50885APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUHAINC - HLDCTRICAI. BUII,Ui DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMR NO. MECHANICAL, RUIIDINC I'ROJI?CI' IIIUNTIFTCAIHON :NMIT NO. BUII.DING ADDS lL") SANITARY NO AI'PLICAf IONSUURMITI'AI.DATE _ �• OW/-HONEON! J CO IDSNAMI7xu.s RLIC NO' 'J A �(O lC CON'I'k01.9 ❑ ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: LIC NO: ADDRESS: COM'ACT: PHONE: IJUILDIN(i PERMIT INFO ,(J El Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH O C O :i ❑ ❑ g;—/ ❑ LICENSED CONTRAC'I()ItS DECLARAHON I hereby at tom I ran licensed under provixinnx of Cirpler 9lmamnencing with Section]gMoof DivisinnJoflhe Business and Proft Cope, it ••liceneeis in full Force and cqR CCCCpp Liron..v,PJa _ J Lic.p QTY EI.L'CTRIC IIFRMIT FEE WOZO F -w. PUV Pzw Fpm ZOZ=Z Q4�lw ,=J i w < XX 6 U W O y LEI JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑SpUWL ❑KI'TCHENREMODEL ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE ]'Hit; ❑MULTI-IJNIT ❑STItUC'LIRAI, MODIFICATION ❑INTERIOR [I Cl UMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT 0SWIMMING POOIS ❑ BATH REMODEL/REPAIR ❑OFMQLITION ❑OTHER pERMiTISSUANCE APTUANCES-RI!51DEN'HM, ANCIIIiEC'TS D!CI.ARATION IundemanJ my plans shall MusW en public records PANFI.$ UP'1'0200AMPS Licensed Professional OWNI!R-ItU1LDfat UT:CI,AHA'fIUN 1 hereby uffrm that I ant exempt from the Cout...on', License I-aw for the following reason. (Seaton 7031.5, Business and Professions Cala: Any city nr county which requires a permimpose, it to construct, alter, impve, demolish, or repair aaure trey sau prior in its issuance. ahorequlres the apphrz Ilorsneh pennino) fie 20I.1000AMPS OVER I000AMIS SIGNS EITCfRICAI. SPI7CIA1,CIRCUI OMISC, Ing a q e C ^LL q_< 2 p F a 3 Ilan be is licensed pursuaut... LIE e ..... won,nl'Ihu Contractors Liceaue l.nw(chttpicr9 (commencing with Section7(Xhuuf Division 3ofthe Bu,incs,and Profession, Code) or that he i, exempt Ihercfrom and the basis for the allege) aen+ption. any violation of Seninn]031.5 by any applicant fora .cant,xuhjecmthe applicantia� no.ean rise to t6vil Paulneof uuthan blo,ridolris S5IX). Q Lae owner nl'the pnspmy, nr my.mPlnyees whh wages us their sole cumpemmi.n, w+IlJmhc work, unJ themm�um is nolimendufmoHc¢J for sale t$cc.l6W. Bueinus and G+Je: The Cnmracmrs License Ww Jaz not apply to if owner of propeny who builds or imposes thereon, and who does such work himself or through property who his ..wr employees, prnvid,d Owl Inch in+provemcall am not immured uu offered is,, We. ILhnwevor, Ilm building.., improvement ismid withinoneycvv of aimplei lon,Ihc TEMP. MITER OR POI.E INST. COMMERCIAL' ❑NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION AMf FOOD SERVICE IMI'ROVI:MI!NT ❑OTHER POWI!R DEVICES SWIMMING POOL. 17hECTItIC OI1TLIfS-S\41'1'CI1ES-FIXTURES NI7W R1i$IDEN'I'IAL ELEC'!'k SQ PI'. SQ. FC FLOOR AREA $/SQ. P1'. mrbuilder will have the burden of passing that he did sol bu1W m improve for pur- poxe of sale.). ❑ 1, owner of the propeny, tan cxat,, oly Counseling with licensed .ronaoctor, u+ 'll)TAL: .. ur.pi Cudc:)'mmCs Pracno mslr..clthepmjcm(geno.. hercur.%Lb sin,oeanod Wi thereon.and ilharomorchrox whosedprs itnt QTY. PLUMBING PHRMIT FEF. afro ciaweoeemnapplyman tothe who convects fneueh projects with a conwamis) licensed pursuant m the C..mmemr's Liccnm Law. ❑ lam exempt Linder iler Sec. .D&PC this, reason PERMH ISSUANCE 3 Dare &VIiN'1'-WAI'I!R EA) VALUATION VALUATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION BACK PLOW PROTECT. DEVICE �Ow'nc 1 hereby aff..L antler penally of perjury one of the following declarations (have and will inumtmn aCenlficate of Convennosel Finutrc for W.rker, Rnnpom a...... d for by $eclinu 3Jl10 of lM1u Lubar Cade, fur the perfnnmtnce of the workhnwhichthiepermitisiesued. DRAINS-FLDOIt,ItOOF,ARI!A.COND. ' S'ffIRIES 1'YPI! CONS'I'IiIJC'I'ION 11X'I'URES-PEIt'I'RAP � Q 4- ❑ 1 have ami will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 370d (if the Labor Cxle, for the perinrmance nfthe work lin which this pem+it ie issued. My Wo i nranev ear P r�7C' nv9d9�y J Gtrrier 1Lfl'(ilieyrYF.: - DCC, GROUP MfN /� ®G� CAS -EA. SYS TEM -1 INC. OLD LES GAS-❑A.$VSTIM-0VHR4(FA) CERTIFICATI? OP EXEMPl'ION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GRHASDINDUS'1'RL WASTE IN'IERCF.PfOH 00 ItU1LDING DIVISION ITI3 ('this section need not he completed it the permit for hundred dollars 1$I(p1 rt less.) Gkl!nSE TRAP SEWER-SANI'I'AItV -STORM EA. 2110Irl'. Iccnhythatintheperllnnrumc of Nc work forwhich this permil Ls hwcJ, hull nemploy any Person in any mourner so as m become subject to tire Workeri Compen- *EE I WATER HEATER WNFNTrTJ,FCfR ,�m Q �h a LA d n z U O �V U Z stionhwsof Culifioin Dam Applicant In GRADING FEE (B.S FF A 1999 PAID NOt Knit 10 API'LICANT:II;nrmr nm king t hie Cenifaucnf Es,arla..n, you _rloolJ herons subject m the Workers Compensation provisions ..I the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such pmvisimes.,,his Permit shall be deemedrevoked. CONSTkisC1'IONLF.NDINGAGENCY Ihereh flimuhnnhero i%u conetmwiun leWln for the wrfutmanm nF yu ,C.) Y 1 ibe work for which this pennil is issuctl (Sec. LIY], Cie, C.) Ecder's Name I WATER SYSTEM/ BEATING WATER SERVICH NEW RESIUENI'IAI. PLMIi. SQ. ET- Dow Rmci Ip TOTAL: Lenaders Address T( 0 IIl11LDINO PIiE I certify Ihul I have rend Ihiv application and plum Thal IM1e above inlianmtion is cnrrca.l agree n+annply wiro all city and antnty nNinnncc%and xwtc land, relating v. Wildingconsauaion. and hereby amhmiu primeomatisesoOd, city tocaterupnn the QTY- MECHANICALPERMI'F FEE SEISMICI-HE PERMIT ISSUANCE(WO FURCfRIC IEE aMrvcmmmtioned propeny for inspection purposes' agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against ACI' 1!R OR ADD'I'0 MHCH. PLUMBING 113EOle liuhili0e,,judgmm�rs, costs vndespouses which may in any way accrueugaind said City in mn.cyuencc of Ill. grunting..Ruts permil. AIR HANDLING ON IT(TO 10.NX)CFM) APPI. CANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILT. COMPLY WITH ALL. NON -POINT OU CF:REGU�\TION AIECHANICNJLE AIR HANDUNGUNR(OVEk 10.00fICPM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Z Signauvc of Applin+m/Com. t r Dol I=RI IJS MATERIA S DISCLOSURE EXIIAl15T HOOU(WNOQ1) IIOIJSING MI'fIGA'1lON VEE IIEATING UNIT(TO Indian, I,rLD Will theapplicam orfawn builiing+ecepant.lore or handle bazmJous nnmciA is AcrincJ by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety l IFNI'INO UNIT (OVER IOn.s l BTU) C..da, Section 25532(..)'! / El Yes 11J n,+ PAID VENT -1 LATION FAN (SI NCLE RF_SI Of Date Rme' 1M IiO11.ER-COMP(iHP OR IfM1,IXN1 B'IV) ' Will the app onto in furore building by tiro B use equipment.. devices which :ash hmord.us air contaminants undefnuf by the Buy Area Air Quality Mumgemem DL%viny �Yw l'Al: BOII.HIt- COMP(OVER 100.000 BTU) AIR CONDITIONER I have read the h:rsNoas material% requirements under Chooser 6,95 of the Cali- ISSUANCE DATE NEW I<HSIDENfIAI. MECH. SQ. R. forma Ilealth & Surdy Cade, Sections 25505, 25533 and 25534. 1 understanA That a the hldh+gdnes n,ournlly bavcalenam,lln+lu kury responsibilryto jushlyfle necnpam —7 -/� g9 he oflbe rvJyuircme whhi ustbe metprion once o(a CcZ hot 0,1Wncy. g�g25/J{ / I TOTAL^ ISSUED BY: wncr..r aurhnnn, agent Dme OFFICE