05120141CITY OF CUPERTINO a U ,to 3 P O Pi y <(commeniamW O � 0 ?Iherchyarrimt z Q SC^J W 4 CONTRACTQR INF,�ORMATION„ BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT h. BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMR N0. 05120141 O E: PERMR' ISSUE DATE NE: SANITARY NOS L NO. ARCH1=1ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG EIJ?Cr PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONrRACIOR'S DECLARATION Job DCSCfIpt100 1 hereby affirm that I am liaemed under Pmvisiam of CMPter 9 (commencing with Section 7W) of Division 3 ofm, Business and Pnerassiom Coda. and my license is in full force and eff=L uaaseclass Lle.•aI43elll —31� T.I.-BLDG/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING/MECHANICAL DamConlreclar . ARCHITECTS DECLARATION f A2 OCCUPANCY -CHUCK E CHEESE I undersand my plans shall be used as public records Licensed Pmrcssional ON OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION the omeaaCo license taw for the Comm 1 hereby .sere that 11. ,exempt sinfrom following .neon. RD 1,5, Business and P r Calc: Any city or caumy . dcroli which nquisu a ummit to dcmali m sig any re cnnuroca iltu. norapplicant e. also rot such I e a summon ucenena,alamptto s theNovisiosof roe suchpcmttwcanse Lted sumen9 Sq. FL Floor Area Valuation thanWor of the eBusicmrond Prollaw(Chapter9 pSection tolhc of Division Diviion3 or the Business andm Anyvi Cattle) or (eat that he u evunpt Ourt(mm and ale baso for the illcgrd eumpdom Any violation of heisingwtthsutton and the APN Number Occup y pe SeNon 7031.5 by airy applicant far a permit subjects the Applicant a civil Penalty of not mom Nen five hundred dollars (5500} ❑Lasowna or the my eruplryeum.wage uNe'v a 316 2 0 0 8 3 0 0 Required Inspections .Burridon, thopary,or will do Nevmdt end titostruaumunotkLMed (Sec. sale(Ser.an. matter and Proressiom coda The Conuctart License law dao rot apply m an owmr or Law does . property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself m through his emauartmyearrofcmoRercd for sale. If. ownemployca,progor tot idotoven however, Ne building or improvement u sold within ane year or completion, the ownaf is butlda will Nva the burden of preying that k did rot Wild m improve far puryose of oak.). ❑ 1. u owner of the property, an eaelusively contracting with licensed Convenors an cense the project (Sec oars, Buri•..s and Code) The Caaheaors U. C Law drca tot apply m an owns or pmelons who builds or improves thereon, and La es property who / who who. contracts rue ¢mM1 projccta with a eonvacmr(a) licensed pursuem m she Conuanor's License tow. �6 ❑Lem eacmpt under See .BBPCfor Nis reason owner Dau WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby aRrm under penalty of perjury am of the following dalaadons: 1 have and will maintain a Ceruli am of Cotuent to self insure fm Workers Consen- sation, as provided for by Section 37DO of the labor Code. for the performance of the work for which this pumit is issued. ❑ 1 have and will maintain Workeri Compensation Insurance, as required by section 3700 of de labor Code, fm Ne performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ' My Worker's Compensation losIs1ursna artier and Policy numbbeerr am: - Carticr,!/xVCI« i1t16PreNi1./Polity No.: till {s�uss_s✓-a CERTIFICATE OF EXEM101MON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (rbuseNon used net he completed if Ire Permit Is (mom hundred dollars (5100) or rasa) I certify Nor in Ne performance of the work Ire which this Permit u iumd, I shell nor ' employ any person in any matter m as to become subject the Workers' Compenaa0on Laws or California Dau Applicant NOTICE TO APPLJCART: IL after making this Certificate of Exemption, You should became subject N the Women's Compensation provisions of the Labor Cade, you must foMwith comply with such provisines or this Permit shill he deemed revaked. CONMUCT1ON LENDING AGENCY that Vert is a eomuuctint lending agency rat dx Performance of dto work fur which this permit u issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) lender's Name Lenders Address ' I cad(y that 1 have rad this application ars sou than the above information u ' correct. I agree to comply with all city and county oNinnmeS end auto hws relating u building construction. and hereby sudborim repmsenudves of Ni city 10 emu Upon the shove-mcnriancd property, for impaction phich s (we) agree m ave. Indemnify and kap harmless the City of Cupertino against I.abilttla,Jud menu, emu andeapensn which may in any way accrue against aid City too ret of the sand g of this permit. APPL A VNDERST DS AND WIL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOU Issued by: Date E ULATIOI Re -roofs Type of Roof ,11r,pure of Applsc HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE havaer Dau Will du applicant of Puttee building oce.parat slope m handle havaml material defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12. and the Health and Safety Code, Schon 25572(,)1 ❑m All roofs shall be inspected nor to an roofing material being P P Y g g installed. Will the applicator or future building occupant use equipment or device which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove niI horatdous air co arodam s u dapped by 'be Bay Ara Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? [3 yes Lynn 1 have mad the hvudtws matoriai mqutmmcros uncerehapser 6.95 of the Califor. tie Health k SaferyCeem Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 unda¢mnd Naz it the building does ter a nt1Y ham a tomo Nat it u my responsibility N nodry the occupant of Ne mgol awhichm xmerptiaraissuanaOra ccrorwarearaeepncy. Signature of Applicant Date S — —9 All roof coverings to be Class "B” or better g W r tar awn ser agcm Dam