 28000 10.00 H49F.EEP 40000 28000 10,00 U47MC47aEEP 40000 28000 10.00 U48NC48.EEP 40000 29800 10,00 CK42-1 M&XX 40000 296M 10.00 8.4 U40AJC49.EEP 404M 282011 10,00 UD48-0O.EEP 41000 304M 10.00 -• AI&M 41000 30400. 10.50 UWAJCW/HWF.EEP 41000 30400 10.50 AVW4 m 420W 31200 11.00 H49F.EEP 44000 33000 10.00 U47AJC47.EEP 44000 33000 10.00 H60F.EEP 45000 39200 10.00 CK49.1/3 M6 -XX 45000 34200 10.00 U49AJC49.EEP 450M 342W 10.00 BA U59AJC59AJ60AJCGO.EEP 48000 35000 10.60 UD48-60.EEP 46000 35000 10.00 A49 -M 46000 35000 10.50 HSIF.EEP 47000 38000 10.50 UNjUC59.EEP 54000 38000 10.00 A m 56000 40300 lo,W U60/UCW/HNF.EEP 55000 396M 10.00 CK60-1/3/4 UD48HJO.EEP 55000 38800 10.00 H6lFN91A1C6l.EEP SBOW 38500 10.50 8.4 U82AJC82.EEP 58000 38500 10.50 I A81 -X% 57000 150 000 42000 � V3"8 XX 10.70 A60.XX 58000 45000 10.50 USRUCS9.EEP 580M 42000 10.50 US0AJC60.EEP SBWO 42000 10.50 CK92.1 USIAJCBI.EEP 00000 43000 10.50 8.4 US2AJCO2.EEP 60000 43000 10.50 H81F.EEP 60000 43000 10.50 ABI -XX 62000 4500 10.50 AV3680-XX 82000 45000 11.00 1 J Nate: XX Of A Modal Designate Electric Haat Quantity. 2.) EEP -Order From Servke Capt. Part No. 813707.28. The Goodman OMs Furnace cordels she EEP miming time delay. 3.) When matching ee outdoor unit W the Indoor unit, ue the piston supplied with eve oNdoor unit ar that specified an the piston M shad supplied with the Indoor unt 4.) SRN 7.6 with use of Sound Market accessory OBB-01. NOTE: SPECIFICATIONS AND PERFORMANCE DATA LISTED HEREIN ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. I ry v E W 17 FX"kE BFR. P two *Y- > '7WWr pr LES Apr vl-werl. 1� m PPMATF, yy r,J%M A r,VF OFFwpla' 01 � Z14 F If 10 et tam NW. e Ir J i ti CMEECECRI) B_V r-1 - A-% !% I ,;C - I k] 0 it it it 44v e -f P2 X 12. Id X Io Q X t 125 PZ K t2 f .20 11111-4 ---- 10 146 N-! ------- H it b5 I - l itJ IF ti 44ii— .r !ZX!7 A4,4 Mal Li 2 1lENT FXm iI 20 IL pp 9? [A, tgrj PC, W" fiurw- 4�f INA glt� ir T- J! < 1 14 �e% ZJYI- r -,t 4 44P4f?4lj!1 IL rlkv Or WAjL J#F- fL&TNelt"ll Al:;cf,15 wit 14-10"i Wa7p hint (D A' -L VKrv*EP PW TA tf- ALA, K E r, F11�,A-R �y KAcIFK- -T* at Fz9l-V`v6-v FY FuT!JKF- -%iK(F'Fw VVIFY SOWI-TY. Ll 9 rLAO MURIC J IM Nardi tOd& SuaL 1408) 97 1-S616 Sm )me, Ch 95112 1AX1406)9712469 This drawing in and Shall remain 1HE PROPERTY OF FUTURE AIR whether the project for -which it was made is EXECUTED or NOT. It is to be used by FUTURE AIR PERSONNEL ONLY and is 14017 to be used by anyone else for any purpose except by AGREEMENT IN WRITING WITH FUTURE AIR. REVISM BY UJ < Ul la 41 > T Dow SC* Wit= I -,oil SMA M-1 Of Shftb I