FILE 51,402-_'Stewms "Cr Bl. STREETLOT NO. CITY OF JE'R'T1N0 APPLICATION, BOILDING PERMIT SANITARY NO. FILE NO. 51 .40P DATE Aug 8 19 ,38 Application is hereby made for a permit to congtrijet int ipllroir a T story,type 5 N. Hr. to be occupied only as F-2 retail sales in accordance with plot plan, plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $ 94 000 FEE $ 275.00 PLAN CHECK $ 178.75 OWNER Terranomics Dev. ADDRESS 333 Pine S.F. PHONE CONTR. Hodgson COnst. ADDRESS 2815 FairOaks. B.C. PHONE 364-6440 STATE LICENSE B 227828 APPROVED BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD DATE I IP)S?ECTOR\ I DATE I INSPECTOR rrce-UUNnE FRAME BOND BEAMS LATH WALLBOARDS - INT. & EXT. FIREWALLS MEMBRANE LANDSCAPING F.M.O. INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. UNDER -FLOOR TIEDOWNS 1 1 1 -MISC- I I— MOORE PUSIN ES S FORM S 'NE LA ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROUGH UNDER ND WyGn ROUGH WIRING ROUG _ FINISH WIRING FINISH RING FIXTURES INTERIOR FIXT RES AA MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES L FINAL MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS IINPECTIONS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING & A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE I INSPECTOR I DATE I INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS & INSULATION UNDERGROUND ROUGH S FLUES & COMB. AIR PARTIAL ROUGH CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE FINAL APPLIANCE ROOF DRAIN & LEADERS MAIN DRAIN FINAL GAS FINAL PLUMBING ,3 � 7q ...CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION - BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFIC CITY OF CUPERTINO�� DATE Z 3 19 9 �BLDG""PERMIT NO. ti THE BLDG. LOCATED -AT_ , 1 OWNED BY A �--- - -,-2 ICOMPLETEDV HAS BEEN (ALTERED) FOR USE AS ''�y Ar yy�.t OFFICE -. ( 1 CIJY OF CUPERTINO coPv GAS SERVtl CE NOTICE A Y Tl lr a ru: q. You. are kerebyauthorized to connect the GAS service for tiOwner Tenant z x �� n n-�v New Service No: of Meters $Reconnect " ?No: of Add. Meters - c". Move Service Move Meter w '�- PLUMBINCr.INSPECTOR'�_�/�/7� ... ELECTRIC SERVICE NQTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR S NOTICE I FICEC Y" 'CITY OE CUPERTINO .J To, A,. 19,7, '< uth ,.You ore hereby aor�io Connect electrical service for III' Y_ t+� a L 0 ,QWner ar Tenant i`.. .'l- /�ai�A.,l � �i � J r -K- �kA't No. of Wires - Sae of Wires - Size of Switch �- '-- 'j 'Motor Load - - Voltage - Phase ' ;-Heating Load'K..W.' - �Voltage NIhOr New Se Ice- '�/ No.. of Meters ` Lig 140 Three W'!e a �.,)' 'Reco ect v<e .. Po fe , . / dd. Meters -' f qf� P Three,'Phose S�r More Se Mo eMeter ELECTRIC L INSPECTOR - _ .cas.,�. NO. STREET' CITYOFCUPERTING C,. 111 CAP. �}s APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE x 0 �D�te4? — an70 Building Per. No. 19 W Sanitary Per. No. W 3 v Applicatio is In made fora permit to 074m —/X&/ fi7 1A /C/O.0 /�! lI- r �� 41A PRo a story, Type Structure to be occupied only asin accordance with T -EstPlans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. C' otiS I. /r"(-// '�z 4/_T - Estimated imated Value of Improvements, $9 S4 ft'y , 7 % 7� PI Ck Fee $ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee $ ai %S .► other laws applicable to the construction, location, and Total Fee $ S� •% use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. Ac§eeAiicr ,&6K OWNER PHONE CUN�ZaGSaaJ C�15T TR. ORA NT oZ PHONE STATE LICENSE DDRESS / DDR WS JILDINGINSPECTOr 0 L. G/ % S -Z 30 a 0.e —e,< A(— ✓. 7 LOT NO. r .vv. oinai rJ&11Lv CITY OF Cl:4ERTINO vAL. CAP. —APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT EEE • SZ Date Building Per. No. _ , 19 .. F Sanitary Per. No. 1Aj3fifi1 cation is hereby made for a permit to z'u.f'7•oc- 4- /4-/z,- n P1 ('� I sto�y, '`type Structure to'lie occu`pied-only as Plans; S�ecifiogs ns and Plot -Plan filed herewith. ,Jlvi Estimf]ated aloe of. Improvements, $ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. CSL•U c c_' e OWNER PHONE CONTR. OR AGENT PHONE STATE LICENSE in accordance with 90 17 G' PI Ck Fee $ Fee $9' 0 Total Fee $ 7 1-1'6 " A DRESS <3dt:3•s' � SCT D RES BUILDING INSPECT R 0 l/ Sfevenr Creed B/uaf. LOT NO. NO. ;".STREET...Oft - CITY. OFCUPERTINO j9ZAPPIICATION.FOR-ELECTRICAL PERMIT' PermiYNo. Date 19"' Fee $ �. s Application. is hereby made to he ity of Cupeitmo;for a "permit to,install electrical . - wiring and/or fixturei as lilted on'}he reverse�side hereof,; .and agrees toinsfall said, . wiring and/,or., fixtures in-accordonce; with the ,,r ' isions of the- Electrical Code of. the City of Cupertino_, and all other laws applicablet Liereto. Use of- ,�QQ�� ia' ...p Work Tod e--rAae Ir. L.., r Premaesr�^""'•� ' � Os' Performed ` GLC! :Owner Address - Phone y a , _'Ec�rxic BY Address .� Contractor,"AgentvV Phone , 904 7 State License Approved < ..y,. Electrical Inspector y, I!AGREE LWILL NOT VIOLATE ANY'OfS THE, -WORKMEN'S I ;GOMRENSATION"LAWS OF THE STATE OF -CALIFORNIA. PI 1 J 6 M t K q. ZO ` VN 3 v _O CFFdr.;O o / LLL m m E E v "i p Z Z._N A :2,Z Ft LOT NI NO. STREET CITY OF CUPERTINO g' APPLICATIOWFOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT -Date 1 , 19 Application is hereby made to the City, of Cupertino for wiring and/or fixtures.as listed onthereverse side hereof, wiring and/or fixtures in accord once •'with the provisions of City, of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable. thereto. Use e fes_ Y0. S Y�q Owner Ph.. 2 B9-1"Fs Ff3 _ �1 ontractor, Age t Phone. _uL_ .g- r$3 3'S�o91 Work To Be 4+ Performed J ( 74-, N Permit is FedS 21Cc i permit to install electrical .and agrees to install said -. the Electrical Code of the Address S t2 6s'. / Address / 7 1 9` 13 's State License Approved - - ElectricalInspector .• I.AGREE I WILL NOT,VIOL'ATE AN OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS,OF THE! STATE OF CALIFORNIA. MLWJY NIZIZ NMF I IIOI �- 0 0 0 0 fjF, E EE E - Z Z Z, Z MLWJY NIZIZ NMF I IIOI 19�Je✓F, LOT NO, NO STREET s„ CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT A'' ' 1978 Date P A i 17h , 19 Permit No. Fee$—�-- Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all. :other laws applicable thereto. Use of III) 1,v0P Premises��.�,,� r. Y/ Own Phone By } Contractor, Agent Ph n '16(i-,6(%(ZA Work Toed /�.,/AuICpL Performed cc Address .-3 F C:S!� r Address o e o State License ox%1'S Approved.... ay ii Plumbing Inspector oe f1 I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY O THE WORKMEN'S l' COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ® L1 W V Z 6 d Q /S�✓�dS Cl�E�ile✓ LOT NO STREET CITY OF CUPERTINO �-,APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT P�v O Sanitary No. Date , 19 Permit No. O Fee E 'L/ Q O Application`is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to inst�plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of,Qy„C i/OP Work To Premises i'i��D df/ Perform By -J�-5 ee /�✓�-'• Address -2 ?5-,' L ✓%r�-.zn Cs -V -C Contractor, Agent Phone 3 7/- O 9-yU State License 7 2 3 Approved Plumbing Inspector I I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S IIx COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 1� Y c � � C Yto Y Y Y OO« c d T O Do r o f «Ln NO Y O d W 0• y r 7 Z C W 0 E d p o 3 � C y c 0 in i 10- Z 1� Y c � � C Yto Y Y Y OO« c d T O Do r o f «Ln NO Y O d