04090120B mpZO x zb� 3 0 U �00 t- LZ fin 1 1 1 1 E W Ucr, CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT C4�V4.""'M R`�INFORMATIYON ..�'�R";ax''sd BulLDINGADDRESS: PALISADE BUILDERS INC 111111 N'04090120 1503 STPVP.NLq CRK If 110 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE CUPERTINO HOUSING PARTNERS 909 ALMA qTRPRT n4/2n/9.nnc; E: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (650)470-4700 ARCHITCCDENGINBER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BO EO PLO MECH O LICENSED CONTRACT'OR'S DECLARATION Job Description 1 hereby affirm that i am licensed under provisions or Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7010) of Division 3 o dm Business and Profession, Code, arW my license is nan dcttueLueneCla6 NEW CONDO -1487 SQ. FT. ueg Data �-a t+ s Cr ARCHIIECI•SDECLARATION 1 unMrsund m plw shall W u I rtwrN Licensed Profes,onal OWNER -B ILDER DECLARATION I hereby a(mm that i am exempt from the Contractors License law for the following reason. (Sudan 7031.5. Business and Profession Code: Any city ar county which rtyulrts a permit W cantrucl, alter, narrow. demoull, or mpolr any mroctum prior In its luuance, also acquires the applicant for such Ismail to file a signed sou rem Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation the m is licensed punuanuo the provision of the Cannot License Law (Chapter9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profwions Cade) or 17 •� 13 5 thin he k exempt themfrom and the basis for the alleged escmptlon. Any violation of APN Number Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant far a permWubjecu the applicant o a civil penalty of not mart tun live hundred dollars (5500) ❑ 1. as owner of the property. or my empioycm with wages as them sole compensivan, 31620084 00Required actions e will do the work. and umawcmmisan, intended oroffered far sale (See.7044,Business and Profess am Code: The Co use art License Law deal not apply W an owner of 9 P property who WIIN or improves therace. and who does such work himself or through hts awn employee, provided Nn such improvements am not intended aroQertd 1. ale. It, however, the Wilding or improvement is cold within ane year of completion, the awms- Wllder will have the WWan of proving Out he did not Mid or Improve for purpose of ask.). ❑ 1. as comer of lax property am exclusively contracting with licarm d eontneton ro construct the project (Sec. 71114. Ballroom and Profession Cade:) The Conuanner'a Li- cence taw does not apply W an owner of property who Wilds or impows thereon, ted , who contracts for such projects with a eontractm(s) licensed purwm W the Contractors License law. ❑ lameaemptunder See ,BAPCfmatsreum Owner Dau WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby aMan under penalty of perjury one of Ou fallowing dectantlau: Nm and will maintain a CeNOm a of Content W Ulf -insure far WerkeraCompn- u Ion, u provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the Performance of the wmkfor which ibis permit is issued. on Insurance, yuimd by Section ❑ 1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation re 1700 of the labor Cade. for the performance cram work for which this permit is Issued. My Workers Compenatian Inu•wn�nce carrier and Policy number am: Carder. Ith4S` y!kV _ 7" Porky No:62 AfS301— CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This medoe heed trot haeoaplcmd if tlx permit Is fmone hundred dollars (SIM) or less) 1 octal, shot in ac prfotnance of the work for which this Permit is issued. I sba11 net employ any Kron In try manneran as W became subject to the Workcn' Compewtion Laws of California. Data Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. after making this Cenirmam of Exemption, you should become subject to the Worker's Compinse tion previsions of the Labor Code. you mum foMwia comply with such provision or this Permit mhall ha deemed mwked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I totally affirm that them Is construction lending agency for the perfurmanu of the walk for which this permit Is issued (Su. 3097, Civ, C.) Lenders Name lenders Acidness I certify that I have read this application and sum that the show information is ' cozen 1 agra W comply with all city and county ordinances and sum law relating W Wilding construction, and hamby sotharin rtprtxnutiw of this city in enter ups the above-mentimed property fp inspection pnrmd• (We) agree W save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, cos, and expenses which may in any way aura against laid City In consequence of the Sranting of this permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. _ 4 ZZ Re -roofs Type of Roof Signature of ApplicanUUQQ n amr —fir Dam HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will 00 applicant or futum building occupammae or handle hvardous material v deRned by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.17, and he Health and Safety ode. Section 2553x(.)7 Cl Yet No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, l agree to remove Will Lha applicant or forum building Occupant use eyuipmcnt or devices which I hit tardnu, air comaminanas u defined by he Bay Arts itQuality Management all new materials for inspection. imaict7 ❑Yes patvu I haw read the hvardrear renals mituirtmcnu under Chapurli.95 ofthe Calier. nets HulthhSafoyCode.Smnma255U5,25533"25534.1unhrsu "Iftie Wilding does mat currently how a mart, that it i, my nspoauibility W madly the oocuPanl of the mquirtments wnleh mum W met prior W iwance of a OmOrNamar Occupanq. Signature of Applicant Date , All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owner or utharind agent Dale