00090074CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: HIJ I LDING AUDI,ESS, PERMIT NO. 1 q744 STEVENS CREEK RIVD JEAN _ F 00090074 OWNER'S NAME. APPLICATION Still DN'I: F 09/1.3/2000 PHONE: SAN]IARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITIiCIIEN(IIN ER: - BU ILDINGPERMITINTO BLDG ELI!C'r Pl Ai MB MIKE u u I-1 u LICENSED CUNTRAC li DIiCLARA']10N Description I hcmhy affirm that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing .lob Dl nW with Scca ne 7fhn00 visiun 1 or the Bho n,ss and 1' ,rensiu Code, and'ny Ilec ,in fou h„me and `yep` lin `�e S is in ice Circe _V, TENANT IMPROVEMENT Unm-/..0 f cn:,ltncmr,i - ANCIIITEf. 'S't;l I undcotand my plans shall be acrd as punhr, rte, Licensed Puddsinnal OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I la rchy abin,'hut I ma annap, I'm ,the Cnn hour's Licence Low In the following moon. (Section 703115. moiness and Professions Loci Any city or county which maryims a permit to ennstmet. alter. improve, d,nrolish, or repair any .structure ,:msec its ionone,, alio marine, lie applicant to''such ".it m the a signed other en' Sq. Ft. Floor Areaa 'tion that he is licensed pneationorhe pmoismstf,he Comme,o/, License low(Chapter 9 (rnmmencing with Section 700Xr of Division 3 of the Business and Profcssimrs Gine( n an . Any viola now he is on pi b... I it d the basis for the alleged excnmtiontion 7 or Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit .subjects the applicant to a civil ,cruor, APN Number Oc Type maria more than rise mmnred dollars 6nan. panty 01. as nxner of tin pml,cny, ar in, cnWbyeev with rages as heir sol, compensation, al _ - - y Required Inspections will do the work. and he structure is not intended or olf�red for sale (Sec. '7044, Bus and Prnres s Cnde: rhe Cnmraewr's License I.aw ants not apply In an Who mune. nI property build., or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees. provided that such nnprovcme,m am net )mermen of 101. — FOUNDATION nffemd Ins all. 11, how,ver, the building m''mpmvc:n,nt Ice sold whnin one year of ompledim. the my 1,builder will have he Nordin of proving hal he did not Huila or _ 1,02 — PIERS In,pmvu fur pnrDsc of sale(. - 103 — UFER - 01.as anerol he property, mil exclusively contracting with beloved commehtsm namc he project (sec. -7044. Im and Prnrcns n, Codc;)'Me Con rail., 104 — RERA R , it for wch prnjens with a a,mnanrtv) IicenxJ punuent ws the and who contracts tracts f r Such torn nw'�:, ter a coneemenri d Bono i'npmuent t the and who 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS rt, Laces ❑loot ss rept and,. se,. ,n&rc his min rees„n 01 con cr m unde Set 106 — SEWER R. WATER O'ru D:uc 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING WORKIR S COMPENSATION DI AARAI ION 203 — UNDERFLOOR hIECHANICRL t hereby nfbm, notice pa'nnty of m,rianyoureof the following declambnnv: 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME I D ]have and will ...)main r Ccnilicmt or ,o sdfaborrt for Worker'stiro 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSI-ILATION 3700ConsentA trio"pct"saran, an ptns'.d11a 1br ny statin" rnln or n., Labor coat, for Bit perfon'nnce of the work for Which this intend is issued. 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING ❑1 have ami ,It mainnain Wmktr. C.... carafi i msmamle, a, m,nimd by S,mma �m =' — TUB R OR SHOWER 3700 ill the lamor Colic. fnr the vrknor on or the work tin which thin permit is J ar issued, MyWiCon,pensaannInsurance career and Policy nun,xram: 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL 1'eli`yNo: (,IfC?CJ/ canis°—AC—of2—P 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATION Or EXEMIll ION PROnf 15KI_JIS� Qt COMI'L'NSA'I'IONINSUItAN C7C.J (f � 305 — FRAME (Un,—,Iinnnhard rad M ourdemdifthepemor i,an he hundred dollars - 306 — HOLDf.IWNS 61081 or 1,,,.l 307 — INSULATION I clam y thin in he peru,rmanu, of he work for which his perm issued, 1 shall ren employ any is,asm, in an, mnnmr outs ,, seen ".e subject In'iLE .. kers 308 — SHEETROCK Cone'r sadner wxs or California. [)all Applicant 309 — EXTERIOR LATH NQrICIJ TO AI'PIACANI: M user u:aking this Cerliltcarc of l'annption, yin' ,bait WameembjeamheWorker.Comptnsmltmpravwom,ofheiniora,de.you mmt 310 — INTERIOR LATH forthwith comply with ,rich hoiont's ur Ili, permit shall be decme,l mvolod. 311 — SCRATCH COAT CONSTRUC] ION LGNUING AGENCY I hcmhy attlnn,hw them is a eno m Blind lending agency far the aerfmmema, 313 — ROOF NAIL of he work 1'or which thin unit is Iomal (See. 31„17, Cm C.) lae„Name m 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY I,eodc,'n Addhe,, 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY I certify that I have mad this apphcanon and slam hot the shave inmrmmlon is ca'rcm. I ngma u, co"sty'int all city and catmty ardournes and slam laws relating 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY to bolding entnuunion, radhereby molliz, represenurivex of hi, city,, enter upon he aW,ve-mentioned property rot inspemon pa post,. 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY W111))agree os:rve.' nl"noify updess the City of Cupertino a&airs, liabilities.] al, mors, casts and raptors may in a,ny way nam, against said 505 — FINAL ELECT R I CRI_ City in consequence ill ,he granting ill t . Penn", is IhLCOMI 51%1 Fs — s GAS TEST 0 -SAPPLICAsoOURCERIa1NAlZONA Issued by: Date ' L96 Re-roofs 508 — FINAL_ MECHANICAL T,LYWII,FI�LNON .'ignanuac nrApplicaUA/AR000S NIA'IERIAIS DISCLOSURl! Ddl, Will the aMlicant or room Wilding occupant %lore or handle hazahm mmedal Type of Roof ;is delinal by lieCupc,ino MunieiPal Cau, Chapter 9, 12, and he Headh and Sale y 509 — FINAL GRADE Gds Section 2553200! O ye, C1 No All roofs shall hbl i�ispect� II oto Eby r%bftil�g"Paterial being installed. Will he applicant or more Wilding occupant use equipm,m or devices Which }i' If a roof is instaiIlbtwiilic UtaORIOlit,5ni{{yI,{i�-a�l{inslj���kFi11Sl agree to remove emit hazardous air contaminants a, debned by he Ray Area Air Quality Management Pure,, all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with O Yes 0N all non-point source regulations. 1 hove mall thu numado onaerlal, rtgnirenand under Chapter 6.95 ill the Culilirmia Health&Safety e. Sections25505, 25533 and 25534.] understand, It., ifhe holding hila nor c ca meant. that i, is my respomibilitym notify the - acupnm ol'Ihumcntx whirl"nuns be ho PJur It, iauunue it u Ccnlbnec of Occupancy. Signature Applicant Date / of v All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better j Yi, lPre,oramW,ri,edu'ra OFFICE