0111000214 CITY'OF 1 TY OF CUPERTENO P'I I.M1 I AP'I"I I( AI Ick)\ FORM AP # 010 Date: OCT "� 12 6701 BuMng-Address: '-. ; GIL�7 2 -Sfiev PJ�� v�1. GCA(2 vfi "noe Owner's Name:Pone ZAWA-// f<A-COD 611 AJ #. `¢7—CSA-WA (00f) J`¢17— ontractor: Contractor: License #: I—II G 7 Z� 1-;2� Contact: 0 A l2 G Phone #:O Applicant/Contractor: , o,1ArL-I Boiler <=100,000 Btu B, ' emlit Info: ---� - fes' P Bldg Elect b f Mech Description: Residential: Commercial: 7iArtT�+11 N �T Sq.Ft. Floor Area:fS� Etr 47-C70-, 47.. - -- Arri-t2�ct/Engineer: Valuation: .a CD k -,Y? A h -,I) I PE, G506/ci 4 90 G6 0 Type of Construction: l i4C)U g Occupancy Group: uuauntfl Fee ID ]Fee De§esu tnon Fee Group BAPPLOTHER Other Appliances MECHANICAL BBLDGFEE Bldg Permits . foot BUILDING BBOILERI Boiler <=100,000 Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER2 Boiler > 100K to 500K Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER3 Boiler > 500K to 1M Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER4 Boiler > 1M to 1.75 M Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER5 Boiler > 1.75M Btu MECHANICAL BCONSTAX. .., Construction Tax BUILDING BCONSTAX Ind/Off/Comm/Quasi BUILDING BCONSTAXBQ Con. Tax for BQ Zone BUILDING BCONSTAXH Hotel and Motel BUILDING BCONSTAXR Constax — Resi/Mobile BUILDING BELEC 1000 Elec 600V-<-- 1000A ELECTRICAL BELEC1001 Elec 600V > 1000A ELECTRICAL BELEC200 Elec Svcs 600V <= 200A ELECTRICAL B ENIERGY )Ener BURLIDENG BENERGYADD Energy Add Multi BUILDING BINVESTIGA Investigation fee BUILDING I BMITIGATC Comm. Housing Mit. Fee BUILDING 1of3 �7 r; 7 �� i CI OF °PERMIT BUILDING DIVISION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO, 01110002 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE ISAWAI & LAWAN RACHOGAN OLA 11 Ol 2001 {PHONE:: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. P ARCHITECfIF,NGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO C BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF.CH w O L_1 U LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hmi7003by affirm shin l am apter mmeeeme provisionalrProfession, Job Description p of the Hones, and n, Code. and .isinsmmneandefOmLaom3onneBmam<ssandProressi°asabe.anamyrcen.e force and effect TI, �® THAI RESTAURANT. uice se License Class Lica One 'Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 understood my plans shall tvwed as public records UN 1.3..2002 - Licensed Professional DatNEWBUILDER DECe I hereby CardpIUN M. thin 1 am cBusin from the Contns d License for the ��LD�19G, . C : city o < following reason. (Seaton 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county whbl q pc trecnnamckpplic flier, p dorI'.h me $50000 --. _. _..__. lifeapplicantof f 'noicnse signed swmmcm x .peon t asranyswment S qq F[.rFloorArea- ), Valuation o nt to the — Nmh -Ice seep ono 00)ofhe Dswns RhcCommoner LccnseLawonsCcr9 Gadd (commencing thS-tmn7n0lnd tOvso3 Lith Business anaPn. the basis fnnbectsthalleged csempt'nn.Any violation Any vi anhufhe ii exempt zany .it 369060010.0'0 I:� Ak of nm on 7031.5 n iv any dr d doll fora permit subjecm the app—a....- applicant for ppnm to a civil penalty of or nor mom than five mmnama dollars ($50Y. APN Number - I. ,..-.•, Occupancy Type 101 - FOUNDATION proper v n > s pensa ❑I. as alone, of the rt. ore. employees wvnwa es as their side emo tion. will ne the work. ane ns swaure C not intended a en a ieredLaw odsor ndeno fsec: a a, annmeos Contractor's License Law encs not apply to an — - - Required Inspections' ownor of property Who builds or Improves thereon, and pro erty Who builds o im . encs wink miner 10 3 — UFER veo or through his own employe=d. provided Nat such improvements ale not intended or sum .... _. _ 104 — REBAR . _ offered [.,.aide If, howevd, the building or improvement n ,mid year of _ completion, the nwm lobo have the nu,aen nr Prnvmg thin nc did not build of he did not 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS improve for purpose of side.). or of side.). _ _--_- ------- _--...._ .. _... 1.06 -. SEWER .... &._WA ER .. .... _ ❑ I, as owner of the pngerry, inn esemaively cmnlrrvurg with lice emrac,nrs to constrict the Project (Sec 7634. Business and Profcssio q, e c°n,maora 2 02 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING = Liceme L w s not apply to a ner of pro n builds or improves thateon, 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL and who t s for such p ns wit ,memos) licensee pursuam ..to _ .. _ _.... ...... Comnao'd Lic se Law. 204 - UNDERFLOOR, FRAME m ! ❑ 1 aea under Sec; B P C for this mason Owner i / Dine/�' c9 of O� R'S COMPENFATION ECLAR ON 205 301 NSULATION - UNDERFLOOR I , - ROUGH PLUMBING I hercn under penalty ofperjury onirunne following deelmrtions: 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER 3 03 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1 halt and will maintain a Cmificom of Consent to'sdGinsum for worker's Compensation, as pr..idedfor by Section 37M or the Labor code. for he 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL performance ohne work for wnicn this permit is issued. 305 - FRAME ❑ 1 have and will maintain worker's Compensation Insurance, r required by Senior 3 0 6 - HOLDOWNS - 37W of the the work for which this perm, is Cattle, for the pInsurance My Mnsa Worker's .!f . wmker'demm Compensation Insurance .aPulianumb.r rr . .._.. 307. -. ,INSULATION_, _.,. cmd t _ 1PEMP`pI. - 308 I 1 I CERTIFICATION OF E%EMPTION FROM WORKERS:' COM1IPENSADONINSURANCE,' ' •. ., ,,,_ �, } O9_.,_ —"EXTERIOR -_,EXTERIOR._ LATH. ,_. _ _ _ _ --- (Tn Sectioniieednor n<eompletedifthepee.,tsforonehundreddollars (This 310'- INTERIOR LATH -• s ' 311 - SCRATCH COAT_ _ .. I certifybar in hemanee ,perforior the wmk for which his Peron is issued. 1 313 - -ROOF NAIL,; s coe subject the worker: Can, no( nnploy any person in any rammer so os m hemm rmpcnon.i. laws ofcatimmili. Date 501 • '' - FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY -Applicant502 NO110E TO APPLICANT: II, Cfter making this CcniBcmc of Exanptian, you xhnuld --FINAL PLUMBING' ENERGY " become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of labor Codc, you must 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY forthwith comply with such Provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY — - "•CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hemlijaniffinor that then is a conswction lending agency for the performance 5 0 5 - FINAL ELECTRICAL " of the work for which this Permit is issued fsec. 309]. Civ. C.I 506 GAS TEST p Loneer'aNamc^>-,:...�-„:.,......• <naprsnaandd 507 -- - FINAL PLUMBING , Icertirrthat ihave naamidapprca6omamasmr<mmmeawstinrormanonis 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL icer. I agree t ropy th CII cur aha county oreinonces and sure law: rcleting j mbuildthgc .vection. andherebyaarhodre representatives ofthis dry to enter upon -509 - FINAL GRADE the aMw cntioncd,prapcny for inspcmion ,pose..,, �(Wc).8maldswe:mdcmm an hmmlcss the City of Cupertino against '' "� 510 - FINAL PLANNING liab'liiies, judgmcn oat end pen ich rosy m eny way seine egeian saiG C' in consequ - f the eon g o .i perms. 514 - NA P WORKS Q �� A'I' ICAN N RSTAND q ILLCOMP{A H LLN - ONT' Issued b DllIC Sign or A -comic to or • :�. ,. . ,D = Re -roofs HA OUS ill RIALS DISCLOSURE d eapplic (.In filing.,ofcore or handle hazardous mmcrod Type of Roof ... - - •. f y the Cu o u p I Cade Chapter 9.12. and the Health and Safety, f °tat for 255. , ❑las! No �•� s1. lea + m, : ” I s, t I _All roofs Shall r tir be inspected prior to any,riiofing material being installed... w'uth phcan, or future building receptoruse equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an'inspection, I agree to remove =mit hexa do it emomminants as d fined by ire Bay Arca A Q al ty Management Diulo" all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with oYed,o&no all non-point`souice regulations. halt read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 695 of Ne CaliPomia Heald & S.mty C lions 25505, 25533 and 25534. I understand that if the huiMinBd c note amwnk that it is my T<sponsin0ity to nrlify the - "- - cupant oft ' e taus 'ech most be met pri-nmissaenci of a Certificate of Date Signature of Applicant All roof coverings to be Class `B" or better c {a M1�d est ate i